a judicial order asking correctional officers to produce

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a judicial order asking correctional officers to produce

(b) A correctional facility should have equipment necessary for routine health care and emergencies, and an adequately supplied pharmacy. (b) When the initial screening pursuant to Standard 23-2.1 or any subsequent observation identifies a risk of suicide, the prisoner should be placed in a safe setting and promptly evaluated by a qualified mental health professional, who should determine the degree of risk, appropriate level of ongoing supervision, and appropriate course of mental health treatment. legal rules produced by judges' decisions. G. the time a prisoner spends meeting with counsel should not count as personal visiting time. the courts have recognized all of the following specific interests as justifying some restrictions on the constitutional rights of prisoners, except: in _______ the supreme court ruled juries, not judges, must make the crucial factual decisions on whether a convicted murderer should receive the death penalty. Procedures should exist for identifying individual prisoners who did not participate in incidents that led to the lockdown and whose access to programs and movement within the facility may be safely restored prior to the termination of lockdown status. (a) Contracts with private corporations or other private entities for the operation of a secure correctional facility should be disfavored. No prisoner should be shackled during a work assignment except after an individualized determination that security requires otherwise. (b) Conditions of extreme isolation should not be allowed regardless of the reasons for a prisoners separation from the general population. (g) Government legal services should be available to prisoners to the same extent they are available to non-prisoners. These Standards supplant the previous ABA Criminal Justice Standards on the Legal Status of Prisoners and, in addition, new Standard 23-6.15 supplants Standards 7-10.2 and 7-10.5 through 7-10.9 of the ABA Criminal Justice Mental Health Standards. Correctional officials should develop and promote other forms of communication between prisoners and their families, including video visitation, provided that such options are not a replacement for opportunities for in-person contact. (c) No disciplinary sanction should ever be administered by other prisoners, even under the direction of correctional authorities. (a) To the extent practicable and consistent with prisoner and staff safety, correctional authorities should minimize the periods during the day in which prisoners are required to remain in their cells. Correctional officials should allow a prisoner not receiving home furloughs to have extended visits with the prisoners family in suitable settings, absent an individualized determination that such an extended visit would pose a threat to safety or security. (iii) include an initial assessment whether the prisoner has any condition that makes the use of chemical agents or electronic weaponry against that prisoner particularly risky, in order to facilitate compliance with Standard 23-5.8(d). (a) Correctional authorities should screen each prisoner as soon as possible upon the prisoners admission to a correctional facility to identify the prisoner's immediate potential security risks, including vulnerability to physical or sexual abuse, and should closely supervise prisoners until screening and follow-up measures are conducted. (d) Correctional authorities should review the classification of a prisoner housed in a prison at least every [12 months], and the classification of a prisoner housed in a jail at least every [90 days]. (d) Prisoners employed by a correctional facility should be compensated in order to create incentives that encourage work habits and attitudes suitable for post-release employment. The evaluation should also consider the state of the prisoners mental health; address the extent to which the individuals behavior, measured against the plan, justifies the need to maintain, increase, or decrease the level of controls and restrictions in place at the time of the evaluation; and recommend a full classification review as described in subdivision (d) of this Standard when appropriate. (vi) at least every four hours, a qualified medical professional should conduct a complete in-person evaluation to determine the prisoners need for either continued restraint or transfer to a medical or mental health facility. If correctional authorities have a reasonable suspicion that a prisoners legal materials contain non-legal material that violates written policy, they should be permitted to read the materials only to the extent necessary to determine whether they are legal in nature. (a) A correctional facility should provide appropriate and individualized mental health care treatment and habilitation services to prisoners with mental illness, mental retardation, or other cognitive impairments. (d) Correctional authorities should respect the human rights and dignity of prisoners. Suicide observation should be documented, and prisoners under suicide observation should be evaluated by a qualified mental health professional prior to being removed from observation. (v) forbid the use of electronic weaponry in drive-stun or direct contact mode. (d) When the possible sanction for a disciplinary offense includes the delay of a release date, loss of sentencing credit for good conduct or good conduct time earning capability, or placement in disciplinary segregation, a prisoner should be found to have committed that offense only after an individualized determination, by a preponderance of the evidence. b. administrative control theory. Correctional authorities should evaluate reports of sexual assault or threats of sexual assault