words that sound funny in a geordie accent

words that sound funny in a geordie accent

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words that sound funny in a geordie accent

But some expressions such as "kibble" (a. Geordie has a large amount of vocabulary not heard elsewhere in England. I've got a spelk.". ), Non Geordie translation: imbecile, buffoon or doylem, Usage: "Me nappa's knacking off gannin' on the hoy. scientific studies and medical journals. According to Merriam-Webster, a variant spelling of the word with an "-ious" ending existed as far back as the 16th century, though today both this spelling and pronunciation are considered "nonstandard. It depends who youre asking and where you are in the British Isles. Dialect differences have divided Americans into two categories: those who say "ga-rah-ge," and those who say "ga-redge." Its reet nippy tonight. Coffee is one of the most stereotypical New York accent words out there. navigator.sendBeacon('https://www.google-analytics.com/collect', payload); Postman, foley artist and philosopher are just three of the jobs he worked before turning up on the doorsteps of the Babbel office in 2016. Workyticket (you're workyticket means you're annoying) Monkeys' blood (red ice cream sauce) Canny (friendly) Wiles of wannie (middle of nowhere) Candyman (bailiff) Doylem (fool) Areet marra (alright mate) Aabut (about) Beclarted (very dirty) Blather Skite (someone who talks nonsense) Claes (clothes) Dunch (Bump into) Mortal (drunk) Had yer Pash One of the biggest differences between Geordie and RP is that the 'r's at the end of words aren't pronounced, and tend to be pronounced as 'ah' instead. "'ere dickhead come 'ere or I'll bray yer.". Geordie's still alreet. One of the UKs most-loved accents, Welsh English is as melodic as it is challenging! An inquisitive proclamation from a hungry Geordie be sure to point them in the right direction of the nearest Greggs. I'm gan yem. 3. When carers fail. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 199,766 times. The 'u' in words like 'hut' is often lengthened to become 'oo' as in 'took'. Bugger all. TAKE OUR GEORDIE QUIZ AND TEST YOUR WORD POWER "Bairn" (child), "hinny" (woman), "marra" (mate) and "hacky" (dirty) are popular North East words. Geordie People from Newcastle speak the Geordie dialect, and they're called Geordies too. Dont worry, thats actually how you express that the Geordie accent is amazing in Geordie! Eventually you will be able to say each tongue twister clearly and precisely at speed. While it has a multitude of meanings, bullocks . Click on the sound files to hear a Geordie using the target word. Wherever you travel to in the United States, you'll find people who pronounce the word "poem" as both "pome" (rhyming with "home") and "po-emme." Celebrities like Eric Idle (of Monty Python), Sting, Andy Taylor (of Duran Duran), singer Cheryl Fernandez-Versini, singer Perrie Edwards and Jade Thirlwall, and comedians Ant & Dec are some well-known Geordies. ", Non Geordie translation: the raspberry or strawberry flavour sauce used to garnish ice cream cones sold from a van ("cornets"), Usage: "Can I have monkey's blood on me cornet? But surprisingly, there are actually two common ways to pronounce this four-letter word. But not so fast: If you're from the Midwest, you might replace the "sir" sound with an "sh," calling your shopping haul "grosh-rees" instead. 2. Wheres me scran? In Geordie English, the word "champion" becomes an adjective rather than a noun, meaning "great" or "excellent". We say, 'You git what you git, so don't throw a fit. Simon is English, was born in Italy, studied in Sweden and now lives in Germany. Nee. ), Americans find it necessary to argue over the correct pronunciation of the sandwich's condiments, too. A woman or a youngster is likely to be addressed in Newcastle as pet, a common term of endearment used even among strangers. Newcastle city council has told its staff to think carefully before they use certain Geordie terms of endearment. Howay. The next time you visit Wisconsin, you won't be confused when you're asked if you brought your own "bayg" at the grocery store. Learn about the history of the accent and how to speak a little of it yourself. Nee: no Divvy: idiot Champion: great Toon: town (Newcastle United is often called The Toon and Newcastle United fans are called The Toon Army). ", Non Geordie translation: drunk enough to adversely affect coordination and general wellbeing, Usage: "I'm gannin' on the hoy (see above) in the Toon the neet, ganna get maaahrtal. Christine Ro explains why. Never. So, call it an "al-mond," an "am-end," or an "ahl-mend"regardless of pronunciation, you're still referring to the same thing. Geordie Phonology Geordie Connected Speech Processes. But hey, however you pronounce it, at least you're not calling it a car park! Let us know in the comments, which make for amusing reading And if you want to get more great Geordie content sent straight to your email basket, click here, The Tyne Bridge; Longsands beach in Tynemouth; The Angel of the North and the Millennium Bridge; (inset) a bag of Tudor crisps. ", As if the debate on what to call a giant sandwich wasn't enough (is it a sub, a hero, or a hoagie? A few of these are: a-one for "one" aught" for "anything" aye for "yes" bairn for "child" champion for "great" gan for "go" loaning for "lane" mebbies for "maybe" somewhat for "something" tae for "to" I'm very excited to finally be getting a Geordie accent, so I can sound more like my family and friends. What's your favourite Geordie phrase? We say it like git There is a common rhyme teachers use at school when students complain about not getting their first choice. Example: What ye uptee tomorra?, I divvina, pet., Use: When someone asks you what Monkeys Blood is (youll find out if you head to Tynemouth in the summer!). Not to be confused with 'neet', which means 'night'. Use: After standing in the queue for hours waiting to see Fenwicks Christmas window. WEY AYE, MAN! Marra means 'mate' or 'friend'. Practice saying birds of a feather flock together the Boston way. READ THIS NEXT: The 60 Most Beautiful Words in the English LanguageAnd How to Use Them. Howay in this context means Come on! The left-hand column lists each word, while the second column gives a definition in Standard English. These are Scandinavian loanwords from the Viking period; compare barn and hjem in modern Norwegian. When to use it: When you bump into a friend on the street, or when you meet a chum in the pub. Usage: "That gadgie's gannin' proper radgie, like. This article was . We adhere to structured guidelines for sourcing information and linking to other resources, including Usage: "Divvin' dunchus, man, or I'll fettle ye. Or maybe footballer Alan Shearer or Little Mixs Jade Thirlwall? She was born in the UK and has lived in Australia and Poland, where she writes blogs for Lingoda about everything from grammar to dating English speakers. While this is easy to make fun of people who try to make fun of the accent often get rid of too many r. In the North you might say. Probably the most commonly known Yorkshire word thanks to the Arctic Monkeys tune. And now for something completely different. To create this article, 34 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. ", Unless you live on the West Coast, you probably don't even realize that there are two ways to pronounce "coyote." Understanding these risk factors is the first step toward taking control of your heart health. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Seems that only the Geordie would be able to understand each other. "ye cud hev keep a-hadden yor dog". The term "Geordie" is the name often given to the locals in the Newcastle-upon-Tyne area, and although there are quite a few theories as to the origin of the term, a popular one points towards the name 'George', as it was such a common name among the local coal miners of the area. wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. ", (Also "haddaway, man" and the coarser "haddaway and sh*te" made popular by Oz, Jimmy Nail's character in Auf Wiedersehen, Pet), Non Geordie translation: generic proclamation of negativity or disbelief, Usage: "Haddaway, man, there's nee way that gadgie is signing for the Toon.". To soften the enthusiasm replace man with pet. Bray. Geordie is a regional dialect of English, which refers to a native person from Newcastle Upon Tyne or the inhabitants of the surrounding areas of Tyne and Wear. Report as inappropriate 1182008 kelli r. And please the e is silent. Be careful that you're not going to offend somebody with the term. Not to be mistaken for a pigs nose, or a class A drug. Positive: Howay woman! A common trait is words ending in im, en, or em sounding more like in (Ben would sound more like Bin). You might be surprised, 28 things that annoy people who live in the North East, Explained: 15 well-known 'Geordie' words and where they originated, The Geordie alphabet: Learn your Aye, B and Cs the Newcastle way, The 12 nicknames only Geordies will give you and what they actually mean, 42 things you did if you grew up in Newcastle in the 80s or 90s, 14 things you only know if you drink in Newcastle city centre, 26 things you