my son is 4 and still poops his pants

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my son is 4 and still poops his pants

You probably already know this but I was told to make sure that the child's feet are firmly on the ground or on a stool. I am a mother of two and one on the way. I hope I helped some. Parenting has been pretty much my 'life', but I don't cater to kids as if they're ALL I live for. I recommend using several in combination. Good luck! i have made him scrub his pants and still does, it doesnt faze him. and lots of water (Esp if he is drinking lots of milk) Despite their best efforts, she has been unable to break her son of this less than pleasant habit. Thank you so much for your advice!!! Remember, he or she is still getting used to the idea of sitting on a toilet. He has ADHD (NOT behavioral issues- he's a great kid, just attention issues) and his doctor told us it is a fairly normal symptom. I totally agree! patience! He soon decided it was quicker to go to the toilet on his own. We still monitor his poop time and remind him to go if we notice that he hasn't gone in a day or so. That was the way I potty trained by children, but they were 2/3 at the time. Hope thsi helps. Doesn't take long so my daughter tells me, it's just the need to remind him. My solution was I made him wash out his own underwear everytime there was an accident and then take a bath. Every load of laundry contains at least one poop-filled pair of underwear, and not a week goes by that we don’t at some point notice a foul smell emanating from him as he walks past. The less of a big deal you make it, the better. 4.a thought At his age.. about 1/2 -1 hr hour after meal masasge his feet , value and have him drink some water ..have some exercise play .. (My kids move easier after movement) and tehn ask him just to go set on potty (With the story if desired ) . He'll feel clean, fresh and grown up! In no way should this be punitive, but more a way to help him have a more mature understanding of proper hygene. Solve the emotional issue, solve the problem. This way they don't have to tighten there legs muscles while sitting on the potty. He is fighting potty training like you wouldn't believe. Next.. after bath and after meals (when new foods is working down the colon and naturally puishing the l;ast food) massage his feet on bottom to help the accupressuire points for colon I basically just started taking the underwear with the poo and put it into the potty, the poo, not the underwear (although I would rinse out the unders if they were sloppy). If he has to go, if you do these exercises he'll relax those muscules before sitting on the toilet. My niece and my son both have dietary issues that cause constipation. just to relax him about it and it helped. Hang in there and love him and praise him - potty issues and food issues can cause the most psychological issues later in life. I say that because we've been there. His poop was the only thing he could control and as a nurse, this was not ok with me. Allow your child to have his or her favorite books, dolls, or small toys in the bathroom. Then, have him evaluated in a child mental health department of a hospital or clinic, and at the very least this will yield a systematic plan for you to follow at home. Encopresis occurs when kids hold their poop too long, get constipated, and often have pooping-in-their-pants problems. Often if they are constipated its so much harder. Perhaps the less said the better. I would emphaize cleanliness. Instead of wiping him off like a diapered baby. 1. He goes in his underwear and I am constantly washing out poopy clothes. He had many accidents because of it. I went through the same thing with my daughter. We have tr … How about trying something for the constipation that's more natural like putting a few tablespoons of prune juice in some apple juice? Teach him how to wash, then follow up with your own washing. Your son is a quite a bit older though. As a nurse you may or may not ahve gone over these alternative approaches.. and with one own child . Have you tried making him feel like a "big boy" when he does it in the toilet? We did it all very matter-of-factly. Kids are smart and they figure it out on sometimes on their own with a little help from mom or dad. It’s also a common problem among children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and others who tend to miss or ignore body cues. It is possible he is fearful of the toilet. And the whole "yay!" Luckily we caught it in time and there was nothing medically that we had to do, we just had to get him on a routine. Just calmly help him into a fresh pair of pants, and speak positively about how good he'll feel when he can use the potty. Oatmeal is a great food for moving the bowels. So I give him a fiber supplement in his juice. ). Potty training seemed to go well and all of a sudden she was terrified to go. The next time, you need to be sure to follow through and have them help you again even if they don't want to. My son is 4 1/2 years