matthew bershadker wife

matthew bershadker wife

A place that actually uses the donations to provide these basic necessities to the animals. Fathers name is Not Available. There are enough animals in need locally that I prefer to keep it close to home. Bershadkers government assistance establishment gathered complete income of $267,684,553 in 2021. This list is unreal! You are not donating to the animals here you giving to a bunch of greedy, scamming, fundraisers for their own profit. I will not be donating again. They spent more than $5 million in the salvage activity. . Its crooks like you that make people quit giving. You may be surprised. How do the 6 figure executives live with themselves? A lifelong animal lover, he joined the nation's first animal welfare organization in 2001, serving most recently as senior vice president of the ASPCA Anti-Cruelty Group (ACG), the division responsible for programs that confront animal cruelty and suffering across the country. This is so, so, so wrong on so many levels. You should all rot in a very hot spot for the money you rip off from the caring public and STEAL from the animals. POOR/INNOCENT ANIMALS I WILL KEP PRAYING FOR YOU WHILE THE CEO STEALS FROM YOU. How can any agency be called a non-profit with this type of record? $340,007,209. Glad I saw this website ! And its on top of Bershadker earning over $800,000 in the previous year. An ASPCA staff member in Texas found "a perfect match," he recalled but even then, Bershadker had to. Do not donate and also check out PETA and HSUS. I doubt that many of the people who are writing comments and contributing money to the ASPCA make $500,000 a year, and yet here we are giving donations in good faith. I REALLY DONT UNDRSTAND WHY YOUR SALARY HAS TO BE OVER A HALF MILLION DOLLARS MR CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD CEO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will contact local Humane Society and ask pertinent questions of them and then make a founded decision. "We . I have researched local rescue groups and even some from around the country and there are definitely ones where the majority of the money goes to the animals. Sheila: Thank you. Its real simple people. Of every dollar donated to ASPCA, 38 cents was used to pay salaries and benefits. This is a horrible charity, and I use the term lightly. What really goes to the Animals sure its much. Edited Report this post On Saturday, our ASPCA teams participated in an animal rescue operation in Milledgeville, Georgia, involving more than 60 . A lifelong animal lover, Mr. Bershadker joined the ASPCA in 2001, serving most recently . Click on Where Does $100 to the ASPCA GO (2019)? for an update. Carl: I agree with your first paragraph but completely disagree with your opinion on vegans (it is, in fact people like yourself who are completely nuts). But we are sure that it is not available and his spouses name is not available. and 8% for grants to other organizations. I dont want to pay exhorbitant salaries for people who work there. Its sad knowing that you can sleep knowing that only less than a quarter on 1% even goes to the cause. . Never Again! This week,published a comprehensive investigation into deplorable animal treatment at the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Meat Animal Research Center (USMARC). Your point that more revenue should go to the cause is spot on. If this is your lifes work, to help, save, shelter, feed, protect animals, wouldnt you do it for free?!? You people are slime. I volunteer for and donate to a golden retriever rescue organization and donate to our local Humane Society and San Antonio Pets Alive. Most of it isnt. Disgusting. wouldnt raise my children to be part of a scam outfit. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()), Who is Jorge Taveras? The salaries are ridiculous. No more donationshere in our area are several organations that help our sea turtles, wild animals and domestic animalsif we give the good guys more money they can help those who REALLY work hard and who use the money of we, who work hard for our money, donatenot using the funds to put a soft cushion under their hind ends. Hopefully your boy can find another organization and check out the information on it and then decide to donate and there are so many reputable organizations out there Unfortunately this is not one of them. One's financial situation has no bearing on their ability to give and receive love from a pet, and we should see to it as a society that values compassion and family preservation that housing. You Are Horrible People. upsetting and I am cancelling my monthly donation. The most recent IRS Form 990 (2014) reveals the following information: The ASPCA raised $191 million of which $164 million (86%) came from contributions, grants, gifts, and campaigns while $15 million (8%) came from program service fees and $12 million (6%) from investment income, sale of assets, royalties, miscellaneous income, and fundraising events. STOP IT, TAKE CARE OF THE ANIMALS.. PERIOD NOT THE PEOPLE. One commenter wrote that they should be ashamed of themselves. That means ASPCA's COE is paying more than six times the average non-profit CEO! $10 million are accounts payable while $3 million are grants payable. According to a. , the average nonprofit CEOs pay is $123,000. START HELPING THESE ANIMALS. They have too much uninformed donor money and their ceos have openly stated for years how they would use it to destroy the careers of anyone that opposed them. So these poor things get no help but your pockets keep growing. elizabeth estroff making close to 330,000. todd hendricks the same. I am an ASCPA supporter and Im actually doing a paper for college and found this. All I see is how much they pay all these people. Theyre all taking in small to large fortunes in the name of something, but when you start digging into what theyre really up to and where the money goes, most of it goes into CEOs and employees wages and benefits. Bershadker and his family wanted an adult dog that was good with kids and other animals. Why would anyone running a rescue be paid over a half million dollars is something I cannot understand. There is no honor with such people whom I find despicable. People need to stop donating to this. You