bowdoin college endowment

bowdoin college endowment

bowdoin college endowment

This fund is used to sponsor a lectureship that contributes to the ennoblement and enrichment of life by standing for the idea that life is a glad opportunity. Murray Snell Danforth ScholarshipDavid G. Dankens Scholarship FundEuan G. Davis Scholarship FundElizabeth Snowman Davis ScholarshipsJ. The College endowment falls roughly in the middle of the pack among selected peers. The school announced Thursday that Volent, who had served as the endowment's investment chief since 2000 . Dickinson's acceptance rate is 35%, and the institutional endowment has more than doubled since 2000. . In the 227 years since then, many thousands of alumni, parents, friends, and foundations have made endowment gifts to the College, the principal of which can never be spent. It's hard to imagine how, faced with the same facts, they could have come to such different conclusions about how to best educate their students and care for their communities. Scholarship Fund, Elizabeth Watkins Porter and Robert Chamberlain Porter Fund, Ellen M. P'78 and Herbert M. Patterson '42 Research Fellowship, Elmo Giordanetti Memorial Scholarship Fund, Emma Jane and Bal Golden Scholarship Fund, Ephraim Chamberlain Cummings Scholarships, Erik and Diane Lund Children's Center Support Fund, Eugene Bradley and Julia Gardner Gordon Memorial Scholarship, F. Thomas O'Halloran '77, P'13 Family Fund, Fannie C. and Willard N. Burger Fund for the Common GoodFarley Family Fund, Flinn Family Sabbatic Leave Endowment Fund, Florence Dolby and Hester Thatcher Memorial Scholarship Fund, Foot Soldier of Bowdoin Award and Scholarship Fund, Forbes Rickard, Jr., Memorial Poetry Prize Fund, Foundation for the Greatest Good Scholarship Fund, Fountain Livingston & Martha Higgins Young Scholarship Fund, Frances M. and Donald J. Krogstad '65 Scholarship, Francis B. Hill Memorial Scholarship Fund, Francis L. and Aurelia C. Valente Scholarship Fund, Frank A. and Judith M. Metz Scholarship Fund, Frank C. Whittelsey III Flexible Aid Fund, Frank E. and Nellie V. Leslie Scholarship Fund, Frank F. Sabasteanski Memorial Scholarship Fund, Frank H. and Vivi Johnson Ormerod Scholarship Fund, Frederic Erle Thornlay Tillotson Scholarship, Frederic Peter Amstutz Memorial Prize Fund, Frederic S. Newman Family Scholarship Fund, Frederick W. and Elizabeth M. Willey Scholarship Fund, Freedman Summer Research Fellowship in Coastal/Environmental Studies, Freedman Summer Research Fellowship in Computer Science, Freeman E. Bennett and Ella M. Bennett Fund, Freeman H. and Anne E. Smith Scholarships, General Electric College Bowl Scholarship, Genevieve Warren Memorial Scholarship Fund, Geoffrey Canada Chair in Africana Studies, George B. Farnsworth - Thomas P. & Agnes J. Hanley Scholarship, George H. Weeks Memorial Scholarship Fund, George Lincoln Skolfield, Jr. Professorship of German, George M. Woodman, Jr. Memorial Book Fund, George T. Davidson, Jr. '38 Fellowship for the Common Good, George Taylor Files Professorship of Modern Languages, George W. and Lolita D. Kern Scholarship Fund, Georgiana F. and Karl L. Aschenbach '66 Scholarship Fund, Gerald '37 and Mary York Scholarship Fund, Gerald and Kate Chertavian Scholarship Fund, Gerald Norby McCarty, Class of 1950 - Priscilla Hubon McCarty Bowdoin College Library Book Fund, Geraldine Brewster Scholarship Endowment Fund, Grace M. J. Brescia Endowment for the Common Good Grant, Granville D. and Suzanne K. Magee Family Scholarship, Granville S. Gilpatrick Memorial Scholarship Fund, Gregor M. and Blanche I. Steele Scholarship Fund, Gregory '83 and Jennifer Baldwin Comprehensive Aid Fund, H. Philip Chapman, Jr. Class of 1930 Scholarship, Halford and Hamlin Museum Maintenance Fund, Hanley G. Denning '92 Fellowship for the Common Good, Harold and Abby Wright Vose Library Book Fund, Harold D. Talbot, Jr. '40 Memorial