without regard to a prisoners sexual orientation, gender, or gender identity and should not be permitted to retaliate formally or informally against prisoners who make such reports. (b) Correctional authorities should make appropriate accommodations for prisoners with special dietary needs for reasons of health or age. Correctional authorities should be permitted to censor material if it could be censored in publications sent to prisoners through the mail. (s) The term serious mental illness means a substantial disorder of thought or mood that significantly impairs judgment, behavior, capacity to recognize reality or cope with the ordinary demands of life within the prison environment and is manifested by substantial pain or disability. Habeas Corpus. (e) Correctional authorities should not be assigned responsibilities potentially requiring the use of force unless they are appropriately trained for the anticipated type of force, and are initially and periodically evaluated as being physically and mentally fit for such hazardous and sensitive duties. The provisions of this Standard applicable to counsel apply equally to consular officials for prisoners who are not United States citizens. Prisoners should be allowed to receive any visitor not excluded by correctional officials for good cause. (c) In no case should correctional authorities use force against a prisoner: (i) to enforce an institutional rule or an order unless the disciplinary process is inadequate to address an immediate security need; (ii) to gratuitously inflict pain or suffering, punish past or present conduct, deter future conduct, intimidate, or gain information; or. The evaluation process should include mechanisms by which prisoners can provide both positive and negative comments about their care. (b) A prisoner should not be administered sedating or otherwise psychoactive drugs for purposes of discipline or convenience, or because of any decision relating to programming or privileges; such drugs should be used only to treat health conditions. (c) Correctional authorities should implement policies and practices to enable a prisoners confidential contact and communication with counsel that incorporate the following provisions: (i) For letters or other documents sent or passed between counsel and a prisoner: A. correctional authorities should not read the letter or document, and should search only for physical contraband; and. (d) A correctional facility should have or provide adequate access to a library for the use of all prisoners, adequately stocked with a wide range of both recreational and educational resources, books, current newspapers, and other periodicals. If public transportation to a correctional facility is not available, correctional officials should work with transportation authorities to facilitate the provision of such transportation. The prisoner should be given written documentation of this information. Assume all accounts have normal balances. (b) Informal resolution of minor disciplinary violations should be encouraged provided that prisoners have notice of the range of sanctions that may be imposed as a result of such an informal resolution, those sanctions are only minimally restrictive, and the imposition of a sanction is recorded and subject to prompt review by supervisory correctional staff, ordinarily on the same day. (c) Correctional authorities should allow professionally accredited journalists reasonable use of notebooks, writing implements, video and still cameras, and audio recorders. Correctional facility policies should not significantly burden a prisoners ability to engage in a practice motivated by a sincerely held religious belief, even by imposition of a facially neutral rule or policy, absent a compelling institutional interest and a determination that there are no less restrictive means of furthering that interest. No health care provider should be permitted to practice in a correctional facility beyond the scope permissible for that individual provider outside of a correctional facility, given the providers particular qualifications and licensing. (d) Correctional authorities should house and manage prisoners with physical disabilities, including temporary disabilities, in a manner that provides for their safety and security. (c) Hospitals and infirmaries operated by or within correctional facilities should meet the licensing standards applicable to similar, non-prison hospitals or infirmaries. This agency, which should be permitted to be the same entity responsible for investigations conducted pursuant to Standard 23-11.2(b), should anticipate and detect systemic problems affecting prisoners, monitor issues of continuing concern, identify best practices within facilities, and make recommendations for improvement. (iii) internal and external oversight of correctional operations. Each prisoner should receive a comprehensive medical and mental health assessment by qualified medical and mental health professionals no later than [14 days] after admission to a correctional facility, and a comprehensive medical assessment periodically thereafter, which should include mental health screening. (d) Visiting periods should be of adequate length. (a) Correctional authorities should be permitted to physically separate prisoners in segregated housing from other prisoners but should not deprive them of those items or services necessary for the maintenance of psychological and physical wellbeing. (e) Any examination of a transgender prisoner to determine that prisoners genital status should be performed in private by a qualified medical professional, and only if the prisoners genital status is unknown to the correctional agency. The frequency of periodic medical assessments should accord with community health standards, taking account of the age and health status of each prisoner. A written translation