blackrock orc names

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blackrock orc names

Several orcs in the new Horde, including Mok, Mokasa, General Krakork, Overlord Or'barokh, Armorer Orkuruk, General Ushet Wolfbarger, and Nassar, have the same skin color as Blackrock orcs, but it is not outright stated whether or not they are members of the clan. He precipitated the War of the Dwarves and Orcs in T.A. Rend and Maim ruled the Spire, in constant conflict with the Dark Iron dwarves over control of the stronghold. The adventurer proceeded to burn down large parts of the army from atop the back of a dragon cloaked in obsidian ash to make it appear as a member of the black dragonflight. [33] King Magni was not personally concerned by the Blackrocks. [42] Reginald was eventually freed and would go on to unmask Katrana Prestor as being the black dragon Onyxia, sister of Nefarian, though he paid for it with his life. Orc name generator - World of Warcraft . [89] Additionally, the adventurer delivered the dragon whelps rescued from the Whelping Downs to the red dragon Acridostrasz. Destroy the Alliance and conquer Azeroth. Alternatively, they could still be alive and a part of the Horde following Garrosh's fall. Madness at the Darkmoon Faire: Old Gods (C'thun | N'Zoth | Y'Shaarj | Yogg-Saron). The Blackrock clan lorded over much of Gorgrond and remained in their ancestral caves to study the earth around them. In Blackrock Spire, Warchief Dal'rend had found a new home for his people. While many of them thought it was just luck, the reality was different. my brothers are preparing! Blackrock orcs commandeered the forges of Stormwind City, but many of them were in ruins due to the fire that had raged through the city. Meanwhile, the most powerful Blackrock warlocks were sent to the other clans to artificially age adolescent orcs much as they had done with their own clan's youths. However, when they discovered that the black dragonflight were the ones controlling the orcs and fueling them with rage and hostility, an adventurer was sent to warn Magistrate Solomon in Lakeshire. Blackrock Orcs (referred to as the Blackrock Clan in lore) is a hostile faction of orc from the World of Warcraft universe, who abandoned Thrall's new vision of a more civilized Horde in favor of demon-worship and guerrilla warfare against the Alliance. It contains four high-level instances: Blackrock Depths Molten Core Blackrock Spire Blackwing Lair 1 Geography 1.1 Subregions 1.2 Dungeons 1.3 Regions adjacent to Blackrock … [92] Finally, High Warlock Xi'lun, located in a cave atop Dreadmaul Rock, was expecting a delivery of a magical Orb of Domination from Ner'gosh the Shadow, which he would be able to use in a powerful summoning ritual. The Witchwood: Hagatha the Witch | Splintergraft | Arugal | Shudderwock | Glinda Crowskin | Lord Vincent Godfrey | Captain Shivers | Infinite Toki Female orc names as well as male orc names can be generated. Hi I need some help in naming my Orc shaman as I'm kind of out of ideas. However, Troteman warned that the Company had walked into a trap, and suddenly the black dragon Darkblaze, the true form of Grand Magus Doane, appeared in the distance. Among their ranks it counted peons, grunts, raiders, troll headhunters, ogre magi, catapults, warlocks, goblin sappers, goblin zeppelins, red dragons, a slave master, blademasters, and far seers. This zone is deceptively small, and appears empty when first entered. Passive Investment. Blackrock orcs in the new Horde during the Third War. The black dragon Nefarian, son of Deathwing, gained the servitude of the Blackrock orcs[24] and asserted dominion over the Spire, with Dal'rend under his command. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Name Faction Race Class Level Talent Achievement Guild Last modified Cho'gall | Archbishop Benedictus | Warmaster Blackhorn, Burning Legion Gul'dan met with Blackhand and promised that if he took up the mantle of Warchief, his shaman would wield power again, his soldiers would become mightier than the other clans and he himself would be remembered as the greatest orc leader to ever live. From there they maraud the areas north of Lakeshire and keep its citizens in town, penned like cattle. Notable members of the Blackrock clan include Orgrim Doomhammer, Blackhand the Destroyer, Rend Blackhand, and Maim Blackhand, among others. Several orcs were placed in the Rethban Caverns under the direct command of the gnoll leader, Yowler. [40][41] Solomon sent the adventurer back to the Burning Steppes, where they began investigating the disappearance of Marshal Reginald Windsor, the commanding officer of an Alliance squad that had been gathering large amounts of intelligence about the Blackrocks. Shortly prior to the Third War, the Blackrock forces in southern Lordaeron re-embraced their demon-worshipping heritage and became a major problem for the Alliance. [96], Acride later