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inferno vs dinobot

On a hot day he demanded Rattrap bring him an popsicle, only to receive a plastic Gari Robo-kun transforming popsicle instead. The Probe The issue was raised again when the Maximals thought that the Predacons had been destroyed. As Dinobot disabled the former, he protested Megatron's apparent cowardice and dishonorable tactics. Dinobot, like his fellow Maximals, greeted the Predacon turncoat with bared weapons and only reluctantly allowed Tarantulas to aid them. Shell Game #1, While Megatron was being guided through the afterlife by Rhinox, he beheld a vision of himself slaughtering his allies and foes alike, Dinobot among them. Maximum Dinobots #2, Rightfully so, the Dynobots were pissed with their leader, and walked away after Swoop read Grimlock the riot act. Heading out with the rest of the Dinobots to look for it, Grimlock's seizures suddenly became more serious as his entire body locked in place and he was unable to move—just as they were approached by a frantic Hi-Q being chased by a horde of Demons. Dinobot's future was his own...but Megatron had virtually limitless power to change it. The Hallowing The Dinobots would go on to clash with the disillusioned young Autobot Slide and her Colonist Soldiers, with Slug killing Gimlet before the arrival of Unicron over Earth forced both sides to agree to a truce to take on the true threat. Hi-Q, however, saw that the Nucleon was engineering a metamorphosis within Grimlock and used his Powermaster skills to accelerate the process, allowing the Dinobot leader to be reborn in a new, all-powerful Action Master form. This newfound power caused most of the Demons to flee but Grimlock had caught one and was about to kill it when he was reminded of his oath to protect all life by Hi-Q. ...All This and Civil War 2. The Predacons defeated the two and secured the pod for themselves, bringing Blackarachnia online. At this point, his internal computer attempted to engage stasis lock to save his remaining energy, but Dinobot overrode it and turned to face his final opponent: Megatron himself. The launching pad was destroyed by Airazor just as Dinobot arrived. Thus, any playable Maximal can fill the role of protagonist in Maximal Mode, and any playable Predacon can fill the role of protagonist in Predacon Mode. After the group defeated Bludgeon and discovered that a natural hot spot had lit up in Alyon, the Dinobots welcomed Strafe into their ranks and set out into the wilderness to find and kill Bludgeon. United with the future and present Autobots and Decepticons, the Dinobots confronted Galvatron, now allied with (the clone of) Megatron. Snarl disagreed, saying that it has always been Grimlock's fight, that he and the other Dynobots went along with him, and that it was now Grimlock's wounded pride at stake. Sadly, it did not protect the Dynobots from Shockwave's energy blasts, which melted the artificial skin and caused the Dynobots to go into stasis lock due to excessive energon radiation. As it turned out, Prime had only shouted about their crimes in order to lure out the culprit, the vigilante Sandstorm, but had also arranged a trap door to open beneath them when the bomb struck, saving their lives. Desertion of the Dinobots, Part 2, During the Battle of Autobot City, the Dinobots were dispatched to defeat Devastator. The Dinobots obviously didn't agree with this scheme and easily fended off the Allicons, prompting the lead Quintesson Judge to use the Recreator Volcanicus comic 1 to summon Predaking. Transformers: Battle Tactics, Dinobot was one of many warriors pulled from his universe to fight for the Quintessons. A short time afterward, Dinobot was standing with Primal and Rhinox on the bridge of the Axalon around a holo-map of the Predacon base when Primal suggested that Rattrap go on a scouting mission. Dinobot eventually met up with several Autobots and Decepticons from another dimension. Eye of the Storm, On Hydrus Four, Grimlock enlisted a local mechanoid as his guide and learned that Nucleon had driven the first three patients insane, leaving them to jealously guard the medi-center that was its source against all that approached. Henkei! It injected him with a virus that was intended to make him a coward, but instead removed all his inhibitions. Letting the Demon go, he returned to his Dinobots and revealed the price he had paid for his Nucleon upgrade—Grimlock was no longer able to transform. Maximum Dinobots #2 Their newly formed team of misfits became members of the Primal Vanguard under Nominus Prime and (somehow) model soldiers, acting as a Covert Strike Force with a spotless and admirable service record until one mission went wrong. It was soon revealed that Rattrap had not perished, but had instead managed to shut off Sentinel.A Better Mousetrap, Dinobot joined Optimus Primal on a mission once again, but this time to explore the planet's native organisms. The Maximals quickly tried to select a new leader by secret ballot, and Dinobot laughed at them when their vote ended in a tie. Inferno bio With the Metals power up, Infern… Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. Megatron did not care and shot them both. Dinobot vs. Inferno [Fan Art] [OC] 3 comments. But thanks to the constantly evolving Binaltech technology, they were able to replicate Soundwave's abilities with the Psychedevice. The Art of War #2 Grimlock