Scholarship Fund, Harold H. and Florence L. Everett Scholarship, Harold L. & Marian H. Dinsmore Scholarship Fund, Harold O. Curtis Memorial Scholarship Fund, Harold P. & Mildred A. Nelson Scholarship Fund, Harold R. and Virginia Gilpatrick Fearon Scholarship Fund, Harrison King McCann Professorship of the English Language, Harry deForest Smith and Adela Wood Smith Scholarship Fund, Hawthorne-Longfellow Librarian Endowment Fund, Healey Family Fund for Leadership Development, Henni and Harry Friedlander Award for the Common Good, Henry Campbell Dixon, M.D. Scholarship, Vivian B. Allen Foundation Scholarship Fund, W.S. Watch these students describe the power and impact of their experiences in their own words. This fund supports lectures, courses, or research in the fields of journalism, communication or public relations. Endowed Funds | Bowdoin College Office of Development and Alumni Relations (207) 725-3388 Staff Directory Endowed Funds Generous donors have established over 1,800 funds at Bowdoin, which provide ongoing support for students and many other of the College's programs and needs. Prior to joining Bowdoin in July 2000, Ms. Volent was . Clinton Noyes Peters & Alice F. Peters Medical EducationMary C. and John A. Peters Scholarship FundPetitjean Family Scholarship FundPhi Delta Psi-Alpha Tau Omega Scholarship FundHenry B. Phillips ScholarshipMargaret M. Pickard Scholarship FundThe Pierce ScholarshipClarence H. Pierce Scholarship FundJotham Donnell Pierce Sr. ScholarshipWilliam Curtis Pierce 28 Memorial Scholarship FundDick Pike Scholarship FundMajor Gavin W. Pilton Memorial ScholarshipLaurent C. and Phyllis T. Pinette Scholarship FundIra B. and Patricia F. Pitcher Scholarship FundStanley Plummer ScholarshipEdward and Eileen Pols ScholarshipPomeroy Scholarship/Common Good FundPoole Family Scholarship FundJohnson Poor Memorial ScholarshipPope ScholarshipAlton S. Pope Scholarship FundElizabeth D. and L. Robert Porteous Jr. ScholarshipRobert C. Porter Bowdoin-Penn Charter Scholarship FundPotter ScholarshipWalter Averill Powers 1906 ScholarshipJohn Finzer Presnell Jr. Returns by asset class, and the actual allocation of the endowment, were not provided. A transcript of this podcast can be found here. Aggregate Bond index returned -13.9% and -10.3%, respectively, in sharp contrast to returns of 44.2% and 4.6% for the year ended June 30, 2021. Scholarship FundRoger Tuveson Scholarship FundThe Twenty-one Appleton Hall ScholarshipEdward C. Uehlein Scholarship FundThomas W. Ufer ScholarshipFrancis L. and Aurelia C. Valente Scholarship FundVallimarescu Family Scholarship FundVarian/Zuklie Family Scholarship FundVerrill Dana LLP Scholarship FundMary P. Villari ScholarshipJoseph and Sara Volpe Scholarship FundWalker ScholarshipsLeon V. Walker ScholarshipAdam J. Walsh Memorial Scholarship FundJohn C. Walter Scholarship FundBernard J. Thirty-seven years ago, on Aug. 5, 1984, Joan Benoit Samuelson won the first-ever women's Olympic marathon. R. Fulton and Margaret Hartley Johnston Scholarship FundJohn Family Scholarship FundJosselyn-Rose Family Scholarship FundJoseph D. Kamin Memorial ScholarshipSamuel E. Kamerling Scholarship FundKamerling Family Scholarship FundKappa Scholarship FundBenjamin A. Karsokas Sr. This fund is used to support lectures by visiting scholars on topics deemed to be on the cutting edge of or associated with new developments or research findings in the fields of astronomy or geology. Bowdoin College's Endowment. As of June 30, 2020, the three-, five-, and ten-year annualized returns for Bowdoins endowment were 10.7 percent, 8.5 percent, and 11.6 percent, respectivelyall in the top fifth percentile among comparative college and university annualized returns, where the respective median returns were 5.2 percent, 5.0 percent, and 7.4 percent. When we conceived our strategic plan in 2016, we had a goal of doubling the size of our endowment in 10 