cook county minimum wage 2022
After 2020, the county minimum wage will be subject to increases based on the CPI. Cook County's minimum wage will rise from $13 to $13.35 for non-tipped workers, and $6.60 to $7.40 for tipped. Ordinance No. t 312.346.5700 f 312.896.2500, Springfield Office | Illinois Policy Cook County and Chicagos annual minimum wage increases go into effect on July 1, 2022. Minimum Wage - 2023; Derechos de los Trabajadores/Workers Rights (PowerPoint) Ayuda Legal del Condado de Cook para inquilinos y propietarios Contacto/Contact; Plan Estratgico/Strategic Plan. It is not to be used as a substitute for legal advice or counsel. The rate will continue to increase on Jan. 1 each year until it hits $15 per hour on Jan. 1, 2025. In October 2016, the Cook County Board voted to raise the countys minimum wage to $13 by July 2020. Municipal leaders have expressed concerns about the anti-competitive, job-killing effects of Cook Countys minimum wage increases and new sick leave law and are using home rule authority to exempt their communities from the requirements. 42-13) and rules (Sec. Brookfield 13. July 1, 2022 Minimum Wage. Hikes in the minimum wage can make it more expensive for employers to hire relatively inexperienced teens, and can contribute to unemployment among young people. . The minimum wage increase rate is capped at no more 2.5% per year and will not rise if Cook County experiences unemployment of at least 8.5% the previous year. By comparison, employment decreased 1.2 percent for Hispanic males, and dropped 2.5 percent for white males in the same age and education categories. The updates can be viewed in EPI's interactive starts here. Optional Illinois Labor Law Posters 6 PDFS. Rising costs of goods and services has cut Illinoisans pay by $2,230 on average. . 2023 Living Wage Poster 16-5768, 42-11, 10-26-2016.) Intake interviews are by appointment only, please call or email to make an intake appointment. Mandatory Cook County IL Labor Law Notices. Cook County should follow suit and reconsider its minimum wage hike and sick leave mandate. Cook County ordinances raise minimum wage to $13 per hour, mandate up to 5 days sick leave. Click here to review Cook County's minimum wage law. The employer maintains a business facility in Cook County or is issued a business license by Cook County. In suburban Cook County, the minimum wage for non-tipped workers will increase to $13.35 an hour and $7.40 for tipped workers. State of Illinois Minimum Wage and Tipped Wage, Cook County Tipped Wage Increase as of January 1, 2022. $4.75 Tip Credit. J.B. Pritzker signed legislation in 2019 putting . As a reminder, the state of Illinois' minimum wage and tipped wage rates are set to increase on January 1, 2022. . The Daily Herald reported that the Des Plaines City Council voted to opt out of the ordinances June 19, reversing a previous decision to go along with the laws. 6-105-030 Minimum hourly wage in occupations receiving gratuities. The study authors noted that according to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data, the restaurant industry uses minimum wage workers more than other sectors. Interestingly, the Chicago and Cook County ordinances provide that when unemployment in Chicago or Cook County, respectively, reaches 8.5 percent or higher, the minimum wage will not increase the following year. The minimum wage applies to all employees except agricultural workers ( $8.00 per hour is the minimum wage for most agricultural workers), members of a religious order, workers being trained in certain educational, nonprofit, or religious organizations, and outside sales people. The MWO sets the lowest amount an employer must legally pay their employees. If state lawmakers have not increased the statewide minimum wage by July 1, 2021, Wilmette would out back out of the county ordinance, dropping minimum wage from $13 an hour to $8.25 an hour. Cook County Government. More than 50 municipalities have opted out of Cook Countys minimum wage hike, sick days mandate, unemployment in Chicago or Cook County, respectively, reaches 8.5 percent, Des Plaines City Council voted to opt out, reduction of over $100 million per year in total payroll, highest black unemployment rate in the nation. However, this is set to change in 2020, when the state will raise the minimum wage to $10.00. But research shows that increasing the cost of hiring people through minimum wage hikes means many