purple bruise with white center

purple bruise with white center

Hi, Noah. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you are concerned about your recent bruises, it is best to contact your doctor who is familiar with your current conditions and medical history. Should I go to my doctor about this? This fluid exchange produces an itchy rash in most people, and it can also lead to a bruised appearance. So I have been experiencing some bruising on my lower legs, upper thighs, inner thighs, outer thighs, my back, my neck, and the sides of my abdominal region. We do not know enough about your medical history and current conditions or medications, and we cannot give individualized medical advice on our blog. It is natural for a bruise to change color during the healing process. The tops of my thighs are itchy and bruised. Lana. If the bruising persists or enlarges without any obvious reason, best to see your primary care provider or urgent care. The skin is the bodys largest and primary protective organ,covering its entire external surface andserving as a first-order physical barrieragainst the environment. Your doctor knows your medical history and current conditions best. You notice a lot more bruises than normal or bruises in unusual places. We recommend reaching out to your doctor about the bruising you are experiencing. Please tell me what should i do!? Unfortunately, we are limited in the medical advice we can provide on this platform and your doctor can best advise you due to their knowledge of your medical history. Since they know your medical history, they can best advise you. Could this be serious for her? Depending on the size, location and severity of your bruise, it could appear shades of blue, purple or black. hi im 15 and ive been getting small purple/brown bruises for about 3 weeks now, but yesterday im not sure why but i looked in the mirror and the back of my knee is completely bruised with purple/red/green/yellow/ and brown. And its like once I start scratching I literally cant stop and my legs get hot. The blood should seep out into the skin sufficiently close to the surface of the skin to be detected as a bruise. Vitamin deficiencies. Bleeding into the joints that causes swelling or bruising may be a sign of a bleeding disorder. Bruises are getting larger with time. It went away and then came back, Me too. A bruise forms when blood vessels under the skin break. They are down my legs and on my right arm and had a huge one come up on my right had today ..they are large and roundish ..i have barely got an apetite, Hi, Lynne. Symptoms may include red, purple, or brown bruises, a rash with small red or purple dots, nosebleeds, bleeding gums, prolonged bleeding, blood in the stools and urine, bloody vomit, and heavy menstrual bleeding. Bruises that develop after a cut, burn, fall, or injury are normal. Three round, purple bruises with a well defined pinkish-tan center appeared out of nowhere and without the obvious causes. Do you see a Marshfield Clinic doctor for your regular appointments? They can advise you best since they are most aware of your medical history and past conditions. They can ask you questions about your conditions, medications and medical history, which helps them give you the most accurate answer and guidance. Im not crazy I sware haha. Asking for a coworker friend. Your daughter's care team knows her best. Blood vessels pop easily and hurt in my hands this happens off and on. Easy bruising: Why does it happen. I have ulcerative colitis, high liver count, chronic kidney disease , and A lot of bruising on my lower and upper legs. Or any other potential causes? It is green and about 3/4 of an inch wide. Hi, Laura. Mayo Clinic Staff. We recommend talking to your primary care provider. I've got exact same thing from skateboarding, ankle keeps growing, there's bruising but no pain, kinda worried it might be something serious, My left arm has been hurting on the under side and now for the 2nd time there is a bruise about 3 inches long and a lot of small bumps on scalp and it feels like my back is braking out , headache and stomach hurts. ??thanks. Thank you for reaching out. This time in my life I was taking 1,000 mg pills of different manufacturer's and it was not working to fix my bruising. My last urinalysis four weeks ago showed my liver count is normal but I still have kidney disease. Hi Jason,,, We recommend contacting your doctor because he or she is aware of your medical history. Do you have any ideas what could be the cause? We include products we think are useful for our readers. What is it? Within 2 weeks, the whole bruise will have cleared up. To protect your privacy and to get accurate guidance, it is best you reach out to your primary care provider who understands your current health and medical history. Sort by: Most popular Purple bruise on the skin on a woman hand Purple bruise on the skin on a woman hand, close up Bruise Close up Close up of a colorful bruise on a caucasian skin. If so, could you please let me know if I should be concerned? This is any sort of injury to your brain, skull, or scalp. Hi, Im an 18 year old girl and Ive got a scar on my foot from my childhood but there is purple bruising round the scar, it doesnt hurt but it has been like this for years is this normal? Hi allison did you talk to a dr. I have several on my upper thighs (both legs) I just ended my monthly and started taking liquid b12 supplement for energy.within the same amount of timeframe Ive noticed a lump on the outer wall of my private area.Im worried and will be seeking advice from a doctor tomorrow.. Hi i have small purple spots on my fore arm they appear often and take a while to go away, no pain no soreness just appear, they look like small raisins , should i worry? Hi, Mary. Should i be concerned that the vien may still be leaking? We suggest reaching out to your primary care provider who knows your medical history and current conditions. Medications can also cause itching like you experienced. I've been at the doctors for my internal pain, but not for the bruise. I have another bigger bruise on my right arm I noticed it a day or two earlier. I have literally no idea how they got there. I don't want to bring cushions everywhere. I keep getting a big bruise on my right side abdomen I noticed the first one after chemotherapy I received a neulasta shot its been over a year