nashoba regional school district superintendent

nashoba regional school district superintendent

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nashoba regional school district superintendent

439670 Hwy 144 East Nashoba, Oklahoma 74558 Phone: 918-755-4343 Fax: 918-755 . Getting Started. She was also previously superintendent in the Ashland and Winchendon school districts. The only rooms that did not, the locker rooms, will not be used. In a press release sent to local media, the Nashoba Regional School District announced that Superintendent Brooke Clenchy has tendered her resignation, effective at the end of this school year. . As a principal, I aspire to promote and develop a school culture where high academic standards and innovative instruction are balanced with a whole child perspective, where positive behavior is modeled and celebrated, and where faculty and staff feel supported and rejuvenated in their professional work,Boynton said. The announcement came fromNashoba Regional School District Superintendent Brooke Clenchy. She holds a masters degree of arts in educational administration/curriculum from Gonzaga University in Spokane, Wash. Lindahl, Briere, and regional committee chair Chris Easley will negotiate a one-year contract for Clenchys services. More than 1,400 people respond to survey to change Nashoba mascot, Nashoba School Committee votes to retire Chieftain logo, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. Nashoba Regional School District. In March, 1953, Stow withdrew from the district, although it later rejoined. Child Find; Content area teams under the direction of curriculum specialists have worked extremely hard to insure that the district's curriculum is aligned properly with the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks. The Nashoba Regional School District is a school district that is based in Bolton, Massachusetts and also serves the towns of Lancaster and Stow. That search process began in January. A major emphasis of the district's professional development plan is on curriculum and instruction. Superintendent's Office Business and Finance Facilities Health Services Human Resources Nutrition Services Pupil Personnel Services Teaching and Learning Technology School Committee School Committee Members School Committee Members Terms of Office Calendars 2022-2023 SC Planning Calendar 2022-2023 School Year Calendar Educate All Students To Their Full Potential Dr. Curtis Bates, Interim Superintendent George P. King, Jr, Assistant . Association of School Committees), NESDEC (National School Development Council) and Hazard, Young, Attea and Associates. The area is also home to excellent golf courses, both public and private. She didnt seem to flinch.. I look forward to leading NRHS and serving the students and families of Bolton, Lancaster and Stow.. After listening to comments about Brooke from my fellow regional members and Union 54, he said, I am very comfortable with Brooke.. [2], As transportation became easier in the early 1900s, this early school district system was done away with completely, replacing the local primary schools with ones for entire towns Stow opened Union School in 1902. In a press release sent to local media, the Nashoba Regional School District announced that Superintendent Brooke Clenchy has tendered her resignation, effective at the end of this school year. ", Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. . She was also previously superintendent in the Ashland and Winchendon school districts. [22], In 2013, the district instituted a bring your own device program, allowing high school students to bring their personal electronic devices for use in education. We are extremely grateful for the communitys support in this process and I am proud that so many students played a significant role in finding our new name.. ORLEANS Pending contract negotiations, Nashoba Regional School District Superintendent Brooke Clenchy will serve as interim superintendent of the Nauset Regional School District for the 2021-22 school year. Nashoba names Kirk Downing to be the next superintendent Jan Gottesman The Item View Comments 0:05 1:07 BOLTON - Two of the three finalists for Nashoba Regional School Committee were. The vote April 7 followed a thoughtful, collaborative process to explore mascot ideas from the broader school community and to retire the Chieftains nickname. [18][21] Other security measures, like a buzzer by the entrance, have also been implemented. The Nashoba Regional School District (Nashoba District or NRSD) is a school district that is based in Bolton, Massachusetts (USA) and also serves the towns of Lancaster and Stow. Nashoba Regional School District superintendent. She served as a senior associate commissioner with the state . Also included was the resignation letter sent to the School Committee by Clenchy. Related Links: Nashoba Valley Regional Vocational Technical. They are supported and assisted in the classroom by approximately 110 certified and non-certified tutors and aides. Wood presented the letter at the Oct. 28 School Committee meeting. "In that time, with the support of the School Committee, my team and I have been able to create tremendous stability, even as the COVID-19 pandemic over the last eleven months has threatened the health and economic security of residents across the District's three communities. She was the first person who said, Brooke, you take this little group of students over here, and I want you to work them on this. That initial inspiration has driven me all those years later. Clenchy also cited the daily inspiration of her staff, communities, and students. District Calendar . Monday is posted for 6 [/,/ to reorganize the committee before the 7 p.m. Interview. 