hannity list of trump accomplishments to date

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hannity list of trump accomplishments to date

Distributed $1 billion in grants for addiction prevention and treatment. Mr. Trump fulfilled this campaign promise by creating a West Virginia-based call center. In 2018, they rose again to 526 but then dropped back down again, to 475 in 2019. Trump Accomplishments. According to court filings Some are misleading and some are absolutely true. This March, the Dow fell a record 2,013.76 points to 23,851.02, after it became clear that the U.S. economy would lock down because of the pandemic. As the president and his team ready for the 2020 campaign at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, officials said it would be built on the administration's achievements list of 15 categories and 319 . But Carol Evans, chairwoman of the Spokane Tribal Business Council, said most of the credit for the law goes to two members of Congress from Washington, Senator Maria Cantwell, a Democrat, and Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers, a Republican. When signing that bill he said no American should be blindsided by bills for medical services they never agreed to in advance. President Trump unveiled his new pledge to Americas workers Wednesday, posting a video on social media that outlined his firm commitment to create new products emblazoned with Made in the USA.. The host defended Trump as recently as last month, after the House committee released an initial batch of his frantic texts to Meadows urging him to rein Trump in before, during, and after the January 6 riot. "I beg you, Sean, to remember the frame of mind you were in when you wrote that text on January 6," Rivera said. Agreed to a new trade deal with Mexico & Canada that will increase jobs here and $$$ coming in. Attacked the parents of a fallen American hero. Signed the $100 billion Families First Coronavirus Relief Act, guaranteeing free coronavirus testing, emergency paid sick leave and family leave, Medicaid funding, and food assistance. The First Step Act provides rehabilitative programs to inmates, helping them successfully rejoin society and not return to crime. Trump said: "I disagree with Sean on that statement and the facts are proving me right." Deployed the National Guard and Federal law enforcement to Kenosha to stop violence and restore public safety. 5 of those 10 The list of POTUS 45's successes goes on and on " Kirkus Reviews (starred review) In this well-rounded, deeply-investigated biography, the first full look at the vice president, two award-winning journalists unmask the real Mike Pence Hargray Outage Today Hannity List Of Trump Accomplishments To Date Sean Hannity But . Womens unemployment recently reached the lowest rate in 65 years. Read the Washington Examiners full list here. Brought back the safe return of college athletics, including Big Ten and Pac-12 football. Signed the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act, which tightened criteria for whether countries are meeting standards for eliminating trafficking. Prioritized fighting for the voiceless and ending the scourge of human trafficking across the Nation, through a whole of government back by legislation, executive action, and engagement with key industries. Delivered state-of-the-art testing devices and millions of tests to every certified nursing home in the country. Manufacturing jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than THREE DECADES. The Democrats have spent the whole of the Trump presidency trying to indict the President on a conspiracy . Geographically, Trump gained vote share in each of America's four largest cities (New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Houston) in 2020 vs. 2016. Search: Hannity List Of Trump Accomplishments To Date. Former President Donald Trump announced a comeback presidential campaign in November. 82. 17. Launched a campaign to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic in America in the next decade. Document Information click to expand document information. Removed unnecessary regulations that restrict the seafood industry and impede job creation. First administration to name artificial intelligence, quantum information science, and 5G communications as national research and development priorities. The administration has made it harder for victims to obtain the special T visas they used to get when they turned to authorities for help and provided information about their abusers. 29. O.K.d up to $12 billion in aid for farmers affected by unfair trade retaliation. Protecting Americans from terrorists with the Travel Ban, upheld by Supreme Court. Follow The New York Times Opinion section on Facebook, Twitter (@NYTopinion) and Instagram. . Signed an Executive Order on Modernizing the Regulatory Framework for Agricultural Biotechnology Products, which is bringing innovative new technologies to market in American farming and agriculture. Streamlined and expedited the asylum hearing process through both the Prompt Asylum Claim Review (PACR) and the Humanitarian Asylum Review Process (HARP). Hospitals will now be required to post their standard charges for services, which include the discounted price a hospital is willing to accept. 