made it into Blackrock Spire, disguised as a Blackrock orc, in order to halt Nefarian's efforts. Type of Villains The Blackrock Clan was an orc faction. According to him, the orcs were fighting a losing war and would eventually die off. To accomplish this, however, he first had to enlist adventurers to dispose of Nefarian's Dark Horde underlings. See more ideas about fantasy races, fantasy characters, character art. Troteman and Eitrigg expressed concern over Kaoshin's words, as they had not know the attack on Redridge would occur so soon. [51] They took over and began burning down the Northshire Vineyards, planning their final assault against the human defenders. Thorg'izog, who had relocated to the Firegut Furnace, received a package of worg meat marinated in "fel slider cider" from the Altar of Storms, which he proceeded to distribute among the ogres. Powers/Skills The Alliance Hello! It is unclear what happened to the rest of the Blackrocks, but it could be speculated that they sided with Garrosh, joining the Kor'kron and perishing during the Siege of Orgrimmar, just like Malkorok. It can be speculated that the reason for the skin color being due to dwelling underground is still a valid explanation, but that it was a trait the Blackrocks always had due to dwelling in the caverns and mountains of Gorgrond rather than it being a trait they developed recently in Blackrock Mountain. 200 Male Orc Names … [13] After Gul'dan created the necromantic horrors known as the death knights, Orgrim ordered members of the Blackrock clan to keep a close watch on the undead beings; the Warchief secretly planned to destroy Gul'dan and his new soldiers after the Horde had secured victory. The story that they invaded from draenor and set up base in the blackrock spire came later (WC2) and that's when Blizzard had to decide why the thing was named like them (since the humans also refered to it as blackrock … Warcraft The clan's forces achieved a number of victories during the Second War, though the betrayal of Gul'dan forced Doomhammer to divide his forces and send a part of the clan to hunt him down and slaughter his followers. Evil Organization Before long, thick smoke blanketed the region, and blacksmiths distributed newly wrought armaments and siege weapons throughout the Horde in preparation for an assault on Lordaeron to the north. The outrunners were led by a vicious, crafty orc named Tharil'zun. Blackrock Orcs The Blackrock Orcs are also one of the many pawns being utilized by the black dragon Nefarian to undermine the human capital of Stormwind. 1 Biography 1.1 WarCraft: The Beginning 2 See also 3 References After the battles with the Red … He also became a leader of the Kor'kron who began acting akin to a secret police, ensuring the loyalty of other Horde races (and, in some cases, orcs), while abducting, brutalizing, and in some cases even murdering those they deemed treasonous or troublesome. During that time period, it was one of the largest and most feared of the orc clans however their … Following the Horde's defeat, parts of the Blackrock clan were placed in internment camps and later joined Thrall's Horde once freed, whilst the remaining free Blackrocks joined forces with Blackhand's sons, Rend and Maim, in what would become known as the Dark Horde at Blackrock Mountain. [94] The Big Three all survived the attack; Thorg'izog returned to the Firegut Furnace, Neeralak retreated to the cave on the mountain's peak and Xi'lun hid in the back of the Skull Warren with his fellow warlocks. [9], Blackhand ordered his Blackrock masons to begin construction of a capital, known as the Citadel, in western Tanaan Jungle. This came as a shock, as it was previously thought within the Horde that Dal'rend had been slain decades earlier. [55] In order to prevent the impending orc assault, Magistrate Solomon and Colonel Troteman turned to the renowned war veteran John J. Keeshan. [98], The Blackrocks were known for their strict military discipline[9] and extremely regimented society. Since the orcs had destroyed the bridge leading to Stonewatch Keep, the humans had to either head north through Alther's Mill, cutting their way through an army of worgs, or south through Render's Valley, which was described by Jorgensen as a death trap. Ogre: Imperator Mar'gok The Blackrock ground forces in the Burning Steppes are led by the so-called "Big Three": At some points, members of the clan stole the, The Blackrock clan was described as a young clan in the, In older lore, the clan was also chosen at the start of the, The Blackrock clan was the main faction of orcs in. When the way was clear, the orcs snuck back into Blackrock Spire and took control of the stronghold,[17] when a bargain was struck between the Dark Irons and the Balckrocks; the dwarves descended even deeper into the mountain, while the orcs occupied the higher levels. The Blackrocks themselves were among the clans that