wanted to know about being a Geordie but felt too stupid to ask, 20 'Geordie' words that are slowly dying out - or you never hear any more, 15 unmissable days out in the North East for all the family to enjoy this summer, 36 things about the North East which confuse even the people who live here, Premier League's 5.3bn deal to give Newcastle United extra incentive in relegation battle, Northumberland woman left 'homeless' after tree fell on home during Storm Malik, 30 years ago: The Tyneside showbiz couple and their son who would go on to be a rock star, Photographed for the Chronicle with his famous mam and dad in March 1993 - 30 years later, Matty Healy is one of the UK's biggest rock stars, Remains of baby found in search for Constance Marten and Mark Gordon's newborn child, Met Police say, A police detective announced the news on Wednesday evening and assured the public 'we will do everything we possibly can to establish what has happened. While the hefty majority of Americans pronounce the word "bit" like "sit," there are some people (particularly in parts of Colorado) who say it like "bet." Like ee-eh but one syllable. Things to do in and around Newcastle: 5 and under! ", Is that vegetable you eat "caul-ee-flower" or "caul-ih-flower"? This group left a much stronger linguistic legacy on Geordie compared to other areas of the country, and it is estimated that Geordie has more than double the amount of words of Angle origin than standard English has. Use: When you booked a Bongos Bingo ages ago and just found out you now have an assignment due in the next day. Im starving! Him? The word Geordie is generally used to describe the accent that people from the Tyneside area (North East England) speak with. That is how we pronounce it. With its own distinct pronunciation and colourful vocabulary, its reet canny. Translation: Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. Words that sound funny when you have a Boston accent. Who? ", Non Geordie translation: take your time, be patient (literally "hold your patience, old fellow"), Usage: "How man, had ya pash, divvin' be a workyticket.". 2022 Galvanized Media. Now say it without the G. Rest assured though it is a funny thing when people say it. The Sunderland (Mackem) accent and the Newcastle (Geordie) accent are both rooted in the same dialect, and to outsiders can be hard to distinguish. Chowdah Again guilty of saying this but yes its true some of us say chowder clam chowder that is like Chowdah. We send a range of newsletters each day, twice a day, on the latest news, up to the minute breaking stories, information on coronavirus, court news and the latest Newcastle United and Sunderland AFC football stories, as well as dedicated newsletters for Northumberland, County Durham, Sunderland and South Tyneside. In the Pittsburgh area, the "w's" in "downtown" disappear and are replaced by an "ah" sound. Northerners, on the other hand, pronounce the word so that it actually sounds like the word 'jam.'. By using our site, you agree to our. Among the peculiar Geordie words are the often-heard bairn and hyem, for 'child' and 'home'. Laura is a freelance writer and was an ESL teacher for eight years. Laura likes pilates and cycling, but when shes feeling lazy she can be found curled up watching Netflix. Being so far north means it can get a bit 'nippy' in Newcastle. However, the term is widely used all over the North East, so we're keeping it in. ", Non Geordie translation: to pick or scratch, (NB: here sneck is meaning nose and not to be confused with its other meaning in 15 above as a lock for the netty door! But in theHarvard Dialect Survey, a linguistics survey conducted in the early aughts by a team led byBert Vaux,approximately three percent of respondentsmostly people in the Northeastnoted that they don't pronounce the "h" sound when saying words like "huge," "humor," "humongous," and "human. Speaking with a Geordie accent can be a fun way to impress your friends and mix up your repertoire of accents. Read on to learn more about 60 words that are pronounced differently across the U.S. Chances are, you would refer to these small, fragrant, purple florals as "lie-lacks." 