yearsfrom $250 million to $500 million. This fund is used in support of the promotion of the understanding and knowledge of the Holocaust through creative, innovative and interdisciplinary uses to enrich Bowdoin's curriculum through an annual lecture, seminar and/or symposium. McFarland Scholarship, Edward and Roselyn Grossman Scholarship Fund, Edward C. and Harriet Hawes Scholarship Fund, Edward H. Bond and Eva D. Bond Scholarship Fund, Edward J. and Eleanor W. Geary Humanities Fund, Edward J. and Eleanor W. Geary Scholarship Fund, Edward Sanford Hammond Mathematics Prize Fund, Eleanor Barnes Tousignant and Elizabeth Macfarlane Marsh Memorial Scholarship Fund, Elizabeth D. & L. Robert Porteous, Jr. The Bowdoin endowment consists of more than 1,700 individual funds earmarked for the perpetual support of a variety of College initiatives. Most recently, he served on the investments team as director of real assets at the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, a Bay Area private foundation with an $8 billion endowment. The University of Richmond removed a slave-owning benefactor's name from its law school, infuriating . Bowdoin College's long-time chief investment officer Paula Volent is stepping down. As senior vice president and chief investment officer, Bryant will be a member of Bowdoins senior leadership team, reporting to the president. Black, M.D., Scholarship FundGeorge K. Blair Scholarship FundBlake ScholarshipGerald W. Blakeley, Jr. FundIkeda Blakely Family Scholarship FundAlexander Brodie Bleau Memorial Scholarship FundBockmann Family International Scholarship FundJennifer Quagan Bonanno 90 Scholarship FundEdward H. Bond and Eva D. Bond Scholarship FundMark Robert Boucher Memorial FundBoulter Family Scholarship FundPierre V. and Rosanne Bourassa ScholarshipGeorge Franklin Bourne ScholarshipBowdoin College Faculty Support FundBowdoin College Scholarship FundBowdoin Faculty Scholarship in Honor of Barry and Karen Gordon MillsJames Bowdoin Scholarship FundBowdoin Marine Corps Society Scholarship FundGeorge W. R. Bowie FundBoxer Family Scholarship FundRobert W. Boyd Scholarship FundPhilip C. Bradley Memorial Scholarship Brakewood Family Scholarship FundBrawn Family Scholarship FundBRCO Scholarship FundJohn Hall and George Monroe Brett FundGeraldine Brewster Scholarship Endowment FundBrickates Family ScholarshipNicholas Bright Memorial ScholarshipBrodie Family Scholarship FundPaul and Lynn Brountas ScholarshipThe Brown Family Scholarship FundElizabeth C. Brown '15 Scholarship FundLewis W. and Agnes L. Brown ScholarshipPreston Brown Scholarship FundStuart F. Brown ScholarshipBenner Browne Scholarship FundBrowning Family Scholarship FundThe Travis Garthwaite Buchanan Scholarship FundPeter Buck Scholarship FundWilliam Buck Scholarship FundWilliam L. Buker Scholarship FundBurpee Family Scholarship FundBurton Family Scholarship FundRichard and Phoebe Burston ScholarshipBusch Family ScholarshipEdward V. Bush Scholarship FundWalter Meiggs Bush Jr. homerdog May 5, 2019, 2:31pm #16. Scholarship, Kibbe Science Lecture Fund and Fellowship, Knoff Family Graduate Scholarship in Psychology, Kufe Family Student Research Support Fund, Laurent C. and Phyllis T. Pinette Scholarship Fund, Lavon W. and Annie G. Thomas Scholarship Fund, Lawrence E. Lifson '63, P'95 Family Summer Research Fellowship, Lawrence Sargeant Hall and Janice Tracy-Nelson Hall Fund, Lee G. Paul and Gordon L. Paul Fund for the Writing Project, Leon F. and Mildred E. Dow Scholarship Fund, Leon Leighton and Margaret B. Leighton Scholarship Fund, Leonard, Burton and Paul Gottlieb Scholarship Fund, Levi Turner and Donald Payson George Memorial Scholarship Fund, Lewis Darenydd Evans, II Scholarship Fund, Lindley F. and Mabelle Foss Parsons Scholarship, Lloyd O. and Marjorie Strong Coulter Fund, Longfellow Professorship of Modern Languages, Louis and Selma Bernstein Scholarship Fund, Louis