old and still won’t poop on the potty. It made a difference. My suggestion would be just to have him checked for this before doing anything such as "ignoring it till it passes". Others get busy playing and ignore the urge to go. Read to, play with, and talk to your child when you’re in the bathroom together. If you lived through it you would suggest that to everyone! He is 7. For some reason they believe that the BM is a part of their body and a part of them is quite fearful about flushing it down the toilet. We see kids with this problem into their teens! You could try sqat-thrusts or toe touches, just before sitting on the potty. I believe she didnt know until it was too late. I would imagine if they had it 20 years ago I would have used it. I try to give him the Calm (a powder it mix in his juice) the same time every day and he usually poops about the same time each day. So they knew when he was standing on tip toe to make him go sit on the toilet. My son at 4 did still have accidents and it is frustrating especially in my case when his baby sister is completely trained yet he still had accidents. Don't stress out, I guess this is just part of being a "little" know how guys are with their daily constititional! * Have him sit (on the toilet) 15-20 minutes after each meal. You tell him to go to the bathroom and he refuses till he pees his pants. I am not telling you this to scare you simply check it out as an option. He was a late bloomer with potty training in general and didn't start using the toilet for wee's until he was just over 3 years old (so he has been using the toilet for weeing, and wearing undies, for just over 10 months now). Now he has no problem going to the potty, even though he still needs help wiping now and then. however, i believe most of the time is because he is just too lazy to. I helped, but I always made sure he got some on his hands. Strong parental approval when she gets the job done. She did everything you've done. My son just turned 5 and is frequently pooping in his underwear still. I hope you can get him off Miralax so he can build life long haelthy habits. Sometimes they can not feel the urge in time or ignore it until it is too late. eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'mamapedia_com-box-4','ezslot_1',638,'0','0']));It can be a medical condition called encopresis (?sp?) (Donna Eden) or one sample ( so to massage these points.. below the belly button , But getting your son on a routine is a start to getting him used to going poop on the potty and not in his pants. So when he started actually kindergarden he would try to hold it in because he was a "big boy" now and didn't want to have any accidents. Not to say your son has the same issue, but I had heard a lot about ADHD before my son's diagnosis and never heard of that! i dont thing stubborness has anything to do with it....there is another thread about this situation on this site. I'm sorry to hear what you're going through. patience! When we were potty training my daughter she had a hard time going number two on the potty chair also. She would literally scream, cry and wiggle trying to stop it from coming out. treatment again when she would go. J., i remember a professor saying that a childs bowel habits are the hardest and last thing they learn how to control. The solution to your child's toileting problem will depend on its cause. Your son has come up with a pretty good solution on his own– he doesn’t hold his poop, which is the most important part. L. I agree with the Ginger S and Ginger B. I can't really say what worked because he would do good then get constipated and have weeks where off and on he had accidents. They don't pay attention to a lot of things, from social cues from peers to physical sensations like having to use the bathroom until it's an emergency. What would be the right thing to do. I don't exactly remember what the name of it was but him not wanting to go to the restroom caused his bowels to stretch and the nerves that give that sentation of needing to go were somewhat damaged. I didn't make a big deal of it, just threw away the undies and had him clean himself up. Some kids are possesive about their BM's, after all when wearing diapers, most parents just take away the poo and put it into the trash. He would look at me and say "I have to go!" It won't last forever. Not his woe, mine! (not really proud of some of those moments). Almost 4.5 Yr Old Boy Digressing with Pooping His Pants and Doesn't Seem to Care, 6 Year Old Not Wanting to Use the Bathroomo (When He Needs To! i took psychology 101 years ago. This was over 18 months ago and we are still no further. It is important to be consistent and not to scold. Does he go to day care? I know it must be frustrating. Gently explain how big boys want to be clean and if an accident happens that it is important to bathe. We went through the same process with the gastroenterologist and constipation and Miralax. I have tried everything to a Potty chart, rewards buying presents etc.... Help any