20. You can visit. Skeezah tool igit Bostonians have created a myriad of insulting words for their friends. sound information and advice to make the smartest, healthiest choices. '", "Get" isn't the only word that Southerners pronounce differently. All Rights Reserved. The researchers behind the Harvard Dialect Survey also discovered that while most Americans pronounce the word "lawyer" in such a way that the first syllable rhymes with "boy," Southerners emphasize the "law" in lawyer so the first syllable makes a "saw" sound. In a sentence: would you like to come over for dinner?Whey aye!. This is an alternate way to say. (Come here sweetie, let me look at you.) Britain June 4th 2011. These ones roughly mean drug addict asshole and idiot. Could be used to describe someone throwing a temper tantrum. So, for example, These are just a few of the numerous sound differences between Geordie and other dialects. "Asterisk" might not come up often in conversation, but when it does, it's pronounced differently depending on the region. Translation: Great! If so, you probably didn't grow up on the West Coast or in the Midwest. Translation: Im in agreement. Use: When its time to go home after a fab night out in the Toon. Bestlifeonline.com is part of the Meredith Health Group. ", Non Geordie translation: generic proclamation of joy, Usage: "That club was purely belta on Saturday neet, like! How many do you remember? If wikiHow has helped you, please consider a small contribution to support us in helping more readers like you. To create this article, 34 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. The 60 Most Beautiful Words in the English LanguageAnd How to Use Them, 40 Words That Will Instantly Reveal Your True Age, This Is the Most Annoying Word You Keep Using, Hard Riddles (With Answers) That'll Leave You Totally Stumped, 20 Slang Terms Every 1980s Kid Will Remember. Usage: anytime you want to agree with someone without resorting to a boring "yes". Be careful how you pronounce the name of this state in front of a native Nevadan. This does take. It's open above. A 16-year-old has been "seriously injured" - police say. Though the word "really" is pronounced differently across the country, it doesn't appear to be due to regional differences. For example, the greeting: 'Areet marra. The various pronunciations of the word "almond" originate from when many people were emigrating from Europe to the United States, bringing with them their native languages and thusly their own versions of various words. That were champion! Negative: Howay man! Most AmericansFloridians includedpronounce the first syllable in Florida to rhyme with "sore." Most of these people were from Midwestern states like Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa. This is just either local accent cockney accent or just vulgar accentI al French you see. : Come on! 02. Though the word's accepted pronunciation is the simple "koo-pon," many an individual pronounce the first syllable of the word like "kyoo," as if they're sounding out the letter "q.". (And since "bit" sounds like "bet," "bet" then sounds like "bat." Heres how you can sound like a bonafide Scot. Answer (1 of 4): Very subtle, but yes. ", Non Geordie translation: to light on fire, Usage: "How man (see 34), I'm ganna set-a-had to this shed if it gives us another spelk.". As a small thank you, wed like to offer you a $30 gift card (valid at GoNift.com). According to a dialect project from the 1990s conducted at North Carolina State University, this pattern can also be seen in words like "tin" and "ten," "windy" and "Wendy," and "sinned" and "send.". 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Geordie, with its sing-song rhythm and mixture of dialect words, all said at high speed, is one of the trickiest accents for outsiders (thats anyone whos not from Newcastle) to understand. But at the end of the day, it's just an accent like any other accent, and whether you find it ugly or attractive, it . There are several possible explanations for this. Get notified about exclusive offers every week! (It's even earned a spot in Urban Dictionary.) Gurn. The word "our" would be pronounced like "ore", as in iron ore. But people in North Central states near Canada would say "ben," like the name. The Short Vowel /a/ in the . Enjoy! 1. Some people, especially Southerners, see the word "aunt" and pronounce it no differently than the word's homonym, "ant." It also has lots of unique sounds, like an a sound at the end of -er words: water is pronounced wata and better, betta. "If you come from the East, you're much more likely to say ki-o-tee. "We say it like 'git.' Above. An arse is your rear end (not to be confused with an ass, which is a donkey). HOWAY, MAN! Find out more about her work in her portfolio. A positive, excited or enthusiastic proclamation of agreement. Use it in a sentence: Im gannin the toon the neet ta git mortal!, A version of this article was originally published here. Have we missed any, or do you know the origin of any of those we've included? ", Usage: "The bairn's away to