workers with lower skill levels and comparatively little experience will be priced out of the job market altogether, and many job-creating businesses will have a hard time staying afloat. Among the municipalities that have opted out are some of the areas major entertainment, restaurant and retail hubs. The state minimum wage is currently $12 an hour. Editor/Writer . The Ordinance also applies even those who may be working within the County to make deliveries or driving within the County limits. Effective Jan. 1, the statewide Illinois minimum wage will rise to $13 per hour for non-tipped employees ages 18 and . $12.75 (60) $6.38 (30) $6.37 . The minimum wage for tipped workers increased to $7.40. Chicago: On December 5, Cook County issued a notice to employees regarding the Minimum Wage Ordinance (MWO). Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. 2022 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. If the municipality has not opted out, employees can file a complaint with the Cook County Human Rights Commission. Chicago passed a similar sick leave ordinance in 2016. On June 27, the Wilmette Village Board voted to opt out of the minimum wage and sick leave ordinances by votes of 6-1 and 5-2, respectively. In the city of Chicago beginning July 1, minimum wage for employers with 21 or more employees with be $15.40, and $14.50 or smaller employers. 300 S. Riverside Plaza | 1650 | Chicago, IL 60606 And local ordinances to hike the minimum wage and mandate paid sick leave now loom over municipalities in Cook County, as the laws will take effect July 1. They will be based on percentage increases determined by the . See How All 50 Wards Voted in the 2023 Chicago Mayoral Election, The employee has worked for an employer in Cook County for at least 2 hours in any two-week period, and, The employer has four or more employees, and, The employer maintains a business facility in Cook County or is issued a business license by Cook County. 2.04), Cook Countys minimum wage calculation may not be used when the unemployment rate in Cook County is 8.5% or greater. The Chicago City Council and Cook County Board effectively admitted that wage hike mandates can depress employment when they included unemployment escape clauses in the ordinances. In 2019, Illinois Gov.. Each year the minimum wage increases according to a formula set by the Ordinance. If a suburb opted-out, the Illinois minimum wage applies. Today, Cook County issued a notice to employees regarding the Minimum Wage Ordinance (MWO). *%: M'pe`l;j The Cook County Board effectively admitted that wage hike mandates can depress employment when they included unemployment escape clauses in the ordinances. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy Chicago Office | Illinois Policy On Jan. 1, 2022 the state's minimum wage increases to $12 per hour. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy With economists forecasting prolonged inflation, its likely the Federal Reserve will keep hiking interest rates. And while a large chain might be able to absorb the costs of a minimum wage hike by hiring fewer new employees, these costs impose greater hardships on small businesses. Use the interactive map to find the minimum wage for your county or metropolitan area. All Rights Reserved. By Emmanuel Elone. Complaint forms and additional informationcan be found online. That report revealed that the employment rate for low-wage workers fell by about 1 percentage point, and the number of hours worked by low-wage workers lagged behind those of similar workers in the region. Effective January 1, 2023, the minimum wage for tipped workers increases to $7.80, in alignment with the Illinois State minimum wage. The ordinance states that in each year, the highest minimum wage governs in Cook County, whether that is the federal minimum wage, the state wage, or the countys minimum as set forth in the new law. Employees who believe that their employer has violated the Cook County Living Wage Ordinance should contact the Cook County Commission on Human Rights about filing a complaint. t 312.346.5700 f 312.896.2500, Springfield Office | Illinois Policy Raising the minimum wage and mandating paid sick leave might sound pro-worker, but leaders in many Cook municipalities have said these measures would impose heavy burdens on businesses, and result in fewer jobs for residents. Both are increasing July 1 to $15.40 and $14.50, respectively. Today, Cook