01 Mar. (Feb. 3, 2021) The Nashoba Regional School Committee voted to accept Nashoba Regional School District Superintendent Brooke Clenchys resignation, which was provided pursuant to Section9 of her employment contract. "Twenty percent of the student body is in special education," Gleason said. Her communication style was really important. Clenchy has led Nashoba since 2016. The three picturesque and attractive communities are located 20 miles northeast of Worcester, and 40 miles west of Boston, with easy access off Interstates 495 and 190. Current Superintendent Brooke Clenchy gave her notice in February and her final day is May 28. The school used the building and grounds of Stow Academy until 1903, when the building was rebuilt. The Committee then held student voice sessions, inviting all high school and middle school students to join the virtual meetings to brainstorm ideas to further narrow the choices to two options - the Wolves or the Golden Bears. The academy closed down about twenty years later, likely because the other area schools had improved in quality. In addition to her academics, Clack has worked with a couple of her friends to form a non-profit organization, Cones for the Climate, to promote environmental change and raise money for environmental groups, including OAR. The form sets a 925-student design capacity. Nashoba Regional School District Central Office 50 Mechanic Street Bolton, MA 01740 Main Phone: 978-779-0539 Fax: 978-779-5537 Kirk Downing, Ext. In a press release sent to local media, the Nashoba Regional School District announced that Superintendent Brooke Clenchy has tendered her resignation, effective at the end of this school year. It has taught us that we can leverage technology to deliver education that is comparable to in-person learning.". Clenchy was appointed superintendent of the Nashoba Regional School District in August 2016, after serving as Senior Associate Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and previously as superintendent in the Ashland and Winchendon school districts. The district is studying getting kindergarteners back into classrooms and this week sent a survey out to parents. The process included the chairman asking members if they wanted some individual questions included or not, using a thumbs up to the straw vote, though the members were not visible to the public view of the meeting on YouTube to determine who voted for or against each. She further considered feedback gathered from three community roundtables where faculty and staff, parents, and students could speak with the finalists. On April 12, Clenchy was named the interim superintendent of the Nauset schools. More:Nashoba School Committee votes to retire Chieftain logo. After the layoffs, the libraries at the schools were run by volunteers, including retired librarians and the former librarians. [20], In 2012, the district began hiring part-time armed school resource officers to work part time in the high school to help both educate the students in safety and directly protect students from threats. The other finalist was Beth Choquette, principal of Bridge Street School in Northampton. BOLTON - After more than a year, a permanent principal has been named at Nashoba Regional High School, effective July 1. She anticipates completing a doctorate in education from UMass Lowell this spring. The Nashoba Regional School District was established in March, 1951 and was originally planned to serve about 400 students. February 24, 2023 at 4:00 a.m. They will then finalize the logo and a brand guide for the high school, while the Mascot Committee collaborates with the high schools Marketing & Community Partnership class to create other mascot collateral. Students came to this school from across Massachusetts, New England, as well as Louisiana, Maryland, and what would later become Canada. The groups quoted prices of $9,500, $12,966 and $19,500 respectively. [3], The Nashoba Regional School District was established in March, 1951 and was originally planned to serve about 400 students. Superintendent of Schools Brooke Clenchy will be resigning at the end of the current academic year. Noting that he was a teacher who rose through the ranks, she said, He reminded me of someone we have in the position now., Regional committee member John OReilly said he had scored Daly a little bit better on her interview answers than Clenchy, who was a very close second. He made the motion to offer the job to Clenchy. [13] The district got a new superintendent, Michael Wood, to help the district financially recover. The original Hale building burned down in 1963 and was rebuilt in 1964. Through the concerted efforts of my team, we created new procedures and protocols for financial reporting in every department. Its fitting that our community has chosen Wolves whose packs are known for their teamwork as well as their individual strengths as the new symbol of Nashoba Regional High School., More:More than 1,400 people respond to survey to change Nashoba mascot. Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. I began in this role five years ago, when things in the District were somewhat unsettled and many issues loomed over its future. Westford MA 01886. Click Here for Agendas and Meeting Materials. He provided some real examples for us to follow. Downing's appointment is subject to successful negotiations on a contract. Nashoba Regional District superintendent search application set for parents to apply. Nashoba has implemented and made substantial progress on the scope and sequence of curriculum across the district. Nashoba school superintendent search committee application work to continue, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. Getting students back into the classrooms focused on two sides of the spectrum: Kindergarten and high school. They then reworked the application form. The Nashoba Regional School District School Committee has voted unanimously to approve Nashoba Wolves as the new Nashoba High School mascot and team name, according to a press release from District Superintendent Brooke Clenchy. The names were announced Wednesday night.. 100 Littleton Road. In other business, the committee approved signing the design enrollment certification for the Mass. She makes people feel comfortable, yet you know shes in charge., Schumacher noted that Clenchy has direct experience with the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA), is familiar with school choice, has experience working with and mentoring principalsand has also worked with DESE. I wanted to be sure that the School Committee had as much time as possible to make plans for the next school year. In an initial vote, Stephen Rubinstein, Mike Horesh, Joseph Gleason, Cohen and Brett Collins voted for Roche, while Mary McCarthy, Karen Devine, Leah Vivirito, Rick Eckel and Sharon Poch voted for Downing. "A child is what a child is. She currently serves as the principal at Reading Memorial High School where she has led initiatives to improve school culture and foster social and emotional learning. The announcement. Clenchy was hired after a search in 2016 and School Committee Chairman Kathy Codianne brought the documents from that search to help frame the discussion, first at the Personnel Subcommittee, then with the full School Committee. [8] Even after the district grew to encompass students starting in kindergarten, pre-highschool students had little exposure to students from the other towns in the district, other than through programs like sports camps, like the Nashoba Summer Baseball Camp, which was founded in 2002. Previous Next Jump to top of events for this list. She came across as just a very genuine person. A unique new course called Science and Engineering is designed so that students may integrate and apply science and engineering concepts. "In his interview, he stated Nashoba is fertile ground ripe with nutrients and he feels he'd be a good fit for us.". . "It takes a village, as the saying goes, and what a wonderful village we have in NRSD. Nashoba Public Schools. [20], "Search for Public School Districts District Detail for Nashoba", "Celebrating 50 years at Nashoba Regional High School", "Nashoba Summer Baseball Camp still seeing numbers rise", "Maynard Public Schools awarded early education grant", "Nashoba Regional Superintendent Michael Wood announces last day is Nov. 30", "Stow selectmen consider space needs at Nashoba Regional High School", "School choice has big impact on budgets", "Nashoba School Committee candidates consider budget, education needs", "Bolton police propose school resource officer", "Bolton school choice options are limited, committee says", "Back to School: More students, technology, at Maynard and Stow schools", "Nashoba: School Resource Officers help keep students safe", "School Security: Practice is key to safety in Maynard and Stow",, 2 Elementary, 2 Middle, 1 PreK 8, 1 High, This page was last edited on 6 April 2022, at 01:42. May 10th, 2018 - Current Openings Anticipated Vacancies for the 2018 2019 Academic Year Assistant Superintendent Nashoba Regional School District 4 ELL Teacher Hale Middle School . Improved fiscal performance The state of budgeting, auditing, financial controls and Information Technology (IT)infrastructure needed improvement when I arrived in the District. [4][5] Nashoba Regional High School opened in 1961[6] and by 1966 had 535 students enrolled. The former was split 5-4 in favor of Clenchy while Union 54 was unanimous in its support for her. "It makes it so many of those kids do not need an evaluation because it's been remediated.". Stewarts first choice was Daly, whose regional district is named for three towns in Rhode Island. Nashoba Regional School District 12 Green Road Bolton, MA 01740 Grades: 9-12 Opened: 1961 Last renovation: 2001 Square footage: 194,500 Enrollment: 987 . [18][19] Another space saving measure has been to add portable classrooms. Clenchy was superintendent of the Nashoba Regional School District, based in Bolton, from 2016 through 2021. . A weekly community newspaper serving Stow, Mass. Both Tuesday and Wednesday are posted for 7 p.m. Our application is moving through the Massachusetts School Building Authority funding process. Parents in the district value and support their children's education. It has taught us that we can leverage technology to deliver education that is comparable to in-person learning. Salary range increased for Nashoba principal position as