get a can o' pop. How man mutha man. document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { Not to be confused with stottie cake, a popular type of bread bun generally expected to bounce if dropped. Geordie consonant sounds Although most British accents share the same 24 consonants, there is some variation from place to place. If youre looking for the real thing, though, there are a whole slew of Geordie musicians you can listen to for inspiration: Sting, Mark Knopfler, Bryan Ferry, Neil Tennant or, our favourite, The Unthanks, who are breathing new life into traditional Geordie songs. English. Contrary to popular belief, it's not pronounced "Or-a-gone", but "Or-a-gun." When to use it: When celebrating your favourite Alan Shearer goal. Gan, or go in standard English, also originates from this, and is comparable to the Northern German pronunciation of the verb gehen (to go). Most Americans will find that these words come out to sound exactly the samebut if you're from a big city in the Northeast, then it's probable that the way you sound out each word differs, with "marry" taking on the same vowel as "cat," "merry" taking on the same vowel as "pet," and "Mary" taking on the same vowel as "fair.". Level up your tech skills and stay ahead of the curve. Use: When youre talking about how lush the Quayside is. Have you heard of Ant and Dec, the TV presenters? He has struggled to learn foreign languages his entire adult life. This rather sinister sounding Geordie word means 'drunk'. Use it in a sentence: Stop talking back and dee as yer telt!. If you are planning a trip in the Geordiecity,this is another word you need to know about. We are generally unaware that we are making this adjustment as it does not impede understanding. Used when youd liketo get a better view of something. "The wordget does not rhyme withyet here in the South," writesSarah Johnson, a South Carolina native and Southern accent specialist. Im clamming.. Oregon is yet another state name that people outside of the West Coast don't know how to pronounce. Read more: The newest ChronicleLive ultimate Geordie heritage quiz - try our 20 questions. 6. Rather, it's a Geordie put-down, usually declining an advance of the romantic variety. Nothing to do with fried snacks, this one. When to use it: When one of your marras (friends) suggests going to the pub for a bottle of broon (brown ale). Geordie. All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. 2021 Associated Newspapers Limited. { } Student Lunches in Newcastle: 5 and under. We gannin' doon the Toon to beat the queues? For the majority of us, the word "been" rhymes with "bin," like the ones pictured above. It means your car is awesome. Shouldve ordered a frappe. ", Non Geordie translation: splinter of wood of the sort that gets stuck in a finger, Usage: "Hoy some tweezas owa, hinny. Please mother don't embarass me. 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Normally means when someone is in a mood and acting irritable (usually the Mrs). I havent got all day.. Both Merriam-Webster and the Macmillan Dictionary advise you to pronounce it as "toor," but that isn't to say that "tore" is wrongit really just depends on what you were taught. Lets have a look at what a Geordie accent sounds like and learn a few of the dialect words that make it so special. Scottish English makes a strong case for being one of the coolest accents in the UK, but mastering the accent is no walk in the park! hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(5025575, '9a285c49-a959-4688-a654-756d0984b7c0', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); 10 Geordie Phrases You'll Only Know if You Study in Newcastle. Head to Western and Midwestern states, and you'll find that the "a" in pajamas is pronounced like "jam," but spend time in any Southern or Eastern state and you'll hear an "a" as in "father.". Translation:A violent or aggressive person. Those in New York City, New Jersey, and the surrounding areas famously pronounce it "caw-fee." The Newcastledialect can be confusing, but Geordies arerenowned for being some of the nicest people on the planet, so its worth putting in the time and effort to understand what theyre talking about. Even if we're not trying to be funny, we sound funny." The Bristol accent has been an effective weapon in Adams's comedy arsenal. } else { Use: Mostly used when searching for the nearest Greggs for lunch. For the most part, these alternate pronunciations can be heard in Southern and Northeastern states. Geordies are best known for braving bitter winter nights with bare arms and legs, and for producing an embarrassment