suggestion. Then he could control getting them. Regards, R.,,,,,,, 3 1/2 Year Old Will Not Have BM in Toilet, 5 Years Old Girl Still Refuse to Poop in the Toilet. My son will be 5 in 2 weeks and in exact same boat, hes been dry since he was 3.5 even on a night with only 1 wet bed, but his poops are nearly always in pants when we do catch him he clenches his bum that hard its hard to get him to bend. He should feel some embarrassment if he can't help it. Anyway when my youngest son was in pre-school he would stand on his toes and actively try to hold the bowel until he could get home. Help him clean up and say nothing about the accident and then praise and reward when he uses the toilet. I also rewarded him with M&M's as potty treats for poops on the potty only. it is hard work to get them back to where they should be. Constipation aside, I am familiar with the pooping problem. . If you still get that response, get a new doctor. i went through this many many years ago with my daughter. He may relating pooping sensation to all of that. We did reward our daughter when she used the potty, or even tried to use the potty with little motivaters, like little toys and or an M&M candy (one or two). First of all if your doctor says this is just a fear and he will get over it...ask again..and again. I dont know if there is any connection but I too breastfed till later than most. Good luck. Im not sure if he has his sensation back or if he is just being stubborn. I am also a nurse and had a similar problem with my son. You can usually tell by how soft his poop is. He cleaned himself with tp, and we would do a final wipe. he poops his pants almost on a daily basis. You may also have your son help clean up after such a mess. He even pooped in a motel room without his little on-top-of-the-big-toilet seat earlier this week. He'd have to go get clean clothes and put them on. Another thing you can try is asking him how he feels when he poops in his pants. at only 4 he might be confusing teh sensation when busy. But after a couple of weeks he would return to pooping in his pants. Look up some web sites onthese and some on Energy Medicine tech. My suggeston is patience! He never has had an extended period of time without accidents, but now it … But he would have accidents and same situation as you we would try rewarding him if he did use the potty and tried the punishment thing and talking and everything else and he also knew better but one day he swallowed a penny. I have had great success with just that (after doctor's prescribed suppositories and medication that were harsh and artificial!). He goes for months and does fine then starts wetting them. Why should Mom have to do all the 'dirty work' that the kids caused. This is where they can sit comfortable and read a book, listen to soothing music, etc. I think everyone is just individual. I'm not sure why he was constipated (diet or otherwise) but he may be scared of sitting on the potty since he had such a hard time in the past. I don't want to punish him but I am at a loss. Plus Our friends had the same problem and they did the same. Finally after the diagnosis, she was admitted to Rainbow Babies Hospital in Cleveland overnight (I stayed with her) and she was "cleaned out", (IV liquids, diahrea, etc.No pain) The blockage taken care of I could start over. The problem only got worse when entering school because he just did not want to have a poop anywhere but home. She is in high school now and still has issues with the bathroom. Everyone had their 2 cents! he does not have any health issues no ADD, no ADHd no issues with abuse mentally or psycally. We have been referred to hospital specialist nurses who are helping retrain his bladder. But, she now knows what to do and handles it without problems. So when we found out which one did it I took him into the restroom and told him to sit on the toilet until I get back. My son took awhile to potty train because he never wanted to stop what he was doing to go to the bathroom. until he can go in the potty. Have you explainded to him why the body produces waste and where it should go? Try the Miralax but I always still suggest checking for the blockage. Also, while I don't hold with punishing, having a icky face and gagging while dealing with nastiness so they know how icky it is, is something I don't have any problem doing. He sometimes still pees (although is very good at hiding it…it is like he “leaks” all day long in his underwear). And if you’re subjected to the “potty train before preschool” requirement, all this pressure only makes the situation worse. Well I have started potty time and so far twice this week he has came and told me he needed to potty. He will get it down when he is physically adn psychologically ready. He also still poops in his pants probably 3-5 times a week, usually a little, but sometimes, disturbingly, more than a little. I know it is more work, but if he can see how unpleasant it is to deal with in the underwear perhaps he will stop it. They're gonna find out soon in the 