mexican slang dictionary pdf

mexican slang dictionary pdf

Not applicable in the context of tipping a waiter. Ntcs Super Mini American Slang Dictionary Author: Subject: Ntcs Super Mini American Slang Dictionary Keywords: ntcs, super, mini, american, slang, dictionary Created Date: 2/16/2023 9:11:12 AM Instead of using muchacho or muchacha or nio or nia, try out the Mexican slang term for "boy" or "girl," which is chango or changa. It would be extremely ill-advised to refer to an air hostess in this way. Chipotle noun A Jalapeo chilli pepper, which has been allowed to mature to its final red colour (usually, they are picked while still green), and then put through a process of smoking and curing, to obtain a final product. rale is a common interjection in Mexican Spanish slang. Hasta la Madre adj An emotional state of frustration with someone or something. Ese wey es bien entrn (Hes quick with his fists). Soconusco noun The Pacific coast border region with Guatemala, located in Chiapas state. Me toca ir al cocherio maana. Equivalent to guy, or bloke. Chido Chido means cool, awesome. This can mean really amazing or really awful, depending on how you use it - think something like 'sick' in English. The word gey comes from the Spanish word buey, which literally means "ox" or "steer.". 6. Un chingo: A lot, many or much, can be used with both countable and uncountable nouns. verb To engage in light-hearted conversation. patear. To stir up trouble between other people. Batear verb To reject something or someone. e.g. Spanish vocabulary lists available: 100 useful adjectives (A to M) 100 useful adjectives (N to Z) 100 useful adverbs. A Spanish slang dictionary is just the thing when you need detailed language information from an expert. e.g. Que choro nos ech! (What a load of bullshit he came out with! This is 100% a Caribbean Spanish slang term. El Gabacho The United States, or an American person when used in the personal context. The flat coastal plain located between the Pacific oceans and the Sierra Madre further inland. African American slang is a signicant part of African American Vernacular English (AAVE) and an important component of American . expression To reveal a truth which will cause problems. Chapn noun Slang word for a Guatemalan individual. A jartera is, basically, a big meal.The word comes from harto, which generally means "tired", but sometimes it's used as "satisfied" or "satiated."If you say Qu jartera!, that means that you're extremely full.Good for you! 2. Also Cohete, Cuete. Fue una ganga! (I got it for 100 pesos, it was a steal!). Comes from the phrase Ni Trabaja, Ni Estudia (Neither works, nor studies). Con las manos en la masa expression To be caught red-handed, or in the act of committing a delictive act. e.g. Ningn chile te embona expression Meaning theres no pleasing you. Para el refresco, means give me a tip. A dog. Offensive term in the alternative context, meaning idiot. Bajo noun The region of central Mexico, running from Puebla State in the east, and comprising Mexico City and the region up to Zacatecas in the northwest. The most common Mexican groseria, which in colonial times meant to rape, but which now is equivalent to 'Fuck in English, given the vast quantity of derivatives and phrasal verbs that stem from it. Gorrn noun An individual who is happy to consume, but unwilling to pay their share. noun Mexico City. Essentially, we'll recreate the sounds with English words, so that you know how to say each word without having to mimic a native speaker! Literally to reveal the copper, given that in comparison to gold, which is of a similar colour, copper is a baser metal. Bochinchear verb To make a ruckus, or commotion, often in the context of the consumption of alcohol. Pedo While the literal translation of pedo is fart, the word is commonly used in Mexican sayings: Peda noun A drinking session, or event at which one goes to drink. Palo noun An event of sexual intercourse. Encontrar tu media naranja. Varies in form across the country, but is most commonly salt-rimmed and with lime juice. Ladronzuelo noun A professional mugger. Explicar con peras y manzanas To explain something in a very basic way, to ensure people understand. Pinole noun A dry mix of ground corn flour, sugar, cinnamon and other spices, which can be either eaten on its own, or mixed with liquid to make atole. Mamar Gallo verb To tease, or play a joke on someone, the context being playful. noun The figure of Death. Unas de Cal por las de Arenas expression Signifying that in life, misfortune is an inevitable occurrence on the road to success. It is widely used in Chile. Also Chilangazo. Mojado noun A person of undocumented immigration status living in the United States. Chilango noun A native of Mexico City. The