99% (161) 99% found this document useful (161 votes) 289K views. Finalized requirements for unprecedented price transparency from hospitals and insurance companies so patients know what the cost is before they receive care. LAS VEGAS, NV - SEPTEMBER 20: Fox News Channel and radio talk show host Sean Hannity (L) interviews U.S. President Donald Trump before a campaign rally at the Las Vegas Convention Center on . Mr. Trump has flip-flopped on raising the federal minimum wage. Won bid to host the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, California. STUNNING: List of Trump Administration Accomplishments. By 2019, the Islamic State had lost nearly all of its territory, but the group remains a threat. Enhanced Part D plans to provide many seniors with Medicare access to a broad set of insulins at a maximum $35 copay for a months supply of each type of insulin. First president in history to attend the March for Life. Negotiated historic bipartisan agreement on new higher education rules to increase innovation and lower costs by reforming accreditation, state authorization, distance education, competency-based education, credit hour, religious liberty, and TEACH Grants. Small business optimism has hit historic highs. Distributed tens of billions of dollars in Provider Relief Funds to protect nursing homes, long-term care facilities, safety-net hospitals, rural hospitals, and communities hardest hit by the virus. Secured $6 billion in new funding to fight the opioid epidemic. In the eight years prior to President Trumps inauguration, prescription drug prices increased by an average of 3.6% per year. In 2019, violent crime fell for the third consecutive year. True. Eliminated costly Obamacare taxes, including the health insurance tax, the medical device tax, and the Cadillac tax.. The markets are a gauge of the economy and include expectations of the future. . Removed bureaucratic constraints on United States consular officers that reduced their ability to appropriately vet visa applicants. Concluded a historic U.S.-Mexico Trade Deal to replace NAFTA. Defended United States sovereignty by withdrawing from the United Nations Global Compact on Migration. Finalized the Most Favored Nation Rule to ensure that pharmaceutical companies offer the same discounts to the United States as they do to other nations, resulting in an estimated $85 billion in savings over seven years and $30 billion in out-of-pocket costs alone. Suspended the entry of low-wage workers that threaten American jobs. Replenished the depleted Strategic National Stockpile. African-American unemployment is at an all-time low. We reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugssaving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars this year alone. Secured an additional $3.5 billion in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act to help families and first responders with child care needs. A timeline of Sean Hannity's panicked texts to Trump's inner circle reveals how 'worried' he was about the January 6 rally and Capitol riot. 24. Placed over 600,000 veterans into employment through American Job Center services. 87. Trump's eldest son and one of his most devoted loyalists, Donald Trump Jr., also begged Meadows to appeal to Trump. Requested critical data elements from states about the status of hospital capacity, ventilators, and PPE. Unemployment rates for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, veterans, individuals with disabilities, and those without a high school diploma all reached record lows. 71. Treated around 100,000 patients with convalescent plasma, which may reduce mortality by 50 percent. Cut off the financial resources of the Maduro regime and sanctioned key sectors of the Venezuelan economy exploited by the regime. He eventually gave military leaders more time after their objections. Rapidly deployed the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program, which provided $30 billion in support to farmers and ranchers facing decreased prices and market disruption when COVID-19 impacted the food supply chain. Established the National Vetting Center, which is the most advanced and comprehensive visa screening system anywhere in the world. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) awarded a record $9 billion in grants to expand access to prevention, treatment, and recovery services to States and local communities. Delegated authorities via the Defense Production Act to protect breaks in the American food supply chain as a result of COVID-19. Mexico City Policy, which blocks funding for international organizations that perform or promote abortion. Launched an initiative to stop global freeloading in the drug market. The committee also signaled Tuesday that it would like to speak with former Vice President Mike Pence, who officiated at the counting of electoral votes on Jan. 6 and was among those who were . The Pledge to Americas Workers has resulted in employers committing to train more than 4 million Americans. 8,764 communities across the country have been designated as Opportunity Zones. Rescinded the previous administrations Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule, which would have abolished zoning for single-family housing to build low-income, federally subsidized apartments. 3. Sean Hannity expressed deep concern about Trump's actions before, during, and after the Capitol riot. Created the Terrorist Financing Targeting Center (TFTC) in partnership between the United States and its Gulf partners to combat extremist ideology and threats, and target terrorist financial networks, including over 60 terrorist individuals and entities spanning the globe. Launched investigations into digital services taxes that have been proposed or adopted by 10 other countries. A Fact-Checked List of Trump Accomplishments, https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/11/opinion/fact-check-trump.html, Illustration by Nicholas Konrad/The New York Times; photographs by Getty Images. Search: Hannity List Of Trump Accomplishments To Date. As host Laura Ingraham began highlighting . Reduced the direct cost of regulatory compliance by $50 billion, and will reduce costs by an additional $50 billion in FY 2020 alone. Former President Donald Trump said in a broadcast interview Wednesday that he can declassify documents "even by thinking about it.". Signed the largest public lands legislation in a decade, designating 1.3 million new acres of wilderness. Withdrew the U.S. from the job-killing TPP deal. Womens unemployment rate is at a 65-year low. 90. Shipped tens of thousands of doses of the Regeneron drug. Cut red tape holding back the construction of new energy infrastructure. The tax cuts signed into law by President Trump promote school choice by allowing families to use 529 college savings plans for elementary and secondary education. The winning continued with more this year. Eliminated the Waters of the United States Rule and replaced it with the Navigable Waters Protection Rule, providing relief and certainty for farmers and property owners. 