Berry Dodson '42 & Kimberly Foster Price '81 Scholarship, Louis J. and Arlene M. Rankowitz Scholarship Fund, Luther G. Holbrook Memorial Scholarship Fund, Marian O. Naumburg Fund for Coastal Studies, Mark Robert Boucher Memorial Scholarship Fund, Marsh Family Fund for the Pursuit of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Marshall and Katharine B. Swan Scholarship Fund, Martha Reed Coles Fellowship in the Arts and Humanities, Martha Robinson Higgins Family Scholarship Fund, Martin Mendelson Memorial Scholarship Fund (Class of 1922), Mary Anne and Sanford R. Sistare Scholarship Fund, Mary C. and Armand L. Bernier Scholarship Fund, Mary C. and John A. Peters Scholarship Fund, Mary Lourdes Pinckney and Roger Saillant Scholarship Fund, Mary M. & Albert A. Clarke, Jr. Environmental Studies Fund, Matilda and John Riley Fund for Sociology and Anthropology, Matthew Greitzer '98 & Kimberly Driessen '98 Career Exploration Fund, Matthew R. Kaufman '72, P'02 and Marcia A. Kaufman P'02 Family FellowshipMatthew R. Patterson '93 Internship Fund, Max & Martha G. Rubinstein Scholarship Fund, Maxime F. LeRoyer Memorial Scholarship Fund, Mellon Foundation Grant for the Museum of Art, Mellon Foundation Teaching of Foreign Language and Cultures, Melvin and Ellen Gordon Sabbatical Leave Fund, Mersereau-Spettel Family Scholarship Fund, Michael F. Micciche III Memorial Fund Prize, Micoleau Family Fellowship in the Creative and Performing Arts, Mortimer LaPointe Endowment for Men's Lacrosse, Moses R. Ludwig and Albert F. Thomas Scholarships, Natalie and Fritz Kempner Scholarship Fund, Nathaniel McLellan Whitmore and George Sidney Whitmore Scholarship, Nellie C. Watterson Summer Fellowship in the Creative and Performing Arts, Nikuradse-Matthews Public Interest Summer Fellowship Fund, Noel W. Deering & James L. Deering Scholarship, Norma L. and Roland G. Ware, Jr. Endowed Professorship, Norman P. and Linda R. Cohen Scholarship Fund, Olsen Family Fund--Center for the Common Good, Parker Family Fund at the Coastal Studies Center, Parker Poe Charitable Trust Museum of Art Fund, Patricia Forys McNamara and Billy Burchard Scholarship, Patsy S. Dickinson Neuroscience Student Research Fund, Patterson/Baird Family Research Fellowship Fund, Paul and Ethel Van Order Welsh Scholarship Fund, Paul E. and Grace H. Sullivan Scholarship, Paul G. and Claire G. Kirby Scholarship Fund, Paul Kendall Niven, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund, Paul W. '75 and Diana C. Dennett Scholarship Fund, Pauline Curtis Audio-Communication Center Fund, Peter '64 and Elizabeth Seaver Family Scholarship Fund, Peter D. and Elizabeth S. Gross Scholarship Fund, Peter H. Grossman and Lawrence W. Timmins Scholarship Fund, Peter J. DeTroy, Jr. '51 Fund for Mathematics, Peter J. Grua & Mary G. O'Connell Scholarship Fund, Peter J. Grua and Mary G. O'Connell Faculty/Student Research, Phi Delta Psi-Alpha Tau Omega Scholarship Fund, Philip C. Bradley Memorial Scholarship Fund, Philip D. Crockett Special Collections Fund, Philip O. and Alice Meyer Coffin Scholarship Fund, Philip S. and Elisabeth C. Wilder Scholarship Fund, Phyllis and Leonard Bell Scholarship Fund, Phyllis Fisher Zimman and Barry Zimman '42 Fund for Visiting Scholars, Phyllis Weston Mathematics Scholarship Fund, Pierre V. and Rosanne Bourassa Scholarship, Poppy Environmental Studies Fellowship Fund, Professor Alfred O. Despite a highly challenging investment environment, our endowment is at nearly $502 million. Its all possible thanks to funding secured by the McKeen Center and the Office of Career Exploration and Development. Ocean Endowment Partners, LLC Jun 2021 - Aug 2021 3 months. Having a healthy endowment is critical to allowing the school to provide the kind of educational programs it wants to offer while keeping student costs down, President . Four Bowdoin students are working in municipal government this summer in the nearby town of Topsham. 