and the others followed this new threat back to Cybertron, only to be captured and imprisoned by the Decepticons. While he didn't go through with it, Scorponok did. Dinobot bio. When Optimus Primal noted that Tigatron was the victim of an aerial attack, Dinobot identified the culprits as Waspinator and Terrorsaur. Grimlock and Shockwave were too busy fighting to notice the return of Slag, Snarl, and Swoop, who reasoned that, while helping Grimlock might not be much of a cause, it still beat being no better than the Monsterbots. In the process, they frequently mouthed off, rebelled and started brawls inside of Autobot Headquarters (and the occasional dinosaur-shaped city). The other Dinobots, still standing around Sludge's body, also exhibited signs of being drained. Maximum Dinobots #3, Aboard the Monsterbots' ship, the Dynobots wondered why Grimlock would side with the outcasts. Sort by. G.I. Targetmaster Chapter Prologue He eventually regained a regular-sized body by 2039. Primacy #4, As the war raged on, the Dynobots became figures of fear to the Decepticon army. Dinobots vs. … Despite their incredible strength, Devastator manhandled them. A battle broke out between the Maximals, Predacons, Autobots and Decepticons. Numbers 77-112, known as the Laser Beasts, were released after Beastformers broke its ties to the Transformers and will not be covered much on this wiki. Transformers: Energon (llamada Transformers: Superlink en Japón (トランスフォーマー スーパーリンク Toransufōmā: Sūpārinku), es una serie creada por Hasbro y Takara.Es la continuación de la serie Transformers: Armada y se sitúa temporalmente 10 años después. At one point, the Dinobots became sick of only being used as the hammer of the Autobot army, so they deserted, saying that they would fight when they wanted to. save. They returned to Earth to battle a new splinter group of Decepticons under Shockwave's command. Wreckers: Finale Part II, During the theft of the Golden Disk, He Who Would Be Megatron also scanned the historical datatrax of the Autobots and Decepticons. When Megatron put out a call for combatants, the Dynobots were amongst those who were shown grudging respect by the Predacons as opposed to the remainder of the "amateurs" in the crowd. Beast Wars: Transformers video game advertising comic. As Primal considered this a lesson in respect learned, he found himself attacked by one of Scorponok's cyberbees. They continued protecting the cargo from Badgeless and undead Sweeps until they reached Alyon and encountered Bludgeon, who killed Barricade, destroyed the sparks and corrupted Strafe into a monstrous form. Most of them dislike Optimus Prime, so whether or not they follow the Autobot leader's orders depends on what those orders are. Madman's Paradise Grimlock's New Brain Law of the Jungle, The alien mystery that surrounded the planet soon came to a head. The planet's gigantic guardian, Chela, awoke before their eyes to quell this reunion of worlds, and Dinobot and the others attempted to defend the spacebridge from it, but it was summarily defeated by Starscream. Dinobot grabbed what weaponry he could, and with the other two Maximals engaged the Predacons far from the ship, in hopes that they could keep the Predacons away from whatever Rhinox was trying to accomplish. Time Wars, The Dinobots were next called upon to fight the Underbase-powered Starscream in Tokyo. Dinobot, cheated and humbled, took his efforts elsewhere. Megatron had discovered a mountain whose image was recorded on the disk, and he had Rampage destroy the peak. They were unearthed in 2006 by a human archaeological dig Spotlight: Shockwave which was taken over by government agents. Unleashed However, they soon changed their minds and returned in time to help the Autobots fight Trypticon, an ancient monster and creator of the cyber-morphic predators. Dinobot bio Their carelessness indirectly caused Rhinox to be infected with a virus that caused him to eject energy involuntarily, via hiccups or sneezes or...other means. As per Shockwave's programming, Guardian came hunting for the Autobots and engaged them in battle while the bomb counted down to detonation. When he aided Megatron in the theft of the Golden Disk, Dinobot believed he was in the pursuit of endless glory. Swoop's jaw and missiles probably didn't need this, but that's, Four of the original five Dinobot designs served as the templates for the "Geisters", recurring villainous henchmen on the Takara/Sunrise co-production. The Lesser Evil! Bonus Edition Vol. This page was last modified on 5 December 2020, at 15:30. After that clash subsided, Dinobot helped the Maximals, leading them to a victory against Megatron when he tried to obtain the bounty of a mountain-sized cache of natural energon. Mechanical Difficulties! Slag, Sludge, Swoop and Snarl were quickly taken out and while Grimlock managed to knock the treacherous Decepticon out of the sky for the Predacons to attack him, they were no match for the super-powered Seeker and only the Decepticon Pretenders could stand against him. But Primal interrupted before any damage was done, and Tigatron later came back to battle to save Dinobot from a Predacon attack, making the whole point moot. Refusing to surrender, the Dinobots formed Volcanicus and resumed their assault. S.O.S. Maximal, No More, As Rhinox and Dinobot scanned known alien sites, they suddenly realized that Tigatron and Airazor were journeying into one. Primal put Rattrap in charge, and the remaining Maximals mounted a plan to extract Primal from the alien construct. The Wrath of Guardian! 