since I got that shot but I still keep getting these bruises. I sleptwalked last Friday night and completely missed a flight of 4 stairs, landing hard on my bottom on the landing of the steps. And it's an L not a one for my email. Its right in the tip of my nose. I have like five small circle bruises on my lower leg with a scab but I dont remember running into anything? Are you a Marshfield Clinic Health System patient? Im not sure how to post a picture. As in can you get another bruise on top of a bruise. Its functions include temperature regulation and protection against ultraviolet (UV) light, trauma, pathogens, microorganisms, and toxins. I experience extreme leg pain. He keeps massaging the area where the bruise is as it's hurting. We recommend reaching out to your provider about the bruising. Thrombocytopenia refers to a platelet count that is lower than normal. Im rly curious bc my sister has the same thing on the front of her legs. If not, we suggest you ask about your symptoms at your next regular primary care appointment. It is not "dramatic" to be concerned about your health At any time you are worried, it's important to contact a nurse line or your doctor/care team and explain your concerns. Browse 1,209 purple bruise stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. These questions are best for your doctor who knows your medical history and current conditions best. Fever. Hi. No one has touched me, zero possible ways I could have done this. What could this be caused by? Hey, Allison. Choose a shade that is one or two shades lighter than your natural skin tone. A red or purple ring around the bite, resembling a target. before my medicine, every once in a while I'd have a few unexplained bruises, but never this many. I will see my Dermatologist tomorrow. We don't know enough about your medical history, current conditions or medications to thoroughly answer your questions. Thank you in advance! If you're worried, your parents can help you make an appointment with your doctor, or you can ask about the bruises at your next regular appointment. Im not sure how long its been there as I noticed it about 3 days ago. I've been having alot of unexplainable bruising as well Hi, Bailey. Last year, I had a very swollen ankle & a blood test suggested it was a DVT but when they scanned my leg at the hospital, there was no DVT (thankfully). They dont hurt. Her doctor is the best source for these questions. Thank you for reaching out. Additionally, our blog is meant to be educational, rather than to diagnose or treat. When a hematoma occurs, the body cannot heal the bruise as easily or quickly as a minor injury. I'm 40 by the way. It came on with food poisoning about five days ago. Read full article on factor X deficiency. How much does the average 11-year-old weigh? Antidepressants Rash. cause for worry? It has been here for a while. causes loss of function of a joint, limb or muscle, recurs in the same spot or lasts longer than 2 weeks, occurs with no known cause on the abdomen, head, or trunk, as this may signal a problem with an internal organ, loss of function of a joint, limb or muscle, an area is affected by a bruise that returns, there is no identifiable cause of the bruising. The bruising is not dark purple, its radiant plum. Hi, Lorraine. Hi, Dee. you better get it checked out. Thank you. Could a monthly antibody injection be a promising endometriosis treatment? We cannot give individualized medical advice on our blog. Look for tiny red or white puncture marks in the center of your bruise. Bruising is common after a fall or bump against a hard surface. Bruises: Skin injury is one of the most common presentations for physical abuse, with bruises by far the most common injury. Are you a Marshfield Clinic Health System patient? They apear out of no where then just go away. If the abortion was planned, the question may be whether the bruising is related to any positioning she had during the procedure. very small pinpoint at center. I always get bruises all over my body by barely even touching things or having them rest on me. The use of a soft elastic wrap, during waking hours, for the first 12 days can help decrease bruising and discomfort after an injury. You may notice them on your skin or mucous membranes (e.g., inside your mouth). Please see MD for full history and physical , if you had trauma it's likely to be a bruise. Its the second time it happens. I've been also getting more bruises around the bruised that won't go away? They don't cause me pain, but they have been there for months maybe even a year or two. knot sickly feeling above navel 3days now n sometimes below ribs in center but always in that area if i press it its tender. Either way, I admire you for not losing it on any of these peeps , I've been suffering with abdominal pain for abit now and recently started noticing random bruises going down my stomach I have no idea how and why. Any help. Im starting to believe that I have a serious developing disease that they havent caught yet and its very scary. The bruise has subsided after a few weeks but there is a small lump felt in my leg internally. For example, when a mosquito sucks your blood, it injects saliva into your skin. The only answer given is no answer or to call your doctor. When questions arent related to individual treatment or diagnosis, were happy to provide more information. I moved the table over 6 to the left & the bruises finally all healed. Hi, Emily. We suggest reaching out to your primary care provider who knows your medical history and current conditions. -Kirstie, 10 bruises on me and know for a fact i didnt hit anything. What a good idea. Without details, it is hard to interpret. I just feel stupid going in and saying that Im there because my legs bruised. Have you showed your doctor? It doesn't hurt but it will not go away either. A person may be able to estimate how old a bruise is from the color. About A month and a half or two months ago I sprained my ankle really bad and the bruising is gone from it but my ankle is still swollen. We will have a link trade contract among us! Have you been to see a doctor regarding yours? Bruises are usually red or purple discolorations right after an injury. They know your medical history and can best advise you. Read on to learn more about the usual cycle of bruising, and when a person should see their doctor about a bruise, for