would make up the Horde's main fighting force, leading direct assaults on draenei settlements and forming the backbone of the orcish army. [26] Lakeshire's magistrate, Solomon, sent envoys north to Ironforge to request King Magni's aid against the Blackrock incursions. Blackhand agreed to lead the Horde, and Gul'dan promised to include the Blackrock chieftain as a member of the newly-formed Shadow Council, though in truth this was merely a tactic to make the Warchief believe he would hold authority over all aspects of the Horde. The three of them oversaw the Blackrock war machine as smiths slaved away at their forges in Gorgrond day and night, crafting thousands of new weapons, armor and siege engines for the clans. [3][11][12], Although years of war had reduced their numbers, the Blackrock clan remained the strongest within the Horde, and they continued to dictate the course of the war, intimidating the lesser clans within the Horde into following Orgrim's lead. The Blackrock orcs have travelled from the Burning Steppes and claimed Stonewatch Keep to the north. (Rafaam | Madame Lazul | Hagatha the Witch | Dr. Boom | King Togwaggle | Rakanishu | Vessina | Ol' Barkeye | Kriziki | Captain Eudora | Squeamlish | Mr. Chu | Tekahn | George the Fallen | Lackeys) A piece of artwork of a Blackrock orc in the Burning Steppes also depicts green skin rather than gray. [35], The Horde traitor Grark Lorkrub was found to be giving the Blackrock orcs vital information about the Kargath Expeditionary Force's day to day operations and began hiding amongst the Blackrock forces in the Burning Steppes. Gul'dan addressed the gathered orcs once more and convinced them that they needed a single military leader and that Blackhand, who had led his clan to victory after victory against the draenei, was best suited for the role. [4], Roughly 800 years before the First War, the orcs began to migrate out of Gorgrond, but many orcs chose to remain in the region and gradually formed several distinct clans. Curse of Naxxramas: Kel'Thuzad | Baron Rivendare | Thaddius | Grand Widow Faerlina | Gothik the Harvester | Noth the Plaguebringer | Heigan the Unclean During the Third War, a faction of the clan in Lordaeron attempted to revive their old demon-worshipping traditions but were thwarted by the Alliance of Lordaeron and, later, the Scourge. During that time period, it was one of the largest and most feared of the orc clans however their … [39] Since Lady Katrana Prestor refused to help, Bolvar instead empowered the adventurer as an acting deputy of Stormwind; if they managed to find proof of the black dragonflight's involvement with the Blackrock orcs, Bolvar would send military aid to Lakeshire. [2] Orgrim Doomhammer had long sought to erase the corruption that had damned his people, and when Gul'dan fell into a coma he challenged Warchief Blackhand to a mak'gora duel. The Blackrocks of the Dark Horde initially did not join Thrall's new Horde, instead choosing to pursue their own, darker path under Rend's leadership, but many of them were later granted amnesty by the then-Warchief Garrosh Hellscream and recruited into his ranks. [83] After the hero proved their worth by defeating Magma Lord Kolob,[84] Thorg'izog tasked them with cudgeling the troops outside the stronghold as a way to keep them focused and obedient. [28] The Blackrocks enlisted shadowcasters, equipped with midnight orbs, to aid their attacks in Redridge,[31] while outrunners and renegades ran ambushes between Lakeshire and Stonewatch. However, Keeshan's body was never found. Some orcs still hang on to the arcane practices of the past, but their time is fading. Unknown Among their ranks it counted peons, grunts, raiders, troll headhunters, ogre magi, catapults, warlocks, goblin sappers, goblin zeppelins, red dragons, a slave master, blademasters, and far seers. At that time, Orgrim was haunted by the prophecy that said that the last of the Doomhammer line would use the weapon to doom his people, and brought the hammer back to the place where it was for… [27] Once, the clan staged a ruthless offensive on Lakeshire itself, killing many humans and destroying the bridge spanning Lake Everstill. [5] The first of the orc clans to master the art of shaping their namesake metal, the Blackrock preferred to wield blunt weaponry in battle to honor their ancestors. Orgrim ended the contest when he crushed Blackhand's skull with the Doomhammer, after which he was declared the new Warchief of the Horde and chieftain of the Blackrock clan. you killed orcs!!! To win Blackhand's support, Gul'dan trained some of the Blackrock shaman in the ways of fel magic and taught them how to rapidly grow adolescent orcs to adulthood by imbuing them with fel power. The Blackrocks and their chieftain were seen as masters of fel magic and were treated with immense reverence. Upon encountering the undead, the Blackrocks proclaimed that the Legion had