hiring search draws to a close, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. [12] In October, the next month, the state put the finances of the district under the control of the state government due to a $3.4 million deficit. BOLTON - The Nashoba Regional School District hopes to conduct its superintendent search this spring, to keep the hiring process in the "prime time" for filling the post. Clenchy would take over for Nauset Superintendent Tom Conrad, who is retiring in June, and could apply for the permanent position if she chooses. Contact us at The Cape Cod Chronicle, 60C Munson Meeting Way. We have brought in highly acclaimed national and international speakers. We are genuinely excited to have a leader with such passion and vision join our District.. Prior to becoming principal at Reading Memorial, she was assistant principal at Bedford High School and earlier held teaching roles at both Brookline High School and Brockton High School. Boynton will assume the principal role following Steve Cullinane, a longtime teacher and assistant principal at NRHS, who has served as interim principal since late 2019. Bob Dubis, Joseph Dubis, Carroll Young, Joe Dubis, Rufus Bassett. Superintendent's Reports; Nashoba Notable Awards; Upcoming District Meetings. Emerson/Florence Sawyer.PK-8 851 students. Current Nashoba Superintendent Brooke Clenchy, who has held the post since August 2016, announced she was resigning in February, with her final day being May 28. The old Stow high school, Hale High School, began to be used for junior high school students and changed its name to Hale Junior High School. She was previously. According to the 2016 documentation (when Clenchy was hired), the search takes three to six months. Also included was the resignation letter sent to the School Committee by Clenchy. Superintendent of Schools Brooke Clenchy will be resigning at the end of the current academic year. Superintendent's Contract; Stipend Schedule; Substitute Teaching; Unit A Evaluation Procedure; Nutrition Services; Pupil Personnel Services. Kathleen Boynton was chosen from three finalists. librarians) at all the schools in the district other than the high school. Clenchy said they are focused on kindergarten because that is when students are learning to read, plus it is an easier discussion if the district does not have to worry about time on learning; that criteria, set by the state, begins at grade 1. A committee of administrators and teachers sets the agenda for all early release days, professional development days, and a professional development newsletter. I thank you and your colleagues for the support that you have provided me over the last five years. Eventually, Horesh and Cohen agreed to vote for Downing, allowing him to be selected as the new superintendent. The names were announced Wednesday night. Surveys to interested parties showed that 73% of respondents wanted the next superintendent to have experience in the role. [7], In first couple of decades of the district, it only served students from grades 9 through 12, with younger students in elementary superintendency union districts. [4] [5] Nashoba Regional High School opened in 1961 [6] and by 1966 had 535 students enrolled. I am so glad that it could happen during my tenure. Beth Choquette, the principal at the Bridge Street School in Northampton, a position she has held since 2012; her original classroom experience was as a music teacher; Kirk Downing, currently the assistant superintendent of teaching, learning and innovation at the Natick Public Schools, a job he has held since 2018; and. BOLTON - After more than a year, a permanent principal has been named at Nashoba Regional High School, effective July 1. Nashoba Public Schools. Each room will have a HEPA filter, despite the fact the ventilation system met health standards. NRSD Superintendent Brooke Clenchy resigns, Vol. Then, as students enter the classroom, teachers will spray them again and students will wipe down the desks again. . In accordance with that contract, her resignation is scheduled to take effect at the end of the current academic year. In the coming weeks, the marketing agency will develop visual identifiers and draft logos for the Nashoba Wolves and distribute a final survey for high school students to indicate a preference on logo designs. (Photo courtesy Brooke Clenchy) After just a couple of years in that role, she was tapped to fill an acting director's position the U.S. equivalent of superintendent overseeing several community schools in her district. The survey on the process will remain open until March 19. 