example, when it does not heal, returns or the pain intensifies. With this rare genetic disorder, the body produces little or no factor IX, causing the blood to clot improperly. I have unexplained bruises on my head and have been having them for years now. Sometimes only a slight bump results in a nasty bruise. Hi my husband had a bruise on his right side and now that's gone away but now he has a bruise on his left side should I be concerned. He's got no other symptoms. We cannot provide individualized medical advice on this forum. Im having the same type of problem with bruising. Unfortunately, we cannot provide medical advice on this platform. I feel like it would get in people's way or look like I'm thinking "your chairs aren't good enough for me, hmph! I have not changed shoes recently, and have not been wearing any odd colored socks, that may have rubbed off on my skin. Your primary care provider knows your medical history the best; if you are concerned, you should bring this question to your next appointment. I'm constantly coming out with loads of like finger print bruises all up my arms and legs they appear in a matter of hours I've been to doctors so many times and bloods have come back fine so still no answers to why also my face went all red other day and felt as if was on fire and my fingers keep going numb anyone else have any of these Thank you for reaching out. You should contact a nurse line or the doctor who prescribed you antibiotics. We send best wishes to your grandson and hope his pediatrician can help provide answers. Someone I know had this happen and they had ITP, a life-threatening blood disorder. I meant that they are half blue and half yellow. i'm confused too. The skin color affects the appearance of a bruise. It has a very rich supply of blood vessels. Some bruises last for more than a week and I don't remember anything I did to get bruises. I found a vitamin C called Lipospheric Vitamin C in packets. You have systemic symptoms such as fever, chills, swollen lymph nodes or unintentional weight loss along with unexplained bruising. Liver disease. Vitamin C or K deficiency, bleeding disorders such as hemophilia or Von Willebrand disease, or cancer can cause bruising. If so, you can reach out to your care team by messaging through My Marshfield Clinic: http://marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. and therefore can best answer her questions. This is why it is important to bring these concerns forward to a primary care provider. However, I'm already hot all the time, so this makes me even more uncomfortable, so I only wear the thick baggy clothes when I leave the house, like to doctors appointments where I know I'll have to sit in a waiting room. I would associate this with an event where the area is damaged repeatedly ie: frequent or repetitive employment duties, athletes who use equipment, or if the tissue is friable and not able to fully heal due to poor wound healing or some medication use (such as aspirin or blood thinner use or steroids that can thin the skin). Thank you for reaching out. Its patchy and darker red like a normal bruise but it appeared randomly, has never hurt or itched, its not dry or bumpy, it has not changed in size or color and its been a few days. I'll reach out to some of our providers and see if they have any thoughts. Unless you clearly have an explanation for it like a minor injury or very mild bu Should see surgeon or dermatologist or podiatrist to evaluate. 1. Without really being able to see it, I would recommend you be seen. It's your call but as someone else said if it starts to get red streaks coming from it go to closest medical help post haste. All rights reserved. As the body heals and breaks down the hemoglobin, or compound that gives blood its red color, the bruise will change in color. Anemia is not something to ignore. I had an injury in the calf months ago. These resources may help you in your information search: https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/qa/can-drinking-alcohol-cause-bruising What can cause a bruise with white center? Theres a few the same on the back of right lower leg too. Is it normal for baby to develop a bruise with knot after getting a shot? It bulges outward from the leg which can easily be seen and felt, has a hard "knot" in the middle of it, and is very painful and tender to touch. Your doctor has all that information or can obtain it from talking with you personally to give you the best answers to your questions. The third criterion is the location of the field of bleeding. Or, if he is a Marshfield Clinic patient, he can contact his provider directly via secure messaging on My Marshfield Clinic: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic, I just woke up the other day with 4-5 little round black and blues in a straight line from my upper outside thigh to my knee. My legs get really hot and feel very heavy accompanied with extreme pain. I have not fallen on it or have had any injuries that could lead to this bruise. Just a few days ago my boyfriend noticed I have bruises on my lower back and today again when he looked there was more. And there was no rough playing before we saw what happened. They can range from 1 millimeter to 1 centimeter in diameter. When I started ranking . It gets worse with some things, like too many walnuts, Vitamin E or D. Hope that helps. thank you, they scheduled a scan for this week. Had I? A bruise may or may not be tender. If you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, you can message your provider through My Marshfield Clinic at the following link: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic Thank you for reading Shine365. As in can you get another bruise on top of a bleeding disorder UV ) light, trauma pathogens... Marks in the center of your bruise, it could appear shades of blue, purple bruises with a but... Can advise you best since they know your medical history and physical, if you had trauma it likely! Abuse, with bruises by far the most common presentations for physical abuse, bruises. On my lower leg with a scab but i still have kidney disease, or start a search! You in your information search: https: //www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/qa/can-drinking-alcohol-cause-bruising what can cause a bruise forms when blood vessels a. 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