105. Confirmed 54 judges to the United States Courts of Appeals, making up nearly a third of the entire appellate bench. Under Trumps leadership, in 2018 the U.S. surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia to become the worlds largest producer of crude oil. Scored a historic victory by overhauling the Universal Postal Union, whose outdated policies were undermining American workers and interests. 41. Lifted nearly 7 million people off of food stamps. Mr. Trump signed an executive order that called for the vigorous enforcement of federal laws protecting religious freedom. Secured agreements and signed legislation to protect the environment and preserve our Nations abundant national resources. Enabled Americans to file lawsuits against persons and entities that traffic in property confiscated by the Cuban regime. Promoted research and innovation in healthcare to ensure that American patients have access to the best treatment in the world. Brazil agreed to increase wheat imports by $180 million a year and raised its quotas for purchases of United States ethanol. Signed the largest arms deal ever, worth nearly $110 billion, with Saudi Arabia. Under the PREP Act, issued guidance authorizing qualified pharmacy technicians to administer vaccines. Streamlined Liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal permitting and allowed long-term LNG export authorizations to be extended through 2050. The post PROMISES KEPT: Read the List of President Trump's 289 Accomplishments in 20 Months appeared first on Sean Hannity . Provided comprehensive guidelines to schools on how to protect and identify high-risk individuals, prevent the spread of COVID-19, and conduct safe in-person teaching. } Get their official bio, social pages & articles on The Sean Hannity Show!Full Bio, PROMISES KEPT: Read the List of President Trumps 289 Accomplishments in 20 Months. This is historical material frozen in time. Here are some tips. Built the worlds leading testing system from scratch, conducting over 200 million tests more than all of the European Union combined. The poverty rate fell to a 17-year low of 11.8% under the Trump administration as a result of a jobs-rich environment. Imposed tariffs on China in response to Chinas forced technology transfer, intellectual property theft, and their chronically abusive trade practices, has agreed to a Part One trade deal with China. 95 percent of U.S. manufacturers are optimistic about the future, the highest ever. Signed the Secure 5G and Beyond Act to ensure America leads the world in 5G. Ingraham, as well her colleagues Sean Hannity and Brian Kilmeade, urged Meadows to implore Trump to take the riot seriously and to work to protect his accomplishments as president . Issued a rule strengthening Title IX protections for survivors of sexual misconduct in schools, and that for the first time in history codifies that sexual harassment is prohibited under Title IX. Helped hundreds of thousands of military service members make the transition from the military to the civilian workforce, and developed programs to support the employment of military spouses. Ended the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and replaced it with the brand new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). Issued a comprehensive public charge regulation to ensure newcomers to the United States are financially self-sufficient and not reliant on welfare. Deregulation had an especially beneficial impact on low-income Americans who pay a much higher share of their incomes for overregulation. Increased the number of ventilators nearly ten-fold to more than 153,000. 6 pages. Helped win U.S.-Mexico-Canadas united bid for 2026 World Cup. Trump ordered Ric Grenell, his openly gay ambassador to Germany, to lead a global initiative to decriminalize homosexuality across the globe. Led the world in greenhouse gas emissions reductions, having cut energy-related CO2 emissions by 12 percent from 2005 to 2018 while the rest of the world increased emissions by 24 percent. "We are evaluating the letter from the committee," Sekulow said. Almost 4 million jobs created since the election. $bannerservice ='dc'; Acknowledged Israels sovereignty over the Golan Heights and declared that Israeli settlements in the West Bank are not inconsistent with international law. Suspended refugee resettlement from the worlds most dangerous and terror-afflicted regions. Retail sales surged last month, up another 6 percent over last year. Launched a new tool that provides Veterans with online access to average wait times and quality-of-care data. That bill was introduced by Senator Tom Udall, Democrat of New Mexico. A list of regulations that have been removed is being compiled by the Brookings Deregulation Tracker. Opened and expanded access to over 4 million acres of public lands for hunting and fishing. Signed the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act of 2017 and improved the efficiency of the VA, setting record numbers of appeals decisions. Defeated terrorists, held leaders accountable for malign actions, and bolstered peace around the world. 2023 iHeartMedia, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Signed Right-To-Try legislation allowing terminally ill patients to try an experimental treatment that wasnt allowed before. 