'real world' that everything's not done for them, so the earlier they learn to have personal character and be independent, the better they'll feel about themselves. At least that way you could guage better if it's just being stubborn or if he really can't tell if he needs to go to the bathroom. My oldest son, now 10, still has issues on occasion. If she has any tells (my son is all grown up, and I can still recognize his "poop face"), don't offer a gentle suggestion to head to the bathroom. below is an answer i gave to another woman experiencing this problem, if you care to read it. But then 2 years has passed and still he keeps pooping in his pants. He knows when he has bowel moovement but his pants are soiled daily. Simply be patient. * Stay away from sugars, empty calories and cheese. It can be stressful, not to mention frustrating when your family is going through this. He might need a seat that sits on the toilet. My son is now 23. In my sons case he was constipated so this makes it so much harder. And yet sometimes she would soil her underwear or "leak" a little. The problem is most of the time they get to stand when going to the potty so unless they have to sit they may not realize they need to poop. I started a sticker chart with him, but he didn't want to put them on paper so he gets to put the sticker on his old toy chest(which makes it look cuter lol) and I just sort of ignored the problem when he had accidents. check out this website He hasn't had accidents in a long time now but usually when he does its because he is constipated. (I have a brother-in-law who had seizures all his life, and my mother-in-law pretty much 'kept' him (even when he was married). We had to set a time of day that he HAD to go to the restroom. Hi, Potty Training 2 and a Half Year Old Son That Will Not Go #2 on Potty. Keep up the good work and be careful not to chastise, that may confuse him. He is much better now. It took a little longer because when we had to leave the house, I would put him in pull-ups to save us both, but I made sure he went just before we left and while we were out we made several potty stops. Like, watching a movie, playing a game, or outside playing. but that is not always a good thing if you dont go. I put the portable potty seat on the tile in the den, closer to the activity, and let him go bare bottom. We have tried rewarding him with big toys, bribes, star charts, even take by things away or punishing him. I … This will reduce the stress and once he's comfortable with the process on the potty chair you can try again with the big toilet. you could always try just having him sit on the potty very frequently. They informed me to add fiber etc. Thank you all again for your help, it's comforting to know that I'm not the only mother going through this. I had 2 little boys just a little older than her, and with the teasing from them that i was constantly trying to stop, the lack of sleep i was getting, frustration, I was extremely stressed. My son is one of those kids. I know it sounds nasty, but their hands will wash, just like yours will and it is worth it. 2. Thats where the powdered magnesium could help during the change over time.It's hard to get enough in food . Then you can nicely tell them that mommy doesn't like to wash them out either becuase it is yucky! Usually, a 4-year-old child is supposed to be potty trained, and parents may think that the … Most of the advice in the archives relates to 4 and 5 year olds who still won't go poo but use the toilet to pee. He is experiencing anxiety about having bowel movement, so do NOT punish for his accidents, instead praise every time you see a measure of success. So at first I though it was my sister's son who was 2 and not my 6 year old. He still wets his pants. Encopresis is common, hard to treat, and very annoying. Encopresis is not uncommon and it can develop from this situation. Also use one of the potty trainers that fit onto a regular potty. I will hear him running down the hall and slamming the bathroom door. excuse him .. but keep trying this with out to see if natural sensation will come back for him . WHen there were NO other treats at all during the day and he realized he had to poop on the potty to get them, it became his choice to earn what he wanted. Do not put trainers (underwear) on him, he will not go potty because he will know it is wrong. This is going to sound gross, but it has worked on both of my girls and I only had to use this approach with them twice each time. It took a while. After awhile, my son started to poo in the potty once he understood that is where it goes. He is not feeling the sensation because of all he been through. My 8-year-old son has been wetting and soiling himself for a long time now. 3. there is the ileocecail value and Hoston value .. which help controal the urge" I first heard about this years ago when a friends daughter also had not going issues and had to be relleived from teh sides inward stroke forward to center with palms and pull outward with fingers pushing