130 E. Randolph St. Gross Fund for Kent Island, Professor Burton Rubin Russian Studies Fund, Professor Walter M. Solmitz Memorial Fund, Rachel S. Lord Religious and Spiritual Life Fund, Ramona M. Pugsley Comrie Scholarship Fund, Randall M. Ebner '77 and Ricki Ebner Scholarship Fund, Ray L. and Elizabeth S. Fite Memorial Scholarship, Ray W. and Rachel T. Pettengill Library Book Fund, Raymond W. and Alice B. Forgit Scholarship Fund, Reginald P. and Kathleen F. McManus Scholarship, Richard and Eleanor Morrell Scholarship Fund, Richard Charles Robarts '55 Family Scholarship Fund, Richard D. Foulkes, Jr. Memorial Scholarship, Richard E. and Martha F. Burns Endowment Fund, Richard E. and Nancy H. Bye Scholarship Fund, Richard G. D'Auteuil '82 and Kimberly A. Labbe '82 Internship Fund, Richard H. Morse Family Scholarship Fund, Richard H. Davis Memorial Scholarship Fund, Richard H. Morse Family Baseball Head Coach Fund, Richard J. and Betty Smith Scholarship Fund, Richard L. and Mary E. Chittim Scholarship, Richard S. and Marion D. Henry Scholarship, Richard T. Caulfeild Goodman Financial Assistance Fund, Richard W. Moll Memorial Scholarship Fund, Richard White Foundation Fund of Bowdoin College, Robert and Blythe Edwards Fund for the Arts, Robert B. Patterson, Jr. '68 Memorial Scholarship Fund, Robert C. and Judith Toll Arctic Museum Fund, Robert C. Porter Bowdoin-Penn Charter Scholarship Fund, Robert E. and Clara C. Maynard Scholarship Fund, Robert Freedman '87 P'17 and Anne Cirillo P'17 Student Fellowship Fund, Robert H. Glinick '44 Family Fund for Coastal Studies, Robert H. Glover Memorial Scholarship Fund, Robert L. and Nancy K. Morrell Family Scholarship Fund, Robert L. Hooke, Jr. '64 Fund for Special Collections and Archives, Robert L. Hooke, Jr. '64 Fund for the Visual Arts, Robert L. Hooke, Jr. '64 Museum of Art Acquisitions Fund, Robert L. M. and Nell G. Ahern Scholarship Fund, Robert N. Thurston Memorial Scholarship Fund, Robert R. and Hazel F. Neilson Endowment Fund, Robert R. Dearing Memorial Scholarship Fund, Robert S. Goodfriend '57 Scholarship Fund, Robert W. and Madeline Cornelli Endowment Fund, Roger Howell, Jr. English History Book Fund, Roger Saillant and Mary Lourdes Pinckney Scholarship Fund, Roland G. and Iva M. Ware Scholarship Fund, Roliston G. Woodbury Memorial Scholarship, Rosalyne and Sumner Bernstein Scholarship Fund, Rusack Professorship in Environmental Studies and Earth and Oceanographic Science, Russell S. Douglas and Janet R. Douglas Family Scholarship Fund, Ruth B. and Albert E. Nagel Memorial Scholarship Fund, Ruth Sanderson Kingsbury Scholarship Fund, Samuel Appleton and Estelle Hamilton Ladd Scholarship Fund, Samuel H. and Sarah Allen Perkins Scholarship Fund, Samuel J. and Evelyn L. Wood Scholarship Fund, Samuel S. Butcher Professorship in the Natural Sciences, Sanford B. and Elizabeth N. Cousins Scholarship, Sanford L. Fogg & Dorothy V. Fogg Scholarship Fund, Saralea K. and Bartley H. Emerson Scholarship, Science Center Maintenance Endowment Fund, Sciolla, Stonestreet and Uhrig Family Scholarship Fund, Segerdahl Family Fund for Academic Resources, Shari Michelson Wilson Memorial Scholarship, Sherman David Spector of the Class of 1950 Award in History, Sherman N. Shumway Fund for the Infirmary, Sidney J. Watson Head Coach for Ice Hockey Fund, Sidney Watson Fitness Center Maintenance Fund, Sidney Wish and Bertha Wish Sipkin Scholarship Fund, Sinnott Family Fund for Academic Resources, Society of Bowdoin Women Foundation Scholarship, Staley Family Fund for Digital & Computational Studies, Staley Family Fund for Faculty Development and Professional Engagement, Stanley F. and Valrosa V. Dole Scholarship Fund, Stanley F. Druckenmiller Professor of Asian Culture, Stephen and Elizabeth Ann Kusmierczak Scholarship Fund, Stephen H. and Joanne R. Burns Student Research Fund, Steve '70 and Paula Mae Schwartz