sent the dead to test them. The next year, Gul'dan called for a gathering of the chieftains and their shaman at Oshu'gun. The adventurer was sent to kill all three, finally putting a stop to the Blackrocks' invasion plans. However, as Keeshan refused to help, Alliance adventurers were tasked with rousing him from his stupor by retrieving Keeshan's armor and personal possessions from Alther's Mill and Render's Camp[56][57] as well as rescue the various members of Keeshan's battalion, the Bravo Company, from orcish captivity in several locations around Redridge. Lordaeron: Garithos | Aedelas Blackmoore | Captain Skarloc | Lieutenant Drake Scholomance Academy: Kel'Thuzad | Darkmaster Gandling | Ras Frostwhisper | Vectus | Theolen Krastinov | Instructor Malicia | Rattlegore Blackrock Mountain: Nefarian | Rend Blackhand | General Drakkisath | Maloriak me kills humans, elves, gnomes and dwarfies!!! [16], After the Horde's final defeat at Blackrock Mountain, the forces of the Black Tooth Grin clan under the leadership of Dal'rend and Maim Blackhand gathered with other Horde survivors, mainly from the Blackrock clan, and waited until the Alliance had pulled its forces out of the region. During a war conference atop Dreadmaul Rock, Thorg'izog revealed that he was feeling ill due to "something he ate", and he couldn't promote any of his sergeants since they had all been killed in various freak accidents. They appeared as a hostile faction in The Defense of Strahnbrad, Blackrock and Roll, and Blackrock & Roll, Too!. Kilrogg Deadeye and the Bleeding Hollow ignored them, but the Dragonmaw clan pledged their support and offered to give some of their enslaved dragons to the forces at Blackrock if they were ever needed. [19] Dal'rend and Maim despised Orgrim for having killed their father, Blackhand, and blamed him for the Horde's defeat. The Blackrock Clan was an orc faction. Send all your forces to attack the Blackrock Warriors base — southeast-most orc base (from your main base). [47] Goblin assassins were hired to kill the human soldiers and ambush a battalion stationed behind the abbey. Origin Kill these Blackrock … Like the Warsongs of Nagrand, the Blackrocks had long clashed with local ogre populations. [99] On Draenor, the clan studied the earth around them, developing their knowledge of metallurgy and smithing. The Blackrock clan is a prominent orcish clan originally hailing from the caverns of Gorgrond. When Arthas asked how the demon-worshipping orcs fit into the relationship between the Burning Legion and the Scourge, Kel'Thuzad explained that it was a very complicated matter, but that, simply put, the orcs no longer held any favor with the Legion. Before long, the dragon succumbed to his wounds and fell into the lake, taking Keeshan with him. Neeralak said that the "imps" he had received had woken up and started shooting fireballs at everyone in the Skull Warren, and that dozens of his dragons had been killed when two enemies swept through the front lines. During that time period, it was one of the largest and most feared of the orc clans however their … [100], The Blackrock clan originally used the naturally occurring elemental-fueled infernos of ancient Draenor to shape and harden their namesake ore. A shaman could use these bellows to channel the power of a fire spirit directly to a blast furnace, allowing the Blackrock to set up forges anywhere. Arthas helped repel a Blackrock attack on the defenseless village of Strahnbrad, slaying the Blackrock Slave Master, but not before the orcs managed to haul off several villagers to their nearby encampment. I've got a simple request. Rastakhan's Rumble: Zul'jin | Hex Lord Malacrass | Hakkar the Soulflayer The Blackrock warlocks demonstrated their strength by siphoning the life from draenei captives and burning them from the inside out, and powerless shaman from all clans pleaded with the Blackrocks to teach them their fel secrets. [67] The Bravo Company proceeded to head to Stonewatch to put an end to the Blackrock high command and the orc invasion, confronting and killing both Tharil'zun and Gath'Ilzogg (who had now somehow become death knights). Once Kurtok was slain, peasants were sent to the pass in an attempt to seal the passage so that no more orcs could come through. Notable members of the Blackrock clan include Orgrim Doomhammer, Blackhand the Destroyer, Rend Blackhand, and Maim Blackhand, … [45][46] Battle worgs were sent against the defenders of Northshire Abbey[45] while spies peered at the human forces from the valley's northwestern forests. Me name Moghar. To their allies, they are noble and honorable, following the traditions of a rediscovered past. To the young orc, the name … Commanders [53] The orcs also gave Ardo Dirtpaw a magical orb which allowed him to control the local ettins. Surtruk was born in Blackrock Mountain some time after the Fall of Stormwind. [21][22], Months later, as the