should be ashamed of yourselves! This farce needs to be exposed! Absolutely ridicous!!!! They are what they are. rescues animals from harm and advances the prevention, investigation and. Looks like CEO,S and management are more important than the animals you advertise in commercials. I will now give to another local animal charity. I am not sure what more I could possibly add. When more revenue is spent on fundraising than in grants to other non-profits providing spay/neuter, live release, equine, and anti-cruelty programs, people get upset. you can have a CEO making .36% of a budget and yet the staff flies first class or charter, has social club dues paid for, only gives a small percentage of revenue towards its main purpose (i.e.grants, etc) by itself. Ill never send another cent and will educate those around me. I dont see how much money actually go to the animals. Ill redirect to a no-kill shelter where I know how my money is spent. They have lost their way and are playing on the heart strings of those of us who actually care and love animals and want to stop the abuse! Pitty the animals who are not being helped,and the people who give money to charity scams. You know, I think they do care but often times these organizations grow and people have their jobs with salaries, benefits, etc. after reviewing this I am sickened so much could have been done for the animals. A whole food plant (no oil) based diet is the most healthy diet one can follow (see and is infinitely healthier than the SAD (Standard American Diet). HOW DO YOU ALL SLEPP AT NIGHT? So, how much of every dollar raised is actually and directly spent benefiting the animals??? Police/feds . Also, we have no information about his son and daughter. ### About the ASPCA There are vegans who are vegans because of the cruelty (slaughtering 10 billion animals annually in the US a reality that is hidden from most of the population) in the dairy and animal agriculture industry and there are vegans who are vegan for environmental reasons (the animal agriculture industry is in fact one of the largest contributors, after fossil fuels, to the deterioration of our environment). Retrieved 2017-01-08. Matthew E. Bershadker was named president and CEO of American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) in May 2013 and serves on the Global Animal Partnership's Board of Directors. Let the media actually do something constructive for a change. Ill look for another animal charity to give my money to. Thats ridiculous!!! Should be ashamed. I will never donate another dime .because such blant disregard for truth in advertising and the uncaring regard for animals that could be helped is really cruel. Its a money laundering operation almost as bad as the Clintons & their Haiti charity. Please only use it for a guidance and Matthew E. Bershadker's actual income may vary a lot from the dollar amount shown above. Open letter to ASPCA CEO Matthew Bershadker: This is what a Society for the PREVENTION of Cruelty to Animals does. So many stations airing their (heart wrenching) commercials at all hours so often. The numbers in the post are the numbers the ASPCA reported to the IRS. Drive apace out of business. NOT for 95% paid to ur staff & ceo. I think this organization is about the animals!! Give to your local organizations where you can walk into a building and see the animals and the benefits delivered directly to the animals. Donors need to speak up to bring about change. Believe me I understand that a high salary and title are impressive; however, when these ego centric facts are more important than the organizations mission statement, philosophy, and reasons for operation, then truly all youve got is the exact definition of greed. And worse yet are the spokespersons who have to be aware of them as well. Which of the following organizational cultures would best match Brooke as she begins her job . From God. We have no information about his girlfriend/boyfriend. Matthew Bershadker is president and CEO of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), the first animal welfare organization in America and a national leader in the rescue and protection of at-risk animals. A lifelong animal lover, he joined the nation's first animal welfare organization in 2001, serving most recently as Senior Vice President of the ASPCA Anti-Cruelty Group, the division responsible for programs that confront animal cruelty and suffering across the country. You can imagine my disappointment when I saw the huge insentives that were paid and what small percentage actually goes to the animals. It was not. The ASPCA donates on average, 7% of its collected donations in the form of grants to pet shelters, annually. Carol: I share your frustration but read the post. It is sad, such a good cause, moving commercials and you are sitting back in your leather chairs laughing at us for being fools. And to think I used to donate to you. I think you are spot on about keeping it local and I tell people this all the time. The $6 million in compensation provided to 23 key employees (of which more than $600,000 was for severance packages to two former employees and consulting services for the past President) and more than $500,000 to the President and CEO is notable (although one key staff person is a veterinarian). his Girlfriend/boyfriends name is Not Available. I WILL continue to look and research for a place that TRULY needs donations for rescuing, medical attention, supplies , food, clean water, clean comfortable beds for these terrified , sickly, lonely animals. These facts are too hard to even comprehend. 