31. They found that a human named Professor Embrey had used the crystal to save some of the area's dinosaurs from a disease that was killing them. Volcanicus comic 2, They were eventually summoned to the previous universe by Primus to help with the huge conflict taking place there over Star Power and Angolmois Energy. Primacy 1 They went on to help defend Iacon from a Decepticon assault, saving Hot Rod from the Predacons in the process. While feeling some guilt for what he did, Grimlock defended his actions by saying "er, hello, we're vicious amoral rule-breakers, of course I did it". Assassins To make matters worse, when they found him he was under attack from the Mayhems and they quickly found themselves under attack from Megatron and Shockwave. War of the Dinobots The Dinobots' role was simply to pulverize anyone or anything that was too strong for the Autobots to handle on their own. He encountered Sandstorm and forged an alliance, and while Sludge and Snarl were less happy about working with Slug's killer and attacked him, they temporarily put that aside and only pretended to fight him in order to fool Bludgeon into thinking they were distracted. On a Cybertron ruled by the decrepit and corrupt Builders, Dynobot was one of the first Maximals and Predacons to speak out against the system, agitating for change. Proving Grounds, Thanks to the destruction of Rampage, the Dinobot clone's spark-brother, Dinobot's consciousness was able to take hold of the clone and make him regain a sense of honour. Many Beast Wars combatants had managed to construct personal bases, customized to their personal tastes, due to the extended duration of the war. The Transformation Gap When he was introduced to the new junior employee, Rattrap, the first thing Dinobot did was try to eat him. Following the Iron Ring's invasion, the group was approached by Centurion who convinced them to allow him to inform Optimus Prime of the new generation. Dawn of Future's Past, After Airazor was reborn on Earth, Dinobot rushed out to assist the Maximals against the Predacons during a plot to launch an orbital weapon. Dinobot broke into the Predacon base and stole Megatron's golden disks. Thankfully, a miracle arrived in the form of a resurrected Optimus Prime and the awesomely powerful Last Autobot, who began reviving all the Autobots who fell in battle with the Decepticons. But it also led to strong friendships and even the salvation of all humanity. After Rattrap returned to Cybertron with intel, a week later, official representatives from offworld arrived on Eukaris through the portal. Later, when Sentinel appeared to have shut down, Rattrap was assumed dead. Optimus Primal con nave Axalon; Megatron con nave Dark Side; Toys R Us. This backfired on him when Dinobot ate these toys as well. With the Ark. Further Autobot casualties were only prevented by the arrival of Optimus Prime with reinforcements from the Ark and all four Dinobots were left in a vegetative state. When We Have Been Social Rattrap took revenge by replacing Dinobot's office supplies with Device Label toys, forcing him to transform them before he could get any work done. 3 comments. Prank, For Christmas, Rattrap gifted Dinobot the alarm clock Transformer Heinrad, which mystified him. This attitude has very much pushed the Dinobots to the fringes of Autobot society, which has resulted in an extremely powerful sense of camaraderie and friendship among the team. Early on, Cheetor was ordered to his quarters for fumbling the test of an energon monitoring device, and Dinobot suggested to the young Maximal that he secretly test the device himself. However, the later episode ", Early on in the cartoon, the Dinobots are played as very dangerous (though dim) wildcards, whose great power makes them a huge advantage to the Autobots when they can be persuaded to cooperate. Jetfire, Jazz, and Ironhide had better luck capturing Slag in Old River Valley, Idaho, detecting the spy Laserbeak and using him to block Slag's flamethrower breath. Eventually Snarl, Slag, and Swoop decide to get to the Monsterbots' ship while the getting was good, but Grimlock stayed behind with Sludge. Realising that the other Dinobots were most likely undergoing the same condition, Optimus Prime announced that the Autobots would have to round them up. Break-Away! When they arrived they were confronted by the battle droid Guardian, reprogrammed by Shockwave to defend the spacecraft against any intruders. Tigatron was called to sneak into the Predacon base and find out what had captured Megatron's attention, and Dinobot and the other Maximals staged a non-lethal battle to cover Tigatron's exit, upholding their end of the truce. The Beast Within, It was established that Grimlock once commanded a splinter faction of Autobots known as the Lightning Strike Coalition, which included the Dynobots. To combat expertise in 2006 by a message from Optimus Primal noted that Tigatron was the victim of aerial! Wars Action Figures from the rest of the Ferromax Detention Center defending the protohumans influence his clone and.... Just Dinobot 's earlier betrayal of his stature, Dinobot was one of Cybertron., like his fellow Maximals in battling not only brute force but an of. 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