Legion-controlled undead Scourge ravaged Lordaeron, an encampment of Blackrock orcs led by Jubei'Thos and various blademasters and far seers maintained a functional Demon Gate near the Alterac Mountains. The Blackrock Orcs are also one of the many pawns being utilized by the black dragon Nefarian to undermine the human capital of Stormwind. Forsaken: Sylvanas Windrunner | Grand Apothecary Putress | Brothogg the Slavemaster | Calder Gray | Castillian | Hagara the Stormbinder | Stalvan Mistmantle | Apothecary Keever I would like to know what to think on when you name a orc by the lore and with the inf… This site makes extensive use of JavaScript. [71][72], At the Whelping Downs, the orcs chained baby dragons of various flights to the ground, preparing them for the twisted experiments of their dark master, Nefarian. Discover orcish names for orc warlocks, mages, monks and death knights too. Full Name The Boomsday Project: Dr. Boom | Boommaster Flark There are 4 Ogre Magi, 2 … It can be a massive demonstration of orc strength, as evidenced by the Warsong and Blackrock Clans, or simply a tough group brought together by the actions of one individual, like the … For years, the clan had many victories under the guidance of their powerful leader. [103], Male orcs of the Blackrock clan never cut their hair until they came of age, at which point their head was shaved and their role in the clan's society was determined. Black orcs is a term and placeholder name for the gray-colored orcs of the Blackrock clan often also called Blackrock orcs. [19] Thrall proceeded to send adventurers to Blackrock Spire and ordered them to retrieve Rend's head in the name of the Horde. On Draenor, they were known for their strict military discipline and skills in mining and … Darkblaze asked the Bravo Company if they had truly believed that the orcs had the presence of mind to plan such a large-scale invasion, before declaring that they would die as an offering to Deathwing as the march upon Stormwind began. The brothers now planned to reforge the Horde as they saw fit and gradually reached out to other large groups of survivors. The adventurer was sent to Orgrimmar to learn what Eitrigg knew about the Blackrocks before conferring with Warchief Thrall to find out what he wished to do about this problem. Mean Streets of Gadgetzan: Don Han'Cho | Aya Blackpaw | Kazakus Blackrock Mountain is a zone between the Burning Steppes and the Searing Gorge, linking the two regions. The forces of the Blackrock clan were fanatically loyal to Doomhammer and would serve him with their lives. [93], Once all three packages had been delivered, the battle was ready to start. Chieftain Blackhand was the only orc Gul'dan knew of who possessed the strength and confidence to exert control over the Horde. Disagreements over battle tactics between rival chieftains often led to infighting, and the orcs had little success with attacking large draenei settlements. [36] The black drake Kalaran deceived adventurers into helping him and sabotaging the Dark Irons in the Searing Gorge, proclaiming that the "legions of Blackrock" would soon invade and lay waste to the gorge.[37]. Dranosh Saurfang on the other hand, has brown skin. However, the Lightbringer reassured the prince that the orcs were simply trying to hold on to dying traditions and that their demons had been defeated a long time ago. Lich King/Arthas Menethil | Kel'Thuzad | Anub'arak | Sindragosa | Dar'Khan Drathir | Blood-Queen Lana'thel | Ymiron | Overlord Drakuru | Arugal | Amnennar the Coldbringer | Four Horsemen | Highlord Mograine | Baron Rivendare | Ras Frostwhisper | Gothik the Harvester | Masophet the Black | Mirdoran the Fallen | Noth the Plaguebringer | Orbaz Bloodbane | Abomination Once they learned the secrets of the unique blackrock ore scattered throughout Gorgrond, the orcs were able to create astonishing tools and weapons. The disguised adventurer managed to convince Neeralak that the sleeping flamekin were imps. The Blackrock clan was an orc clan best known for leading the charge during the First War and Second War. [91] The second package contained several sleeping flamekin — a brand of fire demon which, to the untrained eye, would look identical to warlock imps — and was delivered to the Skull Warren, a cave where the warlocks of the Blackrock clan often practiced their magic. Gilneas: Lord Vincent Godfrey The undead, the Blackrock clan are fanatically loyal to the north Ironforge to request Magni! Several orcs were placed in the name of Ragnaros well as male orc names as they are and... Had always found the weak point of the Dwarves and orcs in the RTS games impressed with the Irons., Darkblaze incinerated most of the First and Second War started they led the First and Second War they. Is inconsistently depicted some orcs still hang on to the north were known for their strict military [... 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