County issued a notice to employees regarding the Minimum Wage Ordinance (MWO). Massachusetts laws The black unemployment rate in Illinois is more than double the states jobless rate for white residents. The Chicago minimum wage will increase to $15.40 per hour for employers with 21 or more employees and to $14.50 per hour for employers with 4-20 employees. The state's $10 per hour minimum wage is set to rise by $1 on Jan. 1, 2022, until it hits $15 per hour in 2025. Starting 2021, the annual increases will be published by the Commissioner of Labor on or before October 1. MIT labor economist David Autor said in a statement reported by the Los Angeles Times, [The study] suggests we should be proceeding cautiously when we start pushing minimum wages into ranges where they are pretty significant., The June 2017 study echoed the 2016 report by University of Washington researchers on the effects of the first phase of Seattles increase in its minimum wage, when the rate increased to as much as $11 an hour from $9.47 an hour. State. The notice is effective Jan. 1, 2022, and reflects changes to the tipped minimum wage and the youth minimum wage for certain teenage workers. If the municipality has not opted out, employees can file a complaint with the Cook County Human Rights Commission. In Cook County the . The minimum wage for non-tipped workers remains $13.35. The minimum wage for employees in suburban Cook County will also increase on July 1st to $13.35 per hour. $14.00. The number of Cook County municipalities that have opted out of both ordinances has climbed to 107. Minimum wage workers are being encouraged to keep a close eye on their paychecks in the new year. Employers should provide new tip credit notices every time a tipped employees wage rate changes. Rosemont, for example, is home to Allstate Arena, Rivers Casino is located in Des Plaines, and Arlington Heights has the Arlington International Racecourse. June 1, 2022 / 6:19 PM / CBS Chicago CHICAGO (CBS) - In just a month, minimum wage in Cook County will increase from $13 an hour to $13.35 an hour for non-tipped workers. Cook County. Last year, the minimum wage was $11 and $6.60, respectively. MUNICIPALITIES THAT HAVE OPTED OUT OF BOTH THE COOK COUNTY MINIMUM WAGE ORDINANCE AND THE COOK COUNTY PAID SICK LEAVE ORDINANCE 1. Decisions of the Commission on Human Rights, Office of the Independent Inspector General, CARES Act Information for Local Governments, Freedom of Information Act for Offices Under the President, Living Wage Ordinance Protocol (122.31 KB). Yen also told the Tribune that business owners would need to pass on the higher labor costs to the consumer through increased prices., Minimum wage hikes can drive companies out of business. Large Employers; 21 or more employees; Small Employers; 4 to 20 employees; . Minimum wage increases can make it harder for teens to get starter jobs, and can hurt minority communities. 2.04), Cook Countys minimum wage calculation may not be used when the unemployment rate in Cook County is 8.5% or greater. With the increases in the Chicago and Cook County minimum wage, the minimum wage paid to tipped employees will also increase. While the federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour, and Illinois statewide minimum wage is currently $8.25 per hour, the city of Chicago and Cook County have each hiked their minimum wages even higher. Starting July 1, minimum wage in Chicago will increase by $1 to $14 per hour for employers with more than 21 workers. The minimum wage in Cook County outside of Chicago will remain at $13 per hour because the unemployment rate in 2020 was greater than 8.5%, officials said. 2021 Minimum Wage. starts here. The 2016 study revealed that the employment rate for low-wage workers fell by 1 percentage point, and the number of hours worked by low-wage workers lagged behind those of similar workers in the region. By comparison, employment decreased 1.2 percent for Hispanic males, and dropped 2.5 percent for white males in the same age and education categories. 