inward.. My just about 4 yr old boy is bright and engaging and totally advanced in many ways, except one. As I backed off on bugging him about sitting on the potty and just made it routine to do so for 10 minutes after meals, when the urge should be the strongest due to peristalsis, it seemed to help. In our case it appears that that was true. This condition is called encopresis.,,,,,, eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'mamapedia_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_5',642,'0','0']));We had been dealing with something similar, and just recently turned to corner on this one. Usually there is an emotional problem with this sort of problem. Little children even at age 4 can be predictable. Hi J., One piece of advise is it is more embarresment for the child than us. This sits right on top. We'd help with a good washing up. Good luck. I am not sure how to approach this situation. That was a hit, but the cleaning yourself was the key for him. It really grosses the child out and they say they don't like it, etc. small circles in arae can help to with stuck matter. My son has always had problems learning to go potty. It's gross! At the time, everyone said boys take longer. The only thing that worked was taking his pants and underwear off. he is often picked on at school and never has any little boys call, come over, or want to hang out with him. i don't think buying presents will help, just keep on working with his self esteem and confidence and he will work through it , maybe longer than most but, not imbarrased. Why has my 4 year old son reverted back to pooping his pants? When a child doesn’t poop for a while, their stool collects and hardens. Often if they are constipated its so much harder. Meanwhile I would fluctuate between praying, crying and getting mad. Not just pooping, peeing too. He was about 5 when we first discovered this and he is now almost 8 1/2. J. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'mamapedia_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_4',637,'0','0']));Although my son did not have the medical issues we did have problems with him pooping in his pants. Have you spoken with your doctor? sometimes it is from not wiping good enough and i have showed him the correct way to wipe. In the summer months I recommend you let him run around without clothing and make a potty chair available to him. Have him stop all fun and head straight to the bathroom for a bath. They both have an "allergy" to dairy products ... including all milk proteins as casein, whey, etc. It started at a very early age and progressed till she was 4, with some side effects till even 6. my 9 year old son still poops his pants -- why? It has … My 13 year old son still poops himself. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'mamapedia_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_4',637,'0','0']));H.. For some young children, boys in particular, the BM can be quite a traumatic experience. We had issues with our son as well whom is almost 6 now. Even if he felt he didn't need to go he would sit there and eventually it became normal for him. With this backup in the rectum, other softer or liquid stool can leak around it and stain their underwear. He had to wash out his dirty undies in the toilet. First, be sure to have your son medically evaluated, to be sure his bowels are not compacted and to rule out ony other medical problem. He's been through enough with the "cleaning out process" and doctors. she did the same, told me after the fact etc. I only ask because our son has mild sensory issues. We were all surprised to learn that all of us have dealt with or a dealing with chronic constipation & soiling issues. Everyone is so nice and actually takes time out to read peoples problems and help them out. :). I would also suggest … It worked after one weekend. Tell her that you and she are going to the bathroom. If this isn't the case, your consistency in rewarding him and/or putting him on the potty will eventually pay off. As awful as it is because he is bigger and so are his poops, it is better if he is not ashamed about it. I took my 4 year old to the Gastro Doctor for constipation. He thought that was the worst thing ever. To this day I still remember all those late nights and tears and feeling terrible in the bathroom with her! eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'mamapedia_com-box-4','ezslot_1',638,'0','0']));My daughter had issues with her bowel movements too. When kids strain to go it can hurt and they will hold it until it can not be held any longer. My 3rd son has constipation issues. There are also exercises that he can do that will help increase his urge to go. Over the years some other things I ahve learned to suggest We also rewarded pooping with an m&m and got all excited when he pooped in the potty. In my sons case he was constipated so this makes it so much harder. Since he is 4, lessons on why and how we wash clothes might help him too. 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