85. Protected American workers and taxpayers. But tensions over Mr. Trumps 25 percent tariffs on some European goods remain. 89. Entered into three historic asylum cooperation agreements with Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala to stop asylum fraud and resettle illegal migrants in third-party nations pending their asylum applications. United States is a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957. Committed to doubling investments in AI and quantum information science (QIS) research and development. Were investing in our communities and were investing in the American Dream Together we will build new wonders, find new cures, master new industries, harness new technologies and create new products stamped with those four beautiful words: Made in the USA, he added. Announced further travel restrictions on Iran, the Schengen Area of Europe, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Brazil. Entered into a historic partnership with Mexico, referred to as the Migrant Protection Protocols, to safely return asylum-seekers to Mexico while awaiting hearings in the United States. The Trump administration updated the North American Free Trade Agreement, fulfilling a campaign promise. Secured a $400 billion increase in defense spending from NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) allies by 2024, and the number of members meeting their minimum obligations more than doubled. We have begun BUILDING THE WALL. This list of President Trumps accomplishments has been circulating on social media for months and has most likely been viewed by millions of people. Wed like to hear what you think about this or any of our articles. Trumps DOJ and the Board Of Prisons launched a new Ready to Work Initiative to help connect employers directly with former prisoners. Trump imposed sanctions on the socialists in Venezuela who have killed their citizens. Mr. Trump continued to push the envelope on what could be done to release hostages, earning praise from those who view his efforts as a major foreign policy success and criticism from others who accuse Mr. Trump of authorizing the payment of de facto ransoms, incentivizing terrorists to take more American hostages. Individuals working for Irans proliferation-related programsincluding scientists, procurement agents, and technical expertsshould be aware of the reputational and financial risk they expose themselves to by working for Irans nuclear program,said Pompeo in a written statement. Under the previous administration, it took 49 months for the unemployment rate to fall from 10 percent to under 7 percent compared to just 3 months for the Trump Administration. The Trump Administration is promoting second-chance hiring to give former inmates the opportunity to live crime-free lives and find meaningful employment. Launched the W-GDP 2x Global Womens Initiative with the Development Finance Corporation, which has mobilized more than $3 billion in private sector investments over three years. Tens of thousands of people have been affected. Directed the Department of Energy to use the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to mitigate market volatility caused by COVID-19. President Trump premised his 2016 campaign for the White House on keeping his promises, a pledge long ignored by lifelong politicians inside the beltway. Mr. Trump did say this. President Trumps historic tax cut legislation included new Opportunity Zone Incentives to promote investment in low-income communities across the country. 78. Because of a bill signed and championed by Trump, In 2020, most federal employees will see their pay increase by an average of 3.1% the largest raise in more than 10 years. This is grossly misleading, at best. This is true, though it is unclear how many people have been able to participate in it. 94. Enacted a new policy aimed at preventing American dollars from funding the Cuban regime, including stricter travel restrictions and restrictions on the importation of Cuban alcohol and tobacco. In FY 2019, ICE HSI seized 12,466 pounds of opioids including 3,688 pounds of fentanyl, an increase of 35 percent from FY 2018. Distributed 125 million face masks to school districts. Issued strict sanctions on countries that have failed to take back their own nationals. 34. Trumps DOJ provided grants to organizations that support human trafficking victims serving nearly 9,000 cases from July 1, 2017, to June 30, 2018.. Launched a new pro-American lesson plan for students called the 1776 Commission to promote patriotic education. Argentina lifted its ban on American pork. For 2020, Mr. Trump initially proposed a pay freeze, but then changed his proposal to a 2.6 percent increase. Issued a rule with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to make illegal aliens ineligible for public housing. Over 460 companies have signed the Pledge to Americas Workers, committing to provide more than 16 million job and training opportunities. This is false. Made an agreement to support the large-scale manufacturing of AstraZenecas cocktail of two monoclonal antibodies. 28. Required all American citizens returning home from designated outbreak countries to return through designated airports with enhanced screening measures, and to undergo a self-quarantine. Expanded apprenticeships to more than 850,000 and established the new Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship programs in new and emerging fields. But the anti-trafficking community gives the Trump administration low marks because the administrations harsh treatment of undocumented immigrants has caused victims of human trafficking to fear turning to authorities for help. The average American family saved $2,500 a year in lower electric bills and lower prices at the gas pump. Indicted major Chinese drug traffickers for distributing fentanyl in the U.S for the first time ever, and convinced China to enact strict regulations to control the production and sale of fentanyl. . According to the Tax Foundation, the Tax Cut and Jobs Act doubled the maximum child tax credit from $1,000 to $2,000, while the phaseout threshold was increased from $75,000 to $200,000 for single filers and $110,000 to $400,000 for married couples filing jointly. Over 90 percent of American agricultural exports to Japan now receive preferential treatment, and most are duty-free. Trump signed legislation forgiving Hurricane Katrina debt that threatened HBCUs. 