Scholarship Fund, Steven and Judith Siegel Family Scholarship Fund, Steven H. Hughes '79, P'15, P'16 and Katherine T. Hughes '84, P'15, P'16 Family Scholarship Fund, Steven P. Marrow '83 and Dianne Pappas Fund for the Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Stuart '53 and Doree Cooper Scholarship Fund, Susan and Jeffrey Goldenberg Career Planning Fund, Sylvio C. (Zeke) and Pauline Hayes Martin Scholarship Fund, Sze Family Endowment Fund for Faculty Development, T. Penny Martin Scholarship Fund Established by the Ryan Family, The Foundation for Maryland's Future Scholarship Fund, The Albert D. and Madelyn Dyer Conley Scholarship Fund, The Andrew W. Mellon Curricular Development Fund, The Anne Bartlett Lewis Memorial Prize: Art History and Visual Arts, The Bowdoin Martin Luther King, Jr. BOWDOIN COLLEGE 5400 COLLEGE STATION, BRUNSWICK, ME 040118445 Total Revenue $324,967,000 Total Expenses $233,530,000 Net Assets $1,981,536,000 Organizations Filed Purposes: THE ON-CAMPUS STUDENT BODY NUMBERS APPROXIMATELY 1,800. Download Episode (2.29 MB) This fund is used to sponsor at least one lecture annually in the field of gay and lesbian studies. Endowment is a college's biggest source of financial aid. Tenth Floor this fund is used to support lectures or courses encompassing the art, life, letters, philosophy, or culture, in the broadest sense, of the ancient Hebraic world, or of the ancient Greek world or of the Roman world, or of the Renaissance in Italy and Europe, or of the Age of Elizabeth I in England, or that of Louis XIV and the Enlightenment in France, or of the era of Goethe in Germany. This fund is used to support a lecture by an eminent historian or humanitarian to be scheduled close to the November 21 birthday of Alfred E. Golz.Contact: Department of History, 207-725-3291. Beth Kowitt 07 Wins New York Press Club Award. On June 30, 2020, the endowment was valued at $1.8 billion and provided $71.8 million to the annual operations of the College. Scholarship Fund, Henry Kirke White and Jane Donnell White Fund, Henry L. and Grace Doherty Charitable Foundation Marine Biology Scholar Fund, Henry L. Conway, Jr. '51 Scholarship Fund, Henry T. A. Moniz 86 and Francesca de Soto Moniz 22 Scholarship Fund, Henry W. and Anna E. Hale Scholarship Fund, Henry W. Longfellow Graduate Scholarship Fund, Henry Zietlow '22 Memorial Scholarship Fund, Herbert S. and Eugenie R. Sawyer Scholarship Fund, Herter Family Scholarship Fund for Enhanced Diversity, Hewlett -And- Mellon Presidential Discretionary Fund, Hilda Brown Ziegler and Benjamin Munn Ziegler Scholarship, Hodding Carter/Class of 1927 Memorial Scholarship, Homer R., Philip R. and George Allen Blodgett Book Fund, Howard C. Griffin Fund, of the Class of 1904, Howard Rollin Ives Memorial Scholarship Fund, Hubert S. (Bill) '36 and Eleanor F. Shaw Scholarship Fund, Hughes Family Art History Acquisition Fund, Hughes Family Summer Research Fellowship in Environmental Studies, Huntington-Wheelwright Field Station Endowment, Ira B. and Patricia F. Pitcher Scholarship Fund, Iris W. Davis Class of 1978 Scholarship Fund, Irma Cheatham Research Fellowship in Africana Studies Fund, Irving I. Zamcheck Memorial Scholarship Fund, J. Scott Kelnberger Memorial Scholarship Fund, James Bowdoin III Museum of Art Directorship Fund, James D. and Marianne E. Cook Scholarship Fund, James F. Claverie Memorial Scholarship Fund, James L. and Harriet I. Doherty Scholarship, James M. Moulton and John L. Howland Fund, James Phinney Baxter Fund in Memory of Henry Johnson, James R. and Helen Lee Billingsley Professorship of Marine Biology, James R. and Virginia E. Stuart Scholarship Fund, James R. Pierce Athletic Leadership Award, James Stacy Coles Chair of Natural Sciences, James Stacy Coles Undergraduate Research Fellowship Fund, James W. MacAllen and Patricia A. MacAllen Scholarship Fund, Jane A. and John H. Nichols, Jr. See details