56 Matt Bershadker pictures. Take care of the animals. He then, at that point, filled in as the overseer of business improvement, organization marketing, significant gifts, and exceptional occasions at ASPCA from 2001 to 2004. Wow, I wanted to donate to rescue animals and once I read where the money goes,I will donate somewhere else. How to Fight a Puppy Mill. My receipt said that it would be monthly. Denver Post. I have never given to the ASPCA because Ive always heard for every one dollar given , only one cent is spent on the animals. Bershadker is a 12-year veteran of the ASPCA, serving most recently as Senior Vice President of the Anti-Cruelty Group (ACG). Thank you. These people have no shame, or morals. This is reprehensible the C level people should be ashamed of themselves this only demonstrates how corrupt and greedy some humans are. Already an animal lover, Bershadker became an animal rights activist and, in 2001, began working at the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. You play your commercials on the emotions of people who are animal lovers. It's appalling that such activities -- conducted with the goal of helping a private-sector industry turn a higher profit -- are subsidized by U.S. taxpayers. . It is cruelty to animals at the very least the way this organization uses donations. Too bad there isnt away to let people know about this! Net assets totaled $207 million at year-end up $9 million from $198 million from the previous year primarily because the ASPCA did not spend as much as they collected (which was mitigated by about $6 million in investment losses). It is sad that suffering animals are being used to line the pockets of the top management. I had heard that the ASPCA didnt really care for animals but I wasnt sure it was accurate. Update: I just got a look at the ASPCAs 2017 IRS Form 990. Published Sept. 3, 2019 Updated Sept. 4, 2019. What a fraud!! Period. It doesnt seem to collect donations for animals. I USED TO GIVE EVERY MONTH NOT ANYMORE. Read the science and not what someone tells you is the science. Once again, I am writing to ask that the ASPCA and the No Kill Advocacy Center partner to submit the enclosed "Rescue Rights Law" in New York State. Liabilities totaled $27 million, $14 million of which is deterrent rent, annuity obligations, and unfunded pension obligations. The organization is staff intensive because of the services provided (i.e. You have done nothing but line your pockets with it. So very sad. Feb. 23, 2023. That would be a good idea. The ads are effective. Why we can't forget Michael Vick's dog-fighting past March 26, 2014 | 10:29pm Plus I cannot afford to be charged every month. It's actually a myth about how to make money on Facebook Matthew E. Bershadker was named president and CEO of American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) in May 2013 and serves on the Global Animal Partnership's Board of Directors. They keep trying to charge my credit card for monthly donations From their different corporate offices! The CEOs compensation directly from the ASPCA was listed at $804,372 with an additional $47,859 listed as other compensation from the organization and related organizations. For a non-profit organization, thats obscene! COMON ON. [2] He holds an MBA from Johns Hopkins Carey Business School [3] and a Bachelor of Arts degree in communications from Ohio University. A lifelong animal lover, he first joined the nation's first animal welfare organization in 2001, serving most recently as senior vice president of the ASPCA Anti-Cruelty Group, the division responsible for programs that confront animal cruelty and . Do yourself a favor, READ THE ACTUAL SCIENCE (PubMed and and dont rely on the uneducated and misinformed idiots making you tube videos as your education source. WTF!! Im totally disgusted with all of you in upper management,! I have been a supporter for the last three years and only saw this site because I got a new debit card and needed to change it. I have called them several times, only to be disconnected, and I have emailed them several times, only to receive emails back that they receive my message, along with a do not reply in the message line. Sorry to hear the way you run an unethical program. Greedy people and lack of restraint of how the contributions should spent is the reason I contribute to my local SPCA. You think of all animals that money could help locally Actually anywhere in the United States at a no kill shelter. We need to speak out against this apparent abuse of top heavy executives taking the share of Money donated for the purpose it reports to do. I would love to see all these lying, scamming criminals in jail and some decent people take over these organizations. i will go to my local shelter and donate there. They need to be put out of business. This is a business to make people wealthy. to see one of our projects supporting the give local message. There is a good reason CharityWatch gives ASPCA a C gradebut perhaps it should be an F.. This type of situation needs to be put on the national news instead of the crooked media attacking politicians that they dont like. GOOD LORD. Visit. But I will admit, these salaries are over the top. I just cancelled mine! You people get on tv begging for money showing all these sad faces. If you want more of your donation dollars to go towards helping animals, look at your local shelter. Matthew E. Bershadker Education: Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. Additionally, she is an ideal housewife and a caring mother to their darling child, Elias. This organization is a rip off, misleading, and federal action should be taken against them. Author: Matt Bershadker. Matthew E. Bershadker was named president and CEO of American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) in May 2013 and serves on the Global Animal Partnership's Board of Directors. Some of these people are down right nuts. Sum it up that Id rather adopt an animal in need and know exactly where my money is going. None receive any funds from ASPCA. Mr. Bershadker serves on the board of the Gruber Family. YOU NED TO BE INVESTIGATED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW. If you know some information, please comment below. No begging allowed in my world. According to the newly released tax returns, ASPCA CEO Matthew Bershadker received about $770,000 in compensation in 2018. And management are more important than the animals you advertise in commercials wrenching commercials. Vary a lot from the animals animal lover, Mr. Bershadker joined the ASPCA didnt really CARE for animals I. Vary a lot from the caring public and STEAL from the animals you in. Serves on the emotions of people who are animal lovers we are sure that it is that. One of our projects supporting the give local message be part of a scam.. 27 million, $ 14 million of which is deterrent rent, annuity obligations, unfunded! 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