most stereotypical Mexican expression. It's often used in a very funny way to indicate friend or homie but I can't tell what it means. Pipope noun Pejorative abbreviation for a native of Puebla State: Pinche Poblano Pendejo (Fucking Idiot from Puebla). No soy monedita de oro expression Im not here to please everybody. See also Pelo Chino. From expressing surprise and shock to outrage, no mames loosely translates to 'no fucking way' or 'what the fuck'. The vast majority wear masks, the removal of which is seen as a great dishonour to their characters, who inspire great devotion and adulation in Mexican culture. Pingo adj Descriptive of very cheeky, active or strong-willed child. Se lo ech al plato (She fucked him). Guarapo noun The act of fellatio. Birote noun A crusty, french bread style Telera, most commonly found in Jalisco State. e.g. Enchilarse verb To overdo it on the spiciness of ones food, and suffer the effects. Gasolinazo noun A sudden hike in gasoline prices. A pain in the ass. Mira esa madre! (Look at this shit!). A verb 'chingar' is also commonly used in expressions like ' No me chingues!', or 'Vete a la chingada.' = 'Don't fuck with me! Neta noun An unequivocal truth. Often used to express surprise at something of which one disapproves. Pocho is an Americanized Mexican-American. No le buscas chichis a las culebras expression Dont go looking for problems that you cant handle. Your tennis shoes are cool! Pronounced 'Tasosh Ka Ma Tik. Literally, I sell tomatoes, not marbles. Queena noun A Queen card in a deck of cards. Perro 1. See this report for more information on Escamoles. Lo llam a cagarlo (She called him up to give him a telling off). They are typically noisy and rowdy places. Coyotito noun A nap. In traditional cantinas, a botana is served with each fresh round of drinks, usually becoming larger with each serving. En Chinga: adj Hurried, or under pressure. No manches exclam A polite way of saying No Mames. Poca madre (Really cool) 4. Hidrocalido noun A native of the state of Aguascalientes. bueyes nos toc arar, Con esos expression Meaning that a person has no option but to work or collaborate with certain other individuals, even though they may not be apt for the task. Petate noun A portable straw or palm mattress. "Terraceo" comes from "terraza" (terrace). Cheha adj Jarocho regional slang for blind. Wikipedia entry here. You've probably heard the English expression "big shot": a person with a lot of money, power, or influence. It will help you get to know new people and learn the basics about them. Comal noun The wide hotplate on which tortillas are cooked. See Chingar for context. Pintar Dedo verb To give the middle-finger. A female partner, girlfriend, wife or hanger-on, of a member of the Sinaloa Cartel. If you ever wanna be considered fluent, you better learn some.. e.g. Feria noun A quantity of money. Puto noun 1.Pejorative term for a male homosexual. A man whose wife cheats on him, you see, isn't exactly held in high esteem. Medio cachito adj Descriptive of something half-decent, or of middling quality. Huevn noun A lazy or work-shy individual. i.e. Given that the roots of organised crime in the area stems from the production of marijuana and opium in the mountains of Sinaloas Sierra Madre mountain range, the inhabitants of the region did not have access to clean drinking water, and the water they did have access to was often contaminated by chemical fertilizers which had the unusual effect of swelling a regular drinkers neck. Mezcal noun An alcoholic spirit, distilled from the agave plant. e.g. Cotorro noun Descriptive of a happy, relaxed or easy-going individual. It's a funny slang term similar to 'see you later alligator'. No mames exclam You cant be serious, or What the fuck?. Literally A donkey has no fear. Metate noun A volcanic stone slab on which food (usually corn into dough, or chiles into mole) is traditionally ground. Jalada noun Male masturbation. La Morena being the road (as in, the dark one) and being both flirty and slippery. Jinetear verb To rob, most often with the use of violence. e.g. e.g. In this paper the creation of two important relevant resources for the double entendre and humour recognition problem in Mexican Spanish is described: a morphological dictionary and a. Que te den por culo. A person of nationality of the country of Mexico. A journalist who accepts such money is known as a chayotero. I-Latino noun The letter I. Dote noun A dowry paid by the grooms side of the family. Mexican Slang | SpanishDict Vocabulary Mexican Slang 51 words by SpanishDict Start the Quiz Share tapato from Guadalajara rale! To banter. C. Cabal - exclam South Mexican and Guatemalan exclamation in the affirmative, as in "exactly!".Equivalent to Ahuevo elsewhere in the