373 0 obj <>stream Effective July 1, 2022. These range from $12.32 in Santa Fe, New Mexico, to $17.54 in SeaTac, Washington. Officials in municipalities that voted against the Cook County wage hike and sick leave mandates have expressed concern for the job-killing effect they could have, especially given that many of these towns are near counties that have not increased the minimum wage or imposed new sick leave mandates. But if 8.5 percent countywide unemployment is high enough to halt increases in the minimum wage under the ordinance, shouldnt the states 12.7 percent black unemployment rate and the fact that 34.3 percent of Cook County 20-to-24-year-old black residents are out of both school and work give lawmakers pause? Effective July 1, 2021, the minimum wage for non-tipped workers will remain $13.00. Blue Island 10. %PDF-1.6 % In 2022, while the federal minimum wage will remain at $7.25 per hour for non-tipped employees and $2.13 per hour for tipped employees, several states' minimum wage rates will increase. *2023 Poster is shipping now. Bedford Park 6. Cook County, which has its own minimum wage ordinance, will also increase its minimum wage on July 1, from $13 to $13.35 for non-tipped workers, and from $6.60 to $7.40 for tipped. Smaller employers (100 or fewer employees) continue paying at least $13.50 until July. 1/26 . Cook County to Raise Minimum Wage to $13.35 Starting July 1. 12/2021 - VESSA - Victims Economic Security and Safety Act - Will . starts here. A study released in December 2015 by University of California, San Diego Assistant Professor of Economics Jeffrey Clemens reveals that minimum wage increases between 2006 and 2012 reduced employment for people ages 16 to 30 with less than a high school diploma by 5.6 percentage points. $13.00 (No Change) $7.20 5 (60) $5.80 (-60) Maine. Minimum Wage Increases in 2022: A Chart of Upcoming Changes and Interactive Map Tuesday, December 21, 2021 In 2022, while the federal minimum wage will remain at $7.25 per hour for. The employer maintains a business facility in Cook County or is issued a business license by Cook County. Sec. hbbd```b`` "7H$)[ "d2 "kl}8#}6D@{>m"E`s3UVH``q[ DAd8qX SETS MINIMUM WAGE IN CHICAGO (MCC 6 -105) MINIMUM WAGE. In the event that the Cook County unemployment rate exceeds 8.5%, the minimum wage is set to the greater of the Federal or . Bridgeview 11. 6-105-040 Overtime compensation. This is a huge victory for Chicagoans and Cook County residents looking to make higher wages. GovDocs, Inc. The minimum wage for employees in suburban Cook County will also increase on July 1st to $13.35 per hour. Cook Countys minimum wage will rise from $13 to $13.35 for non-tipped workers, and $6.60 to $7.40 for tipped. 6-105-020 Minimum hourly wage. Minimum wages for tipped employees such as restaurant servers will increase to $9.24, and $8.70 for small businesses. Illinois provides an additional six labor law posters that are either optional to post, or mandatory only for certain types of employer. Typically, workers should be paid the wage for the county where you work 50% or more of . Teenagers (under the age of 18) are not entitled to the minimum wage. Nevada. Pursuant to the MWO (Sec. Any time worked in 2022 must reflect the new $12 an hour minimum wage. Across the state, inflation has far exceeded wage growth. 107 localities opt out of both Cook County ordinances. 16-5768 (MWO) was passed by the Cook County Board of Commissioners on October 26, 2016. Cook County Minimum Wage. All Domestic Workers must receive at least the $15.40 minimum wage. Bensenville 8. Arlington Heights 3. Spanish-Language Posters. State: Jurisdiction/Minimum Wage: . A Harvard Business School study released in April examined San Francisco-area minimum wage hikes and their effect on restaurants in the Bay Area. Illinois The current minimum wage for the state of Illinois for non-tipped workers is $12, and $7.20 for tipped workers. As of 12/31/2022. Yen also told the Tribune that business owners would need to pass on the higher labor costs to the consumer through increased prices.. Tipped employees will increase from $7.20 an hour to $7.40 an hour. Since Cook County passed its minimum wage and sick leave ordinances in October 2016, Illinois Policy Institute research shows 107 Cook County municipalities have opted out of both ordinances, one municipality has opted out of only the sick leave ordinance, and three municipalities have opted out of only the minimum wage ordinance. Not to be outdone, the City of Chicago and Cook County are increasing their set minimum wages on July 1, 2022. Inflation has rapidly outpaced wage growth, cutting the average Illinoisans pay by $2,200. Coverage depends on the physical location (in Minneapolis) of the employee while performing work, regardless of the employee's age. comeback Ordinance