about these opportunities here. Bryn Mawr College Bowdoin College University University of Miami University of Louisville Foundation Lafayette College . Last week, two of America's leading liberal arts colleges, Bowdoin and Middlebury, announced their fall reopening plans. Bryant joined Bowdoins investment office in April 2020 as director of investments, following sixteen years as an investment professional and earlier as an attorney specializing in capital markets and mergers and acquisitions. The endowment had returned a net 57.4% for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2021, the second-highest return tracked by Pensions & Investments last year. This fund supports speakers and lecturers in the Department of Economics and research activities of a Bowdoin student majoring in economics as designated by the department chair. The museum of contemporary art of georgia's (moca ga) mission is to collect and archive significant, contemporary works by the artists of the state of georgia. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan, where he earned his undergraduate degree magna cum laude in classical archaeology, and where he was also elected to Phi Beta Kappa. The endowment is the college's second-largest source of . Contact: Dean for Academic Affairs, 207-725-3578. Bowdoin's exceptional endowment performance, year after year, has enabled the endowment both to provide significant funding and to continue to grow. Page, M.D., Scholarship FundThe Solon and Kate Papacosma Memorial Scholarship FundPrescott H. Pardoe Memorial ScholarshipParis Family Scholarship FundToby Parker Memorial ScholarshipGeorge Winfield Parsons ScholarshipLindley F. and Mabelle Foss Parsons ScholarshipRobert B. Patterson Jr. 68 Memorial Scholarship FundLee G. Paul Scholarship FundThe John H. Payne ScholarshipThe John H. and Ernestine A. Payne Scholarship FundCharles Henry Payson Scholarship Fund (1935)Margaret Payson Scholarship FundLeslie W. Pearson ScholarshipThe Howard Pease '66, P'96 and Amy Hathaway Russell '96 Scholarship Fund Roland Marcy Peck MemorialJohn S. Peckham Memorial ScholarshipWoolf Peirez ScholarshipPendexter Family Scholarship FundPeoples Heritage Bank ScholarshipSamuel H. and Sarah Allen Perkins Scholarship FundPerper Family Scholarship FundArthur Lincoln Perry ScholarshipTrueman S. Perry ScholarshipDr. The National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) maintains information on college endowments. Research opportunities at university Bowdoin College is among the most active colleges in research mediation in the corner of liberal art. The Bowdoin College endowment generated an investment return of 57.4 percent and was valued at $2.72 billion for the fiscal year that ended on June 30, 2021. University Endowments Value 2718438000. The endowment, of which approximately 45% is restricted to the support of student financial aid, generated an investment return of 16.0% for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2013. Contact: Department of Biology, 207-725-3582. During the fiscal year, the College received approximately $24.1 million in endowment gifts and additions, and provided $41.3 million to the annual operations of the College. By 2015, the table totaled $394.96 billion, an increase of 80%, and in 2018, the total further increased to $479.23 billion. The Bowdoin College endowment, of which nearly half is permanently restricted by donors to the support of student financial aid, generated an investment return of 10.9 percent for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2019. Her portfolio even. If Bowdoin is to remain committed to need-blind admissions and itsno-loan policy, we must raise an additional $4.75 million in spendable scholarship funds. Menlo Park, California, United States . Office of Development and Alumni Relations. The Achorn gift is to be used to fund lectures or courses in the field of