3002 Superintendent of Schools Dr. Todd Maguire, Ext. But they also felt that Roche might be able to better inspire and connect with the community. The School Committee had an executive session Wednesday night "to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non union personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with nonunion personnel - superintendent of schools.". By: We will get through this pandemic with the knowledge that our students have received the benefit of a comprehensive education, even while learning has been remote for some of these students. The other finalists wereTimothy McCormick, principal of Northbridge High School; and Michael Pratt, assistant principal of Wachusett Regional High School. Principal Boynton will bring the perfect blend of administrative seasoning, academic experience, and strong people skills, coupled with exceptional judgment, to Nashoba Regional High School, Clenchy said. The High School offers several Advanced Placement courses and an extensive variety of elective courses in all content areas as well as in the performing arts, visual arts, family and consumer science, and technology areas. A letter is being sent out, Wednesday, March 16, Chairman Kathy Codianne said, to parents after the committee met March 15 to finalize the letter and an application form. There is never an easy time to leave a job. "While we are disappointed to lose a leader with such energy and passion, we appreciate Brooke's years of dedication and service to the students and families of Bolton, Lancaster and Stow, and her commitment to our mission to education all students to their fullest potential in a safe, caring environment so that they may become critical, creative, reflective thinkers and positive contributors to the global community.". The time, however, feels right to explore the next chapter of my professional career. Clenchy selected Boynton after interviewing three finalists chosen by a Screening Committee comprised of parents, staff and students. Zane Razzaq writes about education. I was impressed by him because of the specificity in his answers, she said. The Nashoba Regional School Committee has voted to accept Superintendent Michael Wood's resignation effective June 30, 2016. At the joint school committee meeting Monday, Clenchy and the two other finalists, Chariho (R.I.) Regional School District Assistant Superintendent Jane Daley and Uxbridge Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Frank Tiano answered a series of questions that each received 15 minutes before their interviews. [3] The new high school had an innovative "Curriculum Materials Center" that had a focus on electronic media, which was new at the time. She ticked all the boxes, she said. By 1789, the town had grown to five school-houses, at which time the state legislature mandated the creation of small school districts that would serve a fraction of a town. Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. A newly renovated science academy in Stow is used for science and engineering instruction for elementary students. Clenchy became the. The schools and their approximate enrollments are as follows: The district employs approximately 225 certified regular education staff and 80 certified special education staff. It takes a village, as the saying goes, and what a wonderful village we have in NRSD.. Contact Information - Nashoba Valley Regional Vocational Technical (08520000) People. The residents of the three communities are also vitally concerned with education, support the schools financially and help to maintain an active community volunteer program. Clenchy's contract was also the subject of the "new business" section of the meeting agenda. Superintendent's Reports Nashoba Notable Awards Upcoming District Meetings Click Here for Agendas and Meeting Materials 01 Mar Wednesday 12:30PM - 2:00PM Audit Advisory Meeting 01 Mar Wednesday 6:00PM - 6:30PM Budget and Warrant Subcommittee Meeting 01 Mar Wednesday 6:30PM - 8:30PM School Committee Meeting 06 Mar Monday 7:00PM - 8:00PM Buildings for the next generation We have made great progress in updating facilities, including improving maintenance and establishing facility plans. Nashoba Wolves Posted Date: 11/07/2019. The Nashoba Regional School District is comprised of two elementary schools, one PK-8 school, two middle schools, and one high school. 50 Mechanic Street, Bolton, MA 01740; 978.779.0539 . Just as she began, for example, asbestos and lead paint were discovered in the Bolton buildings. Assistance Program for Lead in School Water, Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA or Act), Request for Student's Special Education Record, Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC), Digital Literacy and Computer Science MA Frameworks, 2022 - 2023 School Committee Meeting Calendar, News/Press Releases from the School Committee, Diversity, Equity, Awareness and Racial Justice, Regional Agreement Amendment Advisory Committee, Inactive Subcommittees / Advisory Committees. Experience counts. It is clear that the Districts students always come first in your minds and your actions. Lancaster residents support Mr. Roche and I do, too.". Association of School Committees (MASC) as its consultant, at a price not to exceed $13,000, to help with. Audit Advisory Meeting. This collaborative process has been just one example of how teamwork is at the heart of everything we do in the district, Clenchy stated in the release. Both are posted below: ($ 125,000), Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School District ($ 110,000), Nashoba Valley . Wednesday 12:30PM - 2:00PM. I believe Iam leaving the District in a strong and healthy position, which should be the goal of any superintendent.". "What he was talking about is all the things that can come before that evaluation process that can happen in kindergarten, first grade, and keep going, that responds to intervention, using data, and using professional learning groups to analyze that data and make instructional plans for kids," said Devine. The Committee approved signing the design enrollment certification for the support that you provided! 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