country.. Caballito - noun A shot glass.. Cabrn - . Cabal exclam South Mexican and Guatemalan exclamation in the affirmative, as in exactly!. Synonym of Chingn. A very brutal drug cartel founded in the city of Guadalajara. Take the money, or get shot. Taco de Ojo noun Eye candy, most often referring to an attractive individual. Duda, no quedarse con expression To go ahead and do something that you are considering. Used in the context of taking a quick decision. Also hails from nautical heritage. To down a drink in one go. Me la pelas exclam Rude expression equivalent of Fuck You. Paloma noun A mixed drink containing Tequila, lime juice and grapefruit soda (Squirt or Fresca). Traer Tenis verb To take somebody by surprise, in whatever context. Literally means a twin, but is used often in a fraternal context. The stringy form of cheese similar to mozzarella. Dos-Tres expression A very chilango way of saying probably, or more likely than not. El gol de Salah gol era una chulada (Salah scored a beautiful goal). So-called after the working class neighborhood of Tepito in Mexico City. I-Griega noun The letter Y. Chilango (Someone from Mexico City) 10. Montado noun A dish typical to northern Mexico, particularly Chihuahua, in which beans and cheese are sandwiched between two flour tortillas, and then topped with a filling, creating what is essentially a stuffed double-tortilla taco. Gila noun Also; loba, vampira, gatita, zorra. Cacique noun A member of the economic ruling class, or landowning classes. lets do it!, sure!. Literally to skate. Quiobolas exclam Rude alternative to que hubole, given that it suffixes the word bolas. Sobarse el lomo verb To work very hard towards a specific goal, often in unfortunate or difficult circumstances. For older generations, it is used to describe a Mexican migrant to Mexico City, who moved to the capital from a different part of the country, but today, it is a universal term. A la Viva Mexico, Hacer verb To do something a la Viva Mexico is to do it in an improvised, carefree, without permission or illegal manner. Since slang is constantly changing, it can be difficult to find definitions of certain terms in a printed dictionary. A coloufully-decorated papier-mach figure, which is filled with candies and sweets, suspended from a rope, and beaten with a bat by blindfolded participants, until the contents are released. Either economically, or in a situation which one is not apt to handle. Whatsappazo noun A damaging rumour spread through the social media messaging platform WhatsApp. noun Chicano word for organised crime gangs in the U.S. of non-hispanic heritage. Pachanga noun A raucous or boisterous party. Hacerse de la vista gorda verb To turn a blind eye, or to ignore something. An abbreviation of the word compaero. Equivalent: Godammit!, or Bollocks!. V Pequeo noun The letter V. Used to signify the difference between the letters B and V, which are pronounced similarly. By the way, I am mentioning picking up cheap comics and children's books . Chinga su Madre! Not great, not terrible. que peda me eche anoche (I was so drunk last night). 6. You can step it up by saying: "Quiero ir de tapeo.". Botana noun A snack, or starter course. ( I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, that's for sure) 35. If you're in the presence of elders, the tamer no manches expresses the same sentiment. Barra noun In Campeche state, a baguette sandwich. Vaso Michelado A frosted glass with condiments prepared to be mixed with beer. mi ex-novio se port muy gacho conmigo (My ex-boyfriend treated me very badly). expression Who paid? This expression is an irregular verb in that it has no real infinitive, or any other grammatical form other than the third-person past tense. Also Valer Madre. Guayabo, estar en el expression Of an enamoured individual, to be in the honeymoon or crazy love period of a romantic relationship, oftne used in connection with regular sexual activity. Me gustara comermela. (I would like to have sex with her). (**** yeah!) Mexicans have a great love for this vechile given that it is robust, and almost never fails. e.g. Polaco expression An albur expression signifying anal sex. 2. Taquear verb 1. Cohete noun A pistol. Black Slang Dictionary Book PDF Free Download THE HISTORY OF CANT OR The Secret Language Of Vagabonds Cant and Slang are universal and worldwide. Also Aeromosa, Sobrecarga. 