ornithology (the study of birds) or by the Department of Biology. Bowdoin College has a $1.74 billion endowment, but according to Cook, a strong endowment does not equate to a strong cash flow. He will succeed Paula Volent, who announced in February that she intends to step down in June after more than twenty years in the position. Bowdoin College's $2.5 billion endowment returned -7.1% for the fiscal year ended June 30, according to a news release on the Brunswick, Maine-based college's website. Over the duration of her career in Brunswick, Volent oversaw the growth of Bowdoin's endowment from $465 million to its current $2.4 billion valuationgrowth which has fundamentally altered the College's financial capabilities and enabled it to be one of 19 need-blind colleges nationwide in its admissions policies and meet full demonstrated Aerial views of campus with pops of brilliant fall color, thanks to local drone photographer Glenn Michaels. Nearly half of the endowment is permanently restricted by donors to the support of student financial aid. To find a college, in Windows click Control + f, on a Mac click Command + f, and then type the college's name in the search box. For a list of Bowdoin scholarships with longer descriptions click here. The Bowdoin College endowment generated an investment return of -7.1 percent for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2022, a highly volatile period for financial markets that saw the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ lose 10.6 percent and 23.4 percent, respectively. Ward ScholarshipPaula M. Wardynski Scholarship FundGenevieve Warren Memorial Scholarship FundWilliam C. Watterson Scholarship FundJohn Prescott Webber Jr. ScholarshipWebster Family Scholarship FundGeorge Webster ScholarshipGeorge H. Weeks Memorial Scholarship FundSadye Gordon Weil Scholarship FundArthur D. and Francis J. Welch ScholarshipVincent B. and Barbara G. Welch ScholarshipPaul and Ethel Van Order Welsh Scholarship FundWentworth Scholarship FundDr. Their insights, strong relationships with fund managers, and skill in sourcing and evaluating investment opportunities during these turbulent times are truly unmatched. Rockefeller University has appointed Paula Volent vice president and chief investment officer to oversee its $2.5 billion endowment. And while a relatively modest endowment may contribute to Harvey Mudd's steep sticker price (tuition, room, and board for 2022-2023 tallies up to $82,395), the financial aid packages are generous . Kohler Scholarship Fund Kolod Family Scholarship FundThe Drs Ernest and Ellen Kornmehl Family Scholarship FundDonald Nash Koughan Memorial Scholarship Koughan Family Fund Mallory Kountze ScholarshipFrances M. and Donald J. Krogstad '65 ScholarshipDonald R. Kurtz Scholarship FundStephen and Elizabeth Ann Kusmierczak Scholarship FundSamuel Appleton and Estelle Hamilton Ladd Scholarship FundSamuel A. Ladd III ScholarshipLakin Family Scholarship FundFrederic Evans Lally ScholarshipF. Scholarship FundEuan G. Davis Scholarship FundElizabeth Snowman Davis ScholarshipsJ bowdoin college endowment Thursday that,! Senior vice president and chief investment officer, Bryant will be a member of Bowdoins senior leadership team reporting! Dankens Scholarship FundEuan G. Davis Scholarship FundElizabeth Snowman Davis ScholarshipsJ is among the most active colleges in mediation. Public relations is at nearly $ 502 million and evaluating investment opportunities during turbulent!, who had served as the endowment is at nearly $ 502 million officer. Institutional endowment has more than 1,700 individual funds earmarked for the perpetual support student... Than doubled since 2000. all possible thanks to funding secured by the Center... By donors to the support of student financial aid FundEuan G. Davis Scholarship FundElizabeth Snowman ScholarshipsJ... 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