13. First president to convene a meeting at the United Nations to end religious persecution. This previously existing position was moved from the Department of Education to the White House. Killed the leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, and eliminated the worlds top terrorist, Qasem Soleimani. Topping the list was appointing Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. Added 2,100 new Medicare Advantage plan options since 2017, a 76 percent increase. On Nov. 30, 2020, for . Recovered more endangered or threatened species than any other administration in its first term. Provided approximately $13 billion to accelerate vaccine development and to manufacture all of the top candidates in advance. Energy industry insiders announced Friday that the United States is poised to become the world largest oil exporter; surpassing Saudi Arabia for the first time as early as next year. Scott Gottlieb, the former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, was praised for his efforts to streamline the process of drug approval before he left the administration. 51. Consumer confidence & small business confidence is at an all-time high. Provided new Medicare Advantage supplemental benefits, including modifications to help keep seniors safe in their homes, respite care for caregivers, non-opioid pain management alternatives like therapeutic massages, transportation, and more in-home support services and assistance. Secured more than 90 percent of the worlds supply of Remdesivir, enough to treat over 850,000 high-risk patients. In January of 2020, there were about 152 million nonfarm jobs in the country about seven million more than existed in January of 2017, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 95 percent of U.S. manufacturers are optimistic about the futurethe highest ever. Signed an executive order to make it easier for businesses to offer retirement plans. The number of Veterans who say they trust VA services has increased 19 percent to a record 91 percent, an all-time high. It indicates the ability to send an email. Contracted with companies such as Ford, General Motors, Philips, and General Electric to produce ventilators. The amount of food stamps redeemed at farmers markets increased from $1.4 million in May 2020 to $1.75 million in September 2020 a 50 percent increase over last year. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo unveiled a series of crippling new sanctions on Iran Friday; citing the countrys ongoing nuclear and missile programs and blasting the regimes growing influence in the region. Best Known For: Sean Hannity is a conservative radio and television host, and one of the original . Trump Administration Accomplishments (UPDATED) Almost 4 million jobs created since election. The sanctions come less than 24 hours after President Trump officially recognized the disputed Golan Heights as sovereign Israeli territory; ending decades of confusion after the region was annexed by the Jewish State in 1981. Over 2,000 retail pharmacy stores, including CVS, Walmart, and Walgreens, are providing testing using new regulatory and reimbursement options. Finalized a partnership with CVS and Walgreens to deliver vaccines directly to residents of nursing homes and long-term care facilities as soon as a state requests it, at no cost to Americas seniors. Restored public access to Federal land at Bears Ears National Monument and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. Richard Grenell is leading an effort to decriminalize homosexuality around the globe. The United States has been a net natural gas exporter for three consecutive years and has an export capacity of nearly 10 billion cubic feet per day. Issued the Guidelines for Opening Up America Again, a detailed blueprint to help governors as they began reopening the country. 11. Although he condemned the violence, he repeatedly endorsed the bogus conspiracy theory that "radical groups" like antifa infiltrated the mob of Trump supporters to sow chaos at the Capitol. The Treasury Department approved the establishment of the Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility to provide liquidity to the financial system. 19. Reduced burdensome barriers to ensure Native Americans are free to keep spiritually and culturally significant eagle feathers found on their tribal lands. The tax-cut bill. Provided approximately $1 billion to support the manufacturing and distribution of Johnson & Johnsons vaccine candidate. Authorized sanctions against bad actors tied to Syrias chemical weapons program. Signed an executive order to help Veterans transition seamlessly into the United States Merchant Marine. 75. Small Business Administration expanded access to emergency economic assistance for small businesses, faith-based, and religious entities. 35. 20. Prevented Russian energy coercion across Europe through various lines of effort, including the Partnership for Transatlantic Energy Cooperation, civil nuclear deals with Romania and Poland, and opposition to Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Department of Housing and Urban development ( HUD ) to make it easier for businesses to offer retirement plans American... The seafood industry and impede hannity list of trump accomplishments to date creation end religious persecution campaign to end the epidemic. 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