1. exclam No way! e.g. No hay moros en la costa expression Literal equivalent of The coast is clear in English. Literally not to have a mother. e.g. Gangoso noun An individual who speaks with a very nasal voice, and often with a cleft palate, rendering them unable to pronounce words exactly. exclam Expression of surprise regional to the Yucatan Peninsuka. Cantina noun A traditional, or old-fashioned, Mexican bar or drinking hole. It's sort of fuck your mother, but means 'go fuck yourself'. Asumakina exclam A more polite way of saying A su madre! Que poca madre!, noun The mixed language of Spanish and English, i.e. exclam Exclamation of surprise or shock. Halconear verb To spy or follow someone in a clandestine way. To be born with a silver spoon in your mouth. Simn exclam Affirmation meaning yes. Usually made of fibreglass and with an outboard motor attached to the back. Not uncommon in Mexico, given the extremely poor economic state of Pemex, the state oil company. Also: Capitalino, Defeo. Descriptive of a person who appears to be very powerful, rich or elegant; but in reality does not have the resources to back it up, or is hollow. Raramuri noun A tribe of indigenous people native to the state of Chihuahua. Esa madre ya no sirve (That thing doesnt work anymore). Why a dictionary of Spanish slang or any slang for that matter? The meaning of SPIC is used as an insulting and contemptuous term for a Spanish-American person. Joven, no terminare ese plato, me pone un itacate? (Waiter, I will not finish this meal, could I have it to go?). Chinga su Madre! exclam Lets go! Synonym of the imperative vmonos! Escuincle noun A child, or little one. Chamba. To find your half orange. noun A corn (most common) or wheat flatbread. Its most commonly eaten in taco form, with coriander, onion and pineapple. List of Mexican Spanish Words and Phrases We are starting 2014 by completing work long overdue. Paro noun A favour. Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can . Equivlanet of asshole or prick. bag off Verb. Comes from colonial times in which a ships yardmast (the horizontal beam from which sails were hung) was known as the verga. Literally money trumps a pretty face. No mames (literally means 'don't suck it') is one of the most ubiquitous Mexican swearwords. See Chamba for etymology. Caon expression Polite way of saying Cabrn (1). People who grow up in a Mexican culture within the United States. When tacos filling avaialble are chorizo, longaniza and bistec, un 'taco campechano could be a taco with both bistec and longaniza. This slang dictionary seeks to support parents, carers and professionals to better understand the language young people may be using and support them to safeguard young people. Cakito noun A young thug or would-be gangster. Taken from a bust during the time of the porfiriato, during which 41 men were arrested by Mexico City police for attending was reportedly a secret orgy. Oye y tu amigo el Cacas? (Oh, and what about that horrible friend of yours?). Que hueva. (I have to go to Mexico City tomorrow. Best translated as Ah Fuck! His nickname means Shorty, or The Short One. Auto Chocolate noun A vehicle registered in the United States, which is brought across the border without undergoing the proper import procedure, and is simply used in the border region. Tepec noun, nahuatl. Chirundo adj Naked. Commonly used in the context of Mexicos northern neighbours; i.e. Guey noun, pronounced wey 1. 2. Tener sangre azul. La Maa Colloquial term for organized crime. Rebozo noun A traditional scarf worn by women. 3. Everybody understands it in Mxico. Man up!). 3. noun An important person or boss. For example: "Hazlo al tiro". Tip: Chambear is the equivalent of the verb 'to work', and chambeador is the slang adjective you can use to describe a hard-working person. or, To hell with it!. Can be roughly understood theologically as the Aztec understanding of Yin-Yang, or equal opposing forces. Mestizo noun An individual of both European and Indigenous genetic heritage. This comes from the phrase tener el colmillo largo. Chaquistle noun A small species of mosquito, or midge. Though the majority of Mexicans are Amerindians (pure-bloods and mixed-bloods "mestizos"), there are a substantial number of non-Indian Mexicans, such as the Spanish whites that are effectively the ruling class of the country, blacks, Jews, Arabs (Salma Hayek, telecom . Cuete noun A pistol or gun, another way of pronouncing cohete. Apando noun A solitary isolation cell in a penitentiary. Echar al plato verb To have sex with someone; literally to put them on your plate, in the context of the phrase andarse comiendo. Cheve noun A Norteo equivalent of Chela. Estafeta noun The baton in a relay race. Region with Guatemala, located in Chiapas state and grapefruit soda ( Squirt or Fresca ) slang any. To M ) 100 useful adjectives ( N to Z ) 100 useful adjectives ( N to ). Unfortunate or difficult circumstances both European and indigenous genetic heritage en Chinga: adj Hurried, or an person. Manzanas to explain something in a deck of cards not here to everybody. 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