in a language the prisoner understands should be provided within a reasonable period of time to each literate prisoner who does not understand English. The prisoners own views with respect to his or her own safety should be given serious consideration. (c) Information about a prisoners health condition should be shared with correctional staff only when necessary and permitted by law, and only to the extent required for: (i) the health and safety of the prisoner or of other persons; (ii) the administration and maintenance of the facility or agency; (iii) quality improvement relating to health care; or. A facility that confines female prisoners should have on duty at all times adequate numbers of female staff to comply with Standard 23-7.10. States and the federal government should prohibit by statute and correctional agencies by policy any form of sexual contact between staff and prisoners. (a) Prisoners health care records should: (i) be compiled, maintained, and retained in accordance with accepted health care practice and standards; (ii) not include criminal or disciplinary records unless a qualified health care professional finds such records relevant to the prisoners health care evaluation or treatment; (iii) be maintained in a confidential and secure manner, separately from non-health-care files; (iv) accompany a prisoner to every facility to which the prisoner is transferred; and. Correctional authorities should not conduct searches in order to harass or retaliate against prisoners individually or as a group. For purposes of this subdivision, a prisoner in custody for transit to or from a secure correctional facility is considered to be within the perimeter of such facility. Inmates who assist other inmates in the preparation of legal documents or give other help in legal matters are referred to as. (b) Information about a prisoners health condition should not be disclosed to other prisoners. (d) Visual searches of a prisoners private bodily areas, whether or not inspection includes the prisoners body cavities, should: (i) be conducted only by trained personnel in a private place out of the sight of other prisoners and of staff not involved in the search, except that a prisoner should be permitted to request that more than one staff member be present; and. (a) No prisoner diagnosed with serious mental illness should be placed in long-term segregated housing. Correctional officials should set forth any applicable restrictions in a written policy. The term includes the chief executive officers emergency designee, if, for example, the chief executive officer is away or ill and has turned over command authority for a period of time. Procedural protections for prisoners should include, at a minimum: (i) access for all prisoners, with safeguards against reprisal; (ii) methods for confidential submission of grievances; (iii) reasonable filing and appeal deadlines; (iv) acceptance of grievances submitted or appealed outside the reasonable deadlines, if a prisoner has a legitimate reason for delay and that delay has not significantly impaired the agencys ability to resolve the grievance; (v) written responses to all grievances, including those deemed procedurally improper, stating the reasons for the decision, within prescribed, reasonable time limits; (vi) shortened time limits for responses to emergencies; (vii) an appeal process that allows no more than [70 days], cumulatively, for official response(s) to all levels of appeal except if a correctional official extends the period upon an individualized finding of special circumstances; (viii) treatment of any grievance or appeal as denied, for purposes of the prisoners subsequent appeal or review, if the prisoner is not provided a written response within the relevant time limit; and. (f) Except in an emergency, force should not be used unless authorized by a supervisory officer. Modifications are not required if they would pose an undue burden to the facility, cause a fundamental alteration to a program, or pose a direct threat of substantial harm to the health and safety of the prisoner or others. (f) A prisoner should be permitted to waive the right to a hearing if the prisoner so chooses after being informed of the disciplinary offense of which he or she is accused and the potential penalties and other consequences; such a waiver should be made in person to a designated correctional official who should accept it only if the prisoner understands the consequences. (c) Correctional authorities should take appropriate responsive measures without delay when intake screening identifies a need for immediate comprehensive assessment or for new or continuing medication or other treatment, suicide prevention measures, or housing that takes account of a prisoners special needs. A staff member should report any information relating to corrupt or criminal conduct by other staff directly to the chief executive officer of the facility or to an independent government official with responsibility to investigate correctional misconduct, and should provide any investigator with full and candid information about observed misconduct. (a) Governmental and correctional authorities should facilitate programs that allow crime victims to speak to groups of prisoners, and, at the request of a crime victim and with the consent of the prisoner, appropriate meetings or mediation between prisoners and their victims. Food should be prepared, maintained, and served at the appropriate temperatures and under sanitary conditions. In addition, if long-term segregation is being considered either because the prisoner poses a credible continuing and serious threat to the security of others or to the prisoners own safety, the prisoner should be afforded, at a minimum, the following procedural protections: (i) timely, written, and effective notice that such a placement is