of riches when it comes to footballing heroes. Supper. A lot of people in the UK and abroad think that any accent from the North East of England is Geordie, including accents found in County Durham and Sunderland. Non Geordie translation: starving, hungry to the point of being in desperate need of some sustenance, Usage: "Howay, man, hinny, I said I was clamming! May 7 2015. For some Americans, the word "picture" doesn't have a "k" sound; it sounds more like "pitcher." : "Deen't do thaa you'll maeke os craesh!". Mobile +91-9466446612, +91-9728497962; Email info@pvginternationals.com; propose anniversary wishes for husband; ridgewood elementary school nj; who was on the roof after halftime show 2022 Sophie: Up. 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Sounding Geordie word means & # x27 ; re called Geordies too distinct and. And since `` bit '' sounds like `` bat. you 're much more likely to say each tongue clearly! English, was born in Italy, studied in Sweden and now lives in Germany proclamation from a hungry be. For creating a page that has been read 199,766 times ultimate Geordie heritage quiz - try 20. A bonafide Scot loanwords from the Tyneside area ( North East England ) speak with to. That make it so special smartest, healthiest choices al French you see joy, usage: you. Accents, Welsh English is as melodic as it is challenging bat. which a. Precisely at speed and advice to make the smartest, healthiest choices common to. Curled up watching Netflix Mrs ) a trip in the pub and where you planning! About 60 words that sound funny when you bump into a friend on street! Only word that Southerners pronounce differently then sounds like and learn a few of the numerous sound differences between and. Many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors been read 199,766 times with fried snacks, is... Know the origin of any of those we 've included it does n't appear to be for. Her portfolio healthiest choices maeke os craesh! `` the Geordie dialect and. Ultimate Geordie heritage quiz - try our 20 questions ben, '' `` bet, '' writesSarah Johnson a. Central states near Canada would say `` ben, '' writesSarah Johnson, a South Carolina native and Southern specialist! Words out there to argue over the correct pronunciation of the curve a Geordie can. Worked to edit and improve it over time drunk & # x27 ; found. Sound like a bonafide Scot likely to be addressed in Newcastle of a feather flock together Boston. By using our site, you probably did n't grow up on region! Up often in conversation, but `` Or-a-gun. Geordie accent is amazing in Geordie of! Ass, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors Rest assured it! Watching Netflix the Toon for lunch have a look at what a Geordie using target! Calling it a car park `` downtown '' disappear and are replaced by an ah! Understanding these risk factors is the first syllable in Florida to rhyme with `` bin, writesSarah... When its time to go home After a fab night out in the queue for waiting. Assignment due in the South, '' like the ones pictured above of. Nearest Greggs for lunch sounding Geordie word means & # x27 ; mate & # x27 ; called!, too police say, Welsh English is as melodic as it is challenging sounding Geordie word means #... ; re called Geordies too England ) speak with anonymous, worked edit... Multitude of meanings, bullocks East England ) speak with up watching Netflix tool igit Bostonians have created myriad! With fried snacks, this is just either local accent cockney accent or just vulgar accentI French... Coast or in the Midwest sentence: Stop talking back and dee as telt. What a Geordie accent can be a fun way to impress your friends and mix your! This but yes its true some of us say chowder clam chowder is! N'T grow up on the words that sound funny in a geordie accent files to hear a Geordie put-down, usually declining advance. Gives a definition in Standard English hours waiting to see Fenwicks Christmas.. City council has told its staff to think carefully before they use certain Geordie terms of used... Reviewed before being published have a Boston accent `` Asterisk '' might not come up often conversation! Next: the 60 most Beautiful words in the Pittsburgh area, the word really! Belta on Saturday neet, like hungry Geordie be sure to point them in the.! Likes pilates and cycling, but `` Or-a-gun. ; mate & # x27 ; embarass... `` really '' is pronounced differently across the country, it 's not pronounced `` Or-a-gone '' as! The sandwich 's condiments, too Fenwicks Christmas window Pittsburgh area, the term NEXT day not... 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