No. In 2022, while the federal minimum wage will remain at $7.25 per hour for non-tipped employees and $2.13 per hour for tipped employees, several states' minimum wage rates will increase. and Terms of Service apply. The increases in suburban Cook County will not apply to suburbs that opted-out of the Cook County Minimum Wage Ordinance. But if 8.5 percent citywide or countywide unemployment is high enough to halt increases in the minimum wage under the ordinances, shouldnt the states 12.7 percent black unemployment rate and the fact that 34.3 percent of Cook County 20-to-24-year-old black residents are out of both school and work give lawmakers pause? Officials in the Illinois county announced on June 7 that the standard minimum wage will remain at $13 . Employers know that the new year brings minimum wage increases for dozens of jurisdictions across the U.S. On Jan. 1, 2023, 40 counties and cities will increase their minimum wage rates. Copyright 2023 NBCUniversal Media, LLC. COOK COUNTY - Minimum wage increased across Cook County Saturday morning. If this resolution passes, Skokie workers making the current Cook County-required minimum wage ($11.00) - many of whom were happily anticipating the $12/hour on July 1st - would have to wait until July 2022 to receive the promised $12.00. Workers under 18 will see a $12 minimum wage for non-tipped jobs, and $7.20 for tipped. Currently, 39 localitiescities and countieshave minimum wages that are higher than their state minimum wage. Cook Countys minimum wage notice is here. The county's hourly minimum wage will remain unchanged at $13.00. But wage hikes have a worse effect on lower quality restaurants: A $1 increase in the minimum wage leads to a 14 percent rise in the likelihood a 3.5-star-rated (i.e., median-rated on Yelp) restaurant will close, according to the study. Chicago Office | Illinois Policy Gov. 5 Although the county minimum wage exceeds the state rate, the state minimum cash wage (MCW . All rights reserved, Chicago Police Supt. Of these, 26 raised their minimum wages on January 1. i Table 2 shows these New Year's Day increases. Approximately 1.4 million Illinois residents earn the state's minimum wage. 300 S. Riverside Plaza | 1650 | Chicago, IL 60606 . As of July 1, 2020, the Chicago minimum wage is $13.50 per hour for employers that have four to 20 workers and $14 for employers that . %%EOF Cook County ordinances raise minimum wage to $13 per hour, mandate up to 5 days' sick leave While the federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour, and Illinois' statewide minimum wage is. 1305 Corporate Center Drive After 2020, the county minimum wage will be subject to increases based on the CPI. On Jan. 1, 2023, those rates will increase to $13 for non-tipped workers and $7.80 for tipped workers. 300 S. Riverside Plaza | 1650 | Chicago, IL 60606 Effective Jan. 1, the minimum wage for tipped workers increases to . Chicago City Council passed a minimum wage increase for Chicago in 2014, setting the minimum wage in the city at $10 per hour in 2015, and raising it incrementally every year until it hits $13 per hour in 2019. endstream endobj 303 0 obj <>/Metadata 26 0 R/Pages 300 0 R/StructTreeRoot 47 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 304 0 obj <. According to a 2011 study by the Employment Policies Institute, for every 10 percent hike in the minimum wage, employment declined 6.5 percent for 16-to-24-year-old black males without a high school diploma. 2023 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. Check this list carefully to see if any of these labor posters are relevant to your business. Chicago, IL 60602. who continue to work after their work-study has ended or becomes exhausted must also be paid at the Chicago and Cook County minimum wage. / CBS Chicago. Minimum wage for tipped employees at large companies will be $9.24 and $8.70 for small companies. To stay on top of the changes, check out our guide, County and City Minimum Wage Rates: Jan. 1, 2023. story The unemployment rate in Cook County for the previous year was equal to or greater than 8.5%. Statewide, black Illinoisans had a jobless rate of 12.7 percent in 2016, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data; Illinois is tied with Nevada for the highest black unemployment rate in the nation. Increases in minimum wages can drive some firms out of business entirely. and Terms of Service apply. The minimum wage in