being considered, the facts upon which consideration is based, and the prisoners rights under this Standard; (ii) decision-making by a specialized classification committee that includes a qualified mental health care professional; (iii) a hearing at which the prisoner may be heard in person and, absent an individualized determination of good cause, has a reasonable opportunity to present available witnesses and information; (iv) absent an individualized determination of good cause, opportunity for the prisoner to confront and cross-examine any witnesses or, if good cause to limit such confrontation is found, to propound questions to be relayed to the witnesses; (v) an interpreter, if necessary for the prisoner to understand or participate in the proceedings; (vi) if the classification committee determines that a prisoner is unable to prepare and present evidence and arguments effectively on his or her own behalf, counsel or some other appropriate advocate for the prisoner; (vii) an independent determination by the classification committee of the reliability and credibility of confidential informants if material allowing such determination is available to the correctional agency; (viii) a written statement setting forth the evidence relied on and the reasons for placement; and. (h) The term governmental authorities encompasses persons in all branches and levels of government whose conduct affects correctional policy or conditions, including members of the legislature, prosecutors, judges, governors, etc. Correctional officials should annually review and update the handbooks provided to prisoners to ensure that they comport with current legal standards, facility and agency rules, and practice. (d) Courts should have the same equitable authority in cases involving challenges to conditions of confinement as in other civil rights cases. Absent an individualized finding that security would be compromised, such treatment should take place out of cell, in a setting in which security staff cannot overhear the conversation. (h) Correctional agencies should work together to develop uniform national definitions and methods of defining, collecting, and reporting accurate and complete data. (c) Correctional authorities should not withhold food or water from any prisoner. 2022 American Bar Association, all rights reserved. (v) incitement or threats to incite group disturbances in a correctional facility. The black letter Standards and accompanying commentary have been published in ABA Standards for Criminal Justice: Treatment of Prisoners, Third Edition 2011, American Bar Association. Prisoners should receive opportunities to mend and machine launder their clothing if the facility does not provide these services. (c) Pat-down searches and other clothed body searches should be brief and avoid unnecessary force, embarrassment, and indignity to the prisoner. (h) Following any incident in which a prisoner is subjected to use of either chemical agents or any kind of weapon or is injured during a use of force, the prisoner should receive an immediate health care examination and appropriate treatment, including decontamination. (c) Information given by a prisoner to any employee of the correctional authority in a designated counseling relationship under a representation of confidentiality should be privileged, except if the information concerns a contemplated crime or disclosure is required by law. In February 2010, the ABA House of Delegates approved a set of ABA Criminal Justice Standards on Treatment of Prisoners. This work (Criminal Justice Standards) may be used for non-profit educational and training purposes and legal reform (legislative, judicial, and executive) without written permission but with a citation to this source. (b) Correctional administrators and officials should foster an institutional culture that helps maintain a safe and secure facility, is conducive to humane and respectful treatment of prisoners, supports adherence to professional standards, and encourages ethical conduct. (c) A correctional agency should be required to respond in a public document to the findings of the monitoring agency, to develop an action plan to address identified problems, and to periodically document compliance with recommendations or explain noncompliance; however, if security requires, the public document should be permitted to be supplemented by a confidential one. When medically necessary, correctional authorities should be permitted to place a prisoner with a readily transmissible contagious disease in appropriate medical isolation or to restrict such a prisoner in other ways to prevent contagion of others. (d) Correctional administrators and officials should seek accreditation of their facilities and certification of staff from national organizations whose standards reflect best practices in corrections or in correctional sub-specialties. A suicidal prisoners clothing should be removed only if an individualized assessment finds such removal necessary, and the affected prisoner should be provided with suicide resistant garments that are sanitary, adequately modest, and appropriate for the temperature. (e) Correctional officials should encourage and accommodate visits by judges and lawmakers and by members of faith-based groups, the business community, institutions of higher learning, and other groups interested in correctional issues. _______are laws that are created by local, state, and federal governments, the number of section 1983 lawsuits among both state and federal prisoners dropped dramatically following the passage of the _________________. Health standards, taking account of the reasons for a prisoners separation from the general population not these., and an adequately supplied pharmacy withhold food or water from any prisoner with corporations! 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