Cook County on July 1 will increase for both non-tipped workers and tipped workers, a press release from the county states. Chicago passed a minimum wage ordinance in 2014. New study points to loss of jobs and work hours due to Seattles minimum wage increases, A June 2017 University of Washington report on the effects of Seattles minimum wage hike found a 9 percent decrease in hours worked by lower-wage workers and a decline in total payroll for such jobs during the second phase of the wage hike in 2016, when rates climbed to as much as $13 an hour from as much as $11 an hour. The minimum wage for tipped employees in suburban Cook County will increase to $7.40 per hour. The minimum wage in Illinois is set to increase another dollar on Saturday, Jan. 1, 2022. and Terms of Service apply. Wages at smaller businesses will increase to $13.50. Unlike last year, where the unemployment rate was greater than 8.5%, the. Pursuant to the MWO (Sec. Illinois Tipped Minimum Wage Laws for 2022, 2023 Illinois' normal state minimum wage rate is $13.00 per hour. The hourly minimum wage in Cook County, Illinois, will increase to $13.35 for nontipped employees and $7.40 for tipped employees effective July 1, according to the county's minimum wage webpage on May 31. . Not to be outdone, the City of Chicago and Cook County are increasing their set minimum wages on July 1, 2022. Currently the minimum wage in Cook County is $13 for non-tipped employees and $6.60 for tipped employees. The Seattle Times noted, For an average low-wage worker in Seattle, that translates into a loss of about $125 per month per job., This newstudy echoed findings in a 2016 University of Washington report on the effects of the first phase of Seattles increase in its minimum wage. Those who did work had fewer hours than they would have without the wage hike., A study released in June by researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, however, found the hike in Seattles minimum wage had no effect on employment in Seattles food services industry. Minimum wages for Chicago and Cook County are increasing July 1. Neither scenario will be friendly for Illinoisans, however they appear unavoidable as record spending and wide-spread federal stimulus coupled with supply chain disruptions and pent-up demand from COVID-19 have created our current inflationary environment. Next year on January 1, that will increase to $10.50. Burnham In the event that the Cook County . Cook County, Illinois Local Minimum Wage for 2022, 2023 While Illinois' state minimum wage is $13.00 per hour, Cook County has set its own, higher minimum wage rate that applies to employees of all companies who work within Cook County. Employers must inform employees of these increases in writing. July 1, those rates will rise to $13.35 for non-tipped workers and $7.40 for tipped workers. story Again, this increase may not apply to suburbs that opted-out of the Cook County Minimum Wage Ordinance. Each year the minimum wage increases according to a formula set by the Ordinance. But wage hikes have a worse effect on lower quality restaurants: A $1 increase in the minimum wage leads to a 14 percent rise in the likelihood a 3.5-star-rated (i.e., median-rated on Yelp) restaurant will close, according to the study. The head of government relations for Jewel-Osco grocery stores told the Tribune the grocery chains costs had shot up for its 35 Chicago stores after the city increased its minimum wage, causing Jewel-Osco to hire 5 percent fewer workers the year after the law went into effect. Interestingly, Chicagos and Cook Countys ordinances provide that when unemployment in Chicago or Cook County, respectively, reaches 8.5 percent or higher, the minimum wage will not increase the following year. The researchers found that across all restaurants, a $1 increase in the minimum wage means a 4-10 percent increase in the likelihood a restaurant will go out of business. Employers can contact the Cook County Bureau of Finance for advice regarding compliance with the Cook County Living Wage Ordinance. Per the city's Minimum Wage Ordinance, on July 1, 2022, Chicago's minimum wage for non-tipped workers will increase to $15.40 for large businesses that employ 21 or more workers, and. And the Glenview board of trustees voted 4-1 on June 8 to opt out of Cook Countys minimum wage hike and sick leave ordinances, according to the Chicago Tribune. The poverty rate reflects a person's gross annual income. 2.04), the Cook County minimum wage calculation may not be used when the unemployment rate in Cook County is 8.5% or greater. The Ordinance applies to hourly, salaried, and tipped employees, over the age of 18, working in Cook County, even those who may be working within the County to make deliveries or driving within the County limits. These updated notices should also be posted with other legally-required posters. The tip credit notice must inform the tipped employee: (1) of the new hourly rate; (2) the amount of the tip credit taken (i.e., the difference between the full minimum wage and the tipped minimum wage); (3) that all tips received by the employee must be retained by the employee (except for tip pooling/sharing arrangements); and (4) that the tip credit will not be taken for employees who do not receive the notice. While the federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour, and Illinois statewide minimum wage is currently $8.25 per hour, the city of Chicago and Cook County have each hiked their minimum wages even higher. The Wages set out in Sections 42-13 and 42-14 are subject to the overtime compensation provisions in the Cook County Minimum Wage Law, with the exception that the definitions of "Employer" and "Employee" in this chapter shall apply. 6-105-045 Paid sick leave. In addition to the minimum wage increases July 1, Chicago businesses in health care, food service, retail and warehouses must release work schedules 14 days in advance instead of 10 because of a change in city rules. Currently the minimum wage in Cook County is $13 for non-tipped employees and $6.60 for tipped employees. Living Wage Effective January 1, 2023 until June 30, 2023, the living wage rate is $16.50 per hour. According to a 2011 study by the Employment Policies Institute, for every 10 percent hike in the minimum wage, employment declined 6.5 percent for 16-to-24-year-old black males without a high school diploma. This ordinance requires that all employers who contract with Cook County government to provide labor or who operate on property in Cook County that receives a Class 6B, Class 8 or Class 9 property tax incentive pay their employees not less than a living wage as determined annually by Cook County's Chief Financial Officer. 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County are increasing July 1 starting 2021, the minimum wage in Cook County a... Restaurant and retail hubs Drive after 2020, when the unemployment rate in Illinois is to. Will also increase on Jan. 1, 2022 mandatory only for certain types of.! The average Illinoisans pay by $ cook county minimum wage 2022 on average 50 % or greater of January 1, those rates rise! 11 and $ 6.60 for tipped workers $ 7.40 for tipped employees wage rate changes 2016! % or greater or fewer employees ) continue paying at least $ 13.50 to increases based on increases! After 2020, when the unemployment rate was greater than 8.5 %, the County minimum wage to $ for! The interactive map to find the minimum wage will be published by the Ordinance labor posters. Either optional to post, or mandatory only for certain types of employer County tipped wage increase of... Not entitled to the consumer through increased prices in writing huge victory for Chicagoans and Cook are... To see if any of these increases in the Bay area 1305 Corporate Center Drive 2020! Pay their employees Board of Commissioners on October 26, 2016 employers contact... Announced on June 7 that the standard minimum wage calculation may not be used as a for! Ordinance 1 to tipped employees Chicago and Cook County will not apply to suburbs that opted-out of the major! And $ 6.60 for tipped workers file a complaint with the Cook County ordinances, and exclusive reporting 13.35 July. Their set minimum wages that are either optional to post, or mandatory only for types. New Mexico, to $ 13.35 1 each year until it hits 15! Are by appointment only, please call or email to make higher wages increased to $ 13.35 an and! The age of 18 ) are not entitled to the minimum wage will rise $. Should also be posted with other legally-required posters business facility in Cook will. $ 7.20 for tipped workers wage paid to tipped employees at large companies will be subject to increases based the